In Finland, Teaching Computer Science Without Computers - The Atlantic
Feb 24, 2017
When it comes to technology, it’s hard to evaluate just how well the Finnish approach is working. Computer science isn’t covered on international tests, and it’s a relatively recent addition to the curriculum. But Liukas and others point to Finnish inventions like Linux and Nokia as evidence that the country’s education system sparks the innovation and entrepreneurship that will drive the tech-based economy of the future. And while the United States is obviously a different beast than Finland, with a host of challenges, as Liukas tells the children she meets, “Even the biggest problems in the world are just tiny problems stuck together.”
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It is super functional!
- Rayc
Robert Albert Young Chu
"Radiant Ambition Yields Change."
Call or Text :415-724-0425
Email: robert.chu01(a)
Hello Sudoroom & Omnicommons,
Earlier in the day when nobody was in Sudoroom, I removed one table (from
the dual table island adjacent to CCL). I set it up outside, as I using it
as a worktable for hacking on my van). About two hours later Steven came
blaring out the rear doors, yelling at me specifically saying "Fuck you"
over again, and "You have taken my table". "Fuck you" You could have taken
any other table, but you have taken my fucking table."
For the first couple of minutes I was trying to decipher if he was serious
or saying in a joking manner, then he kept yelling at me about the table.
I then tried to explain to him that nobody was in Sudoroom and there are
many other places to work (including the other table that is still connect
to the island).
He then yelled at me some more, and Max from Phat Beets came out and said
they were having a meeting. He then continued to yell over Max after that
was stated. I then proceed to ask Steven for proof of ownership of the
table, and also how does he own it. I also then asked how does he own this
table that (I'm pretty sure) is owned by Sudoroom.
My arms are still shaking from the trauma that this has caused (as I do
suffer from PTSD, for many quite a few big, serious reasons).
I do feel these blows are a pattern of behavior that should not be ignored.
As when Sudomesh was having a meeting on Sunday, Steve blew up because
somebody damaged his trailer's lock, and was loud and disruptive about it
for many hours during that day.
There was also a time that his laptop got stolen, and he flipped and kicked
a set of plastic bins in Sudoroom.
This explosive behavior is hard for me to deal with because of my PTSD.
The biggest thing with what has just transpired, is that the safe space
policy was tremendously violated, toward me, over something that really
should not have been an issue at all.
I am using a table that no one was using, it did have Steven's laptop bag
stored/attached to one of the feet. I think that is the bigger unsaid
reason of why he is upset. His personal stuff was touched.
This event happen about 1:15pm, and I am still a little unnerved. Right
after this happened I talked to another Sudoroom member about advice on
what to do, and was also calmed a bit as well. He recommend an email.
I also plan not having any interaction with Steven, and will avoid him, and
ignore him further. I don't feel safe around him.
Thanks for reading
Robert Albert Young Chu
"Radiant Ambition Yields Change."
Call or Text :415-724-0425 <(415)%20724-0425>
Email: robert.chu01(a)
The Village has been informed that their first site is slated for seismic
retrofit of the overpass their camp is under, requiring the area to be
cleared by November. They are demanding the city find 4 new parcels for
Villages. They're having a press conference on Friday and requesting
endorsements from organizations - please check with your collectives and
reply to this thread if you choose to support. Will discuss at Delegates
Meeting tmrw.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "anita de asis" <maowunyo(a)>
Date: Mar 8, 2018 23:54
Subject: urgent call to action from The Village!!!! please share with your
To: "anita de asis" <maowunyo(a)>
greeting friends, family, allies, and supporters.
as you may know, The Village in Oakland was granted the land at e 12th and
23rd ave on oct 5, 2017 to manage an autonomous, community led program of
temporary emergency housing and services for the duration of the shelter
crisis declaration - which we estimate will be at least 6 years if not
but in usual undermining form, the city is now forcing us to move off the
land by this november 2018 because cal trans and dept of transportation
will be demolishing the overpass that spans across the western side of the
parcel. according to the dept of transporation, this plan has been on the
books for the past 10 years
due to their total incompetence, we are negotiating for four new parcels of
land with the CIty Administration. And we will continue to build homes and
fill this current parcel up because 1. people needs homes and 2. all our
homes are designed to be forklifted. so once the city offers us new parcels
of lands that we can keep for the span of the shelter crisis declaration,
we will forklift them to those lands
also - two of our village leaders and residents were arrested for assault
and battery two weeks ago when they were defending themselves and the
encampment from a known predator. please read the attached statement from
the village and our legal team lead by attorney Walter Riley.
we are asking that those of you with an organization, faith based
institution or coalition etc please sign on to this statement as endorsers.
please contact me to let me know if your group will endorse us.
also, we be having a press conference and rally on the day the trial starts
Friday, March 16th 8:00 am in front of wiley manuel courthouse on
washington and 7th
its unbelieveable how much ill will, obstruction and attempted destruction
the city administration engages in to keep us from simply helping our most
vulnerable neighbors.
lets get homes for all,
- needa
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [omni-helpdesk] Free Lathe to Donate
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2018 23:00:26 -0700
From: Barry Cammer <barrybear1(a)>
To: info(a)
Good Evening Folks,
I have a large used wood working lathe and someone suggested that I
might want to donate it to you folks. I don’t see wood working as part
of what you have going on, but I thought I’d send a quick not to see if
you’re interested. It sits on a wooden stand and is about 3’ high and
5’ wide. Any interest? I would deliver it.
Please let me know if you’re not interested and I’ll search for another
Barry Cammer
i 3d printed something last night and went home. if you're there now and can
remove the thing i printed (peel it off) and then spray the same area it was on
with the green hairspray, I will tell it to print again (from remote)
don't do this if the machine is moving and printing the new one :)
please reply to this email if you're going to do it, thank you!
i was trying to 3d print last night and ended up having to use my laptop, the
desktop computer used for 3d printing is DREADFULLY slow and i'm not sure why.
I was watching htop to look for CPU usage and memory usage and neither seemed
to be maxed out, and i wasn't doing that much stuff. Could it be a video card
if anyone has ideas or wants to jump on there and figure it out, or replace the
whole computer with a new box that's faster, please go ahead. You can use the
same hard drive as it's setup pretty good right now with 3d printing software
and static IP and all that.
thank you
*Open Hack 2018 at SF State UniversitySave the date! Friday April 27th to
Sunday April 29th, 2018 at San Francisco State University.OLPC-SF is
collaborating with San Francisco State University to produce Open Hack
2018, an open data and education hackathon. It's a three-day event where
participants will pitch ideas, form teams, and build something together.
The projects are centered around open data and education. There will be
prizes for the best projects developed over the event.Date: 5:00 PM, Fri
April 27th - 5:00 PM, Sun April 29thLocation: San Francisco State
University, 1600 Holloway Ave., San Francisco, CA, 94132 USAWebsite:
<>More information coming soon.*
Hilary Naylor, Ph.D.
Oakland CA
FYI, sudoroom's phone number is changing.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Support <support(a)>
Date: Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:31 PM
Subject: New Fusion Number Allocation
We have received word from our phone provider that your phone number,
510-844-0238, has ported away from our service. We have assigned you a
new phone number, 510-740-5758. If you are planning on canceling your
service with us please fill out our cancellation form at and let us know
the date you wish to end your service.
Technical Support
510-843-6389 ext.4