If i can make it, ill be late, so if there's any way or if its not too
late to have the omni topic near the end of the agenda..? if not i
understand of course
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jonathan Youtt <jyoutt(a)gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 5:47 PM
Subject: [spaghettinight] OPEN HOUSEs @ PLACE (Thur April 17 or Sun April
To: The Spaghetti Night mailing list <spaghettinight(a)tentacle.net>
OPEN HOUSEs @ PLACE for Sustainable Living
2 Dates: 2 Opportunities to learn more about PLACE
DATE: Thursday, April 17, 2014
TIME: (5:00pm) - 9:00pm (Stone soup supper is: 5-6pm)
DATE: Sunday, April 27, 2014
TIME: 3:00pm - 7:00pm (Stone soup supper is: 6-7pm)
We are hosting 2 Open Houses in order to reconnect with our community,
highlight some of our accomplishments, outline the expanded vision and
identify the different ways for you to participate. One on a weeknight and
one on a weekend day.
We are excited to announce that after three years building out PLACE for
Sustainable Living, we have secured a new five year lease under our newly
formed cooperative, OakLeyVille. This lease enables us to continue building
our collective vision of a dynamic educational center for urban
sustainability and regenerative practices. We will be celebrating this good
news at our upcoming three-year anniversary event: Creating Commons
Festival, Saturday, May 10, 2014.
PLACE will continue to serve our educational and sustainability showcase
goals, as Oakleyville will grow its membership into a multi-stakeholder
cooperative serving its Workers, Makers and the Community at large. Please
join us as we enter the next chapter of this co-creative place.
THU, 4/17/14 OPEN HOUSE Schedule:
5:00-6:00pm — Meet & Greet & Stone Soup
6:00-7:00pm — Presentations: PLACE, Oakleyville Cooperative, & Affiliate
7:00-8:00pm — Breakout sessions for PLACE Pods*
8:00-9:00pm — Report backs from breakouts and next steps
SUN, 4/27/14 OPEN HOUSE Schedule:
3:00-3:30 pm — Meet & Greet (some snacks & tea)
3:30-4:45 pm — Presentations: PLACE, Oakleyville Cooperative, & Affiliate
4:45-5:30 pm — Breakout sessions for PLACE Pods*
5:30-6:00 pm — Site Tour
6:00-7:00 pm — Stone Soup + Report backs from breakouts and next steps
STONE SOUP: If you wish to drop off any veggies for the soup prior to the
open house, email us at: info(a)aplaceforsustainableliving.org, with “Stone
Soup” in the subject line.
*PLACE Pods are smaller organizing groups with special functions of PLACE
and Oakleyville. They include the following: Education (Youth & Adults),
Programs (Partnerships, neighborhood activism, placemaking), Admin/Org
Development, BUZZ (Marketing Comm.), Site Permaculture Design, Events,
Facilities, Fundraising, Urban Gardening, Hearth, & Volunteering
spaghettinight mailing list
Rabbit administers this list; email them at rabbitface(a)gmail.com if you
have questions
To subscribe new people, have them send an email to
To unsubscribe send an email to spaghettinight-leave(a)tentacle.net
This list is dolphin safe
Hey all,
A few critical topics to discuss include:
* Major health concern with unscheduled bug-bomb poison released in kitchen by landlord during day with people in use of the common space, and related conflicts.
* Moving spaces to 4799 Shattuck, aka The Omni with the Omni Collective http://omni-oakland.org
* Sudo Room reboot, possible forking options.
// Matt
Thought this might interest the group, this is a very cool project that
Matthew and a few other of the other biohackers have funded to biohack
the eye to see in the infrared!
> *From:* peyton rowlands <peyton.rowlands(a)scienceforthemasses.org>
> *Date:* April 1, 2014 at 9:03 PM
> *To:* Ryan Bethencourt <ryan.bethencourt(a)gmail.com>
> *Subject:* Link Correction
> Haha, I apologize. It would appear I accidentally sent you a link to a
> picture of a hog I had on my clipboard rather than our ERG protocol.
> Here's the correct link:
> http://scienceforthemasses.org/2013/10/26/electroretinogram-setup-and-proce…
> On 4/1/2014 9:09 PM, Ryan Bethencourt wrote:
>> I am one of a group of biohackers involved in a project to test the limits of human visual perception by increasing retinal sensitivity to NIR light. Our project, which we crowdfunded last Autumn with the Experiment (nee Microryza) scientific crowdfunding platform, is a pilot study using ourselves as the test subjects/data points of a brute force metabolic hack which we hypothesize will permit us to visually perceive radiant energy in the NIR range of wavelengths.
>> Essentially, we intend to purge our bodies of a significant percentage of stored retinoids (vitamin A) via reduction of body fat and the adoption of a vitamin A deficient (VAD) diet supplied to us by Rob Rhinehart of Soylent fame, and supplement with the compound 3,4-dehydroretinol (vitamin A2) and retinoic acid. Based on research by Dr. George Wald, the man who discovered the role of vitamin A in phototransduction, and multiple murine studies performed on mammalian subjects, we hypothesize that this will result in the metabolic pathway normally used by the human body to produce photopsin and rhodopsin in the rods and cones of the human eye instead being coopted to produce porphyropsin, a phototransductive pigment described by Dr. Wald in his whitepaper "The Porphyropsin Visual System" that is sensitive to wavelengths of light far in excess of those humans are normally sensitive to on the NIR portion of the spectrum.
>> The primary tool we will use to measure a shift in visible wavelengths quantitatively will be an open source electroretinography (ERG) device in combination with a homemade stimulator device that utilizes several LEDs of a known wavelength in the NIR.
On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Hol Gaskill <hol(a)gaskill.com> wrote:
> can you break down the costs for us? i followed the link to the wiki but didn't
> see it. I remember $2k/month as one number being thrown around for sudo
> room's share. Right now we are right around $1.5k/mo on gittip which does
> not cover our current operating expenses. that said i'm sure membership
> would skyrocket at the omni. can you summarize the numbers for us here?
Sudo has pledged $2k/month. Keep in mind that unlike our current
lease, this amount covers all expenses from rent to utilities to
general maintenance, etc, which the Omni Collective will be
responsible for. Our total monthly expenses are already close to that:
$1,704.25 December
$1,721.58 January
$1,756.53 February
$1,710.50 March
$1,888.90 April
I think the extra expense will be a no-brainer, will pay for itself,
and will actually be a far better deal than what we're getting now for
our money. :)