Hi all,
Just wanted to remind people that there will be a cryptoparty tomorrow
at 2. While some of our regulars are out of town, we have a number of
new and qualified additions to our community, and some definite interest
in activism-focused crypto practices. This is for people of all levels
of comfort with tech and crypto tools - we'll help you put whatever you
want on your machines, as well as theoretical best practices and
Happy hacking,
Hey y'all!
If any of you is up for a free yoga session today, send me an email! I'll
let you know where!
It will be participative and fun!
Noémie Serfaty
108 rue du Faubourg du Temple
75011 Paris
Tel: 06 27 76 88 84
Tel: 01 71 50 51 82
You're welcome. *grin*
Charley Sheets <rcsheets(a)acm.org> wrote:
>On Fri, 13 Jun 2014 17:15:40 -0700
>Somebody <somebody(a)riseup.net> wrote:
>> Cables, were a bit of a mess (now just half).
>> I ended up removing about 9 unneeded cables.
>> Replaced the patch cable that was going from the router to the switch.
>> I found the modem hanging because of that.
>Thanks for doing that. It is appreciated!
>sudo-discuss mailing list
Hash: SHA512
Cables, were a bit of a mess (now just half).
I ended up removing about 9 unneeded cables.
Replaced the patch cable that was going from the router to the switch.
I found the modem hanging because of that.
Also, there was a loop in the DLink switch. Not good. no wonder the
intermittent service. No BuenO! *grin*
SSID: Sudoroom 3Mbps/.5
SSID: PeoplesOpen.net 12Mbps/1Mbps.
xx d
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - https://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
Folks, I have a Ford F-150 truck that is pretty rank from countless
spilled bean dishes left to molder, but can also be used in a pinch and
to police up random items left over from the big push with the 24'
rental truck. My first (and so far only) wife promised to help me clean
it for my birthday, so maybe that can happen first, certainly by the
solstice. I've also got dollies, if needed, and will bring liquid
I'm a little daunted by the big move, but I'll keep my craven cowardice
to myself. Nothing can stop us!
Everything looked pretty normal at the room when I swung by this evening
with pizza and bread, so I gather the big push to start packing up
hasn't started, and probably won't for another week.
>> Hi, Matt!I propose the following conceptual sketch of the moving process.First, I strongly suggest getting a 24? Budget truck for the cost to benefit ratio.Cost:Total truck cost (rental, tax, insurance, gas) can be as little as under $60, if moving>day is no later than Tuesday 6/24 or Wednesday 6/25. See attached spreadsheet for>details.Benefit:Organization ? Everything leaves together, moves together, arrives together, and,>most importantly, lands together, not piecemeal.Ease and speed ? Everything (besides fragiles) moves on wheels ?no fitting or lifting>into trunks or pickups.Use of labor ? Time shuttling can be better spent packing, and anyone can pack. Plus,>this way is better for esprit de corps.Secondly, I?ll be glad to expedite a smooth load and unload. Also, I can pick up and>return the truck, if y?all would like.Third, I can provide equipment ? pads, dollies, straps, etc.Consumables, of course, are needed for packing pronto, IMHO ?boxes, markers, tape. Is anti-static ma
> terial needed/ thought worthwhile?>( I haven?t priced it.)That?s the sketch, to be filled in with appropriate details. I?d like your/anyone's>thoughts.~Steve>>_______________________________________________>sudo-discuss mailing list>sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org>https://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 14:52:46 -0700
> From: Matthew Senate <mattsenate(a)gmail.com>
> To: "hol(a)gaskill.com" <hol(a)gaskill.com>, Yardena Cohen
> <yardenack(a)gmail.com>
> Cc: Steve Wilt <nsw(a)sonic.net>, sudo-discuss
> <sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org>
> Subject: Re: [sudo-discuss] Moving logistics
> Message-ID:
> <CA+_XFNLXkd_H5TE9pyS5JXr+HHkXAXFaWqYhP30QP=DdphqujA(a)mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hol,
> +1
> Steve,
> +1
> Thanks for the note! In reference to our discussion at the meeting last
> night: https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Meeting_Notes_2014-06-11#Moving I think no
> one has a committed plan, and this approach of yours sounds pretty logical
> / helpful!
> I'm cc'ing Jordan (yardena) who has opted in to be the primary
> point-of-contact for the move, so we can funnel all our information,
> resources, interest, etc to her. This way have one person to ask about who
> is showing up where and when to do what!
> Since it seems you are available and interested in the "transport"
> component (2141 broadway > truck > street > 4799 shattuck).
> Further, I totally agree about spending volunteer time on
> organizing/packing. We can start by cleaning the space up, sorting out
> recyclables and give-aways, then starting to package stuff that's not
> likely to be used in the next month, and on from there as we approach
> moving day(s).
> I'm excited! Cheers!
> // Matt
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 1:16 PM, Hol Gaskill <hol(a)gaskill.com> wrote:
>> this is not a bad idea at all. i was thinking of renting a flatbed
>> trailer to move the pews as well.
>> on Jun 12, 2014, Steve Wilt <nsw(a)sonic.net> wrote:
>>> Hi, Matt!I propose the following conceptual sketch of the moving
>> process.First, I strongly suggest getting a 24? Budget truck for the cost
>> to benefit ratio.Cost:Total truck cost (rental, tax, insurance, gas) can be
>> as little as under $60, if moving>day is no later than Tuesday 6/24 or
>> Wednesday 6/25. See attached spreadsheet for>details.Benefit:Organization ?
>> Everything leaves together, moves together, arrives together, and,>most
>> importantly, lands together, not piecemeal.Ease and speed ? Everything
>> (besides fragiles) moves on wheels ?no fitting or lifting>into trunks or
>> pickups.Use of labor ? Time shuttling can be better spent packing, and
>> anyone can pack. Plus,>this way is better for esprit de corps.Secondly,
>> I?ll be glad to expedite a smooth load and unload. Also, I can pick up
>> and>return the truck, if y?all would like.Third, I can provide equipment ?
>> pads, dollies, straps, etc.Consumables, of course, are needed for packing
>> pronto, IMHO ?boxes, markers, tape. Is anti-static material needed/
>> thought worthwhile?>( I haven?t priced it.)That?s the sketch, to be filled
>> in with appropriate details. I?d like
>> your/anyone's>thoughts.~Steve>>_______________________________________________>sudo-discuss
>> mailing list>sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org>
>> https://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss>
>> _______________________________________________
>> sudo-discuss mailing list
>> sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>> https://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss
Hi everyone,
I've been talking to Yar about having an introductory talk/workshop on
anarchist approaches to feminism at the Sudo Room on 22nd June. It would
be aimed at a 101 level - my plan for this was primarily to fill a gap
that I often see with many people coming to feminism through
dissatisfaction with the tech community, and therefore not having access
to some of the radical histories and frameworks that might be useful.
I've included a provisional overview and brief bio below. I'm open to
suggestions about what time would be best (Yar suggested afternoons are
better), and about how to make the workshop a useful contribution to the
Sudo Room. I'm also happy to answer any questions you might have. If
this seems like late notice to pull together the workshop and advertise
it, but people are still interested, another option is for me to give it
in September, when I'm next in the Bay Area.
Anarchafeminism 101
This workshop is a brief introduction to anarchist strands of feminism.
It aims to provide an overview of the history and concepts that underpin
anarchafeminism, and to open up discussion about how anarchafeminist
approaches might be useful today. Reclaiming our radical histories
provides us with vital resources. For those frustrated with mainstream,
predominantly liberal or neo-liberal feminism, anarchafeminism offers
helpful frameworks for thinking about class, race, gender relations,
organising methods, and feminists' relationship to the state.
About me:
I'm a teacher, researcher, and activist currently based in Toronto. My
work focuses on how activists use and shape technology, and about how to
build possibilities for radical social change. You can find out more
about me here: http://skycroeser.net
I'm a researcher, teacher, and activist working at the intersection of
social change and technology. You can find out more about my work at
skycroeser.net, and help support me on gittip.
Hey all,
Tensions have been running high for some at sudo room these days.
*EVERYONE* should celebrate the love and support that truly flows from and
through the sudo community. This spirit is real and deserves designation,
In this regard, please hear these sentiments from a discussion at our
weekly meeting this evening:
1. Let us be explicit: we have problems, including as of late the
over-use and abuse of our space by merely a small number of opportunistic
individuals, in spite and in the face of our community.
2. Together, let us raise our standards of expectation for use of the
sudo room space, for members and non-members alike! Let us make these
standards clear and known!
3. The time is nigh to organize and pack our things; we are moving, let
us leave this place with grace and arrive refreshed, prepared.
// Matt