Dear Sudo Room,
Just a reminder that we have not received a payment for this invoice yet. Let us know if you have questions.
Thanks for your business!
Omni Commons
---------------------------------- Invoice ---------------------------------
4799 Shattuck Ave
Oakland, CA 94609 US
+1 5105456582
Invoice #: 2585
Date: 10/01/2022
Due Date: 10/25/2022
Terms: Net 25
Amount Due: $4,000.00
Bill To:
Sudo Room
4799 Shattuck Ave
Oakland, CA 94607
****************************** Account Summary *****************************
09/01/2022 Balance Forward $16,000.00
Other payments and credits after 09/01/2022 -14,000.00
New charges (details below) 2,000.00
Total Amount Due (activity through 10/01/202 4,000.00
<u> Date </u><u> Activity </u><u> Qty </u><u> Rate </u><u> Amount </u>
10/01/2022 Furnishing Fa 1 2,000.00 2,000.00T
SubTotal: $2,000.00
Tax: $0.00
Total Of New Charges: $2,000.00
Total Amount Due: $4,000.00
Greetings Sudo Room!
This is your monthly donation invoice. Thank you for stewarding the
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons Finance Working Group
We've gotten many complaints recently about omni's wifi being totally open
and not password protected. Many folks are afraid of their devices being
attacked if they join our network. And tbh I don't blame them.
I think we should offer a wpa-protected network for those who want one. But
I don't have the capacity to work on that. Does it sound fun to anybody
We used to have a private subnet which would have made this easier, but it
got unceremoniously merged with the public one a few years ago. One useful
side task would be to identify and label all the ethernet cables running
out of our one remaining switch. Some of them could provide the backbone of
a new network.
Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thank you for stewarding the commons.
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons
---------------------------------- Invoice ---------------------------------
4799 Shattuck Ave
Oakland, CA 94609 US
+1 5105456582
Invoice #: 2595
Date: 11/01/2022
Due Date: 11/25/2022
Terms: Net 25
Amount Due: $6,000.00
Bill To:
Sudo Room
4799 Shattuck Ave
Oakland, CA 94607
****************************** Account Summary *****************************
10/01/2022 Balance Forward $4,000.00
Other payments and credits after 10/01/2022 0.00
New charges (details below) 2,000.00
Total Amount Due (activity through 11/01/202 6,000.00
<u> Date </u><u> Activity </u><u> Qty </u><u> Rate </u><u> Amount </u>
11/01/2022 Furnishing Fa 1 2,000.00 2,000.00T
SubTotal: $2,000.00
Tax: $0.00
Total Of New Charges: $2,000.00
Total Amount Due: $6,000.00
Greetings Sudo Room!
This is your monthly donation invoice. Thank you for stewarding the
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons Finance Working Group
I’ve been collaborating with some cool women on a two day rollerskate and skateboard ball event with classes at the Omni commons. It was going to be in November to help raise money for the Omni by the deadline but people had family commitments
However I think this is genuinely true energy and creativity that will pull in a lot of other projects at the Omni such as the media lab (costumes for the ball,m) and interesting SudoRoom Workshop stuff like helping make skate obstacles or rigging the ones they will bring
They also will be spending a day after teaching skate classss (they have taught all over the world)
Is there a way to put this event into any loan proposals ? I think this would breathe fresh life into the Omni, get more of a physical event in the space . We were able to figure out where to skate and jot hurt the ballroom floor
Sent from my iPhone
Is there any printer at sudo room that is ready to use? (AKA, it works, has
ink on it and whatever else needed to print something) I'd like to print
some flyers for WNB coding night. Doesn’t need to be colored ink or
anything fancy.
I found this printer but it says no ink
I've been receiving emails with the title "[sudo-accounts] Your payout of
$xxx for is on the way", I'm not sure how I managed to start
receiving them or how to stop them, anyone able to clarify?
Sudoroom, we need to form a position on this proposal! Omni wants to invite
East Bay Democratic Socialists of America to rent the upstairs room that's
getting built.
I think this is a no-brainer and we should approve it! Please write back
indicating your position on this!
your delegate to the Omni Commons,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 18:10:52 -0700
From: Yardena Cohen
To: consensus <consensus(a)>
Subject: [omni-consensus] PROPOSAL: EBDSA in den
We talked a lot last week about putting EBDSA in the upstairs den, but
never formally proposed it, so here it is. I propose we put EBDSA in
the new room we're building up there. After haggling with Max on the
phone just now, it sounds like this is the most do-able agreement:
* they'll pay $1250/month with first/last/deposit
* they move in november 1 or whenever the wall is finished
* they sign a year lease, with the understanding that if omni loses
the building, it'll probably be unenforcable
* we host their next two GM assemblies for free (Nov 13 & Feb 12) and
then renegotiate in the spring whether to start charging for it again
* they are not yet applying to be a member collective, but may want to
in the future
Thoughts? Can we decide next week? Next delegate meeting is Thu Oct
20th 7-9pm
consensus mailing list
Have you always wanted to host a recurring event at sudoroom? Now's your
it seems that we still have "Javascript Thursdays" on the sudoroom calendar, as
a recurring event every week:
unfortunately, we haven't been actually hosting the event on thursdays
so...people may have been coming and getting confused and giving up on us.
this thursday I just HAPPENED to be at sudoroom on Thursday at that time (I was
joining the delegates meeting from there) and someone walked in who saw JS
Thursdays on the calendar! Isn't it lucky I was there?
I can't commit to hosting a second weekly event though, also i'm only just
learning Javascript and it wouldn't be right for me to host!
So who wants to do it? It will be a lot of fun. And like our other events, it
doesn't have to be strictly about any one thing - we just need something to
call the event.
Hey Sudoers,
I can't be on site tonight, but we have a few agenda items that would
benefit from a meeting if others can. I will drop in over video chat. A
prospective member,Ajay, is going to video in as well.
Here's their declaration:
Why do you want to be a member of sudo room?
Looking for more community, support the mesh in my neighborhood, support
the Omni
If you know already, what are you excited to do at sudo room?:
Mesh the planet, connect, help people get and give tech support including
If you know already, what are you excited to share with the sudo room
Connections, resources
Have you ever been banned from another hackerspace? If so, when and why?:
Hi everyone,
You're getting this email either because 1) you're on the sudoroom discuss
email list, or 2) because I BCC'd you directly.
Tonight I'll be hosting Sudoroom for those who want to come hack on whatever,
in person, or through telepresence (see the last link in this email)
ALSO NOW FEATURING: SoftWEAR hacking too: most Tuesday evenings the sewing area
at Omni Commons (in the basement) is also active so bring your fabric and
textile projects and technical repairs; we've got heavy duty and serger sewing
machines available. You're also welcome to bring your own machine to have it
checked out and tuned up for tip-top operation or to just sew alongside others.
Remember that Omni Commons and Sudoroom policy is presently still that
(if you want to eat something you should go outside)
in the past few weeks, we've had about 5-15 people over the course of the
evening, not including remote participants who logged in through telepresence
Jenny put it on the Omni calendar:
Here it is on the sudoroom page:
that says 7PM but I try to be there earlier.
if you get to the door (at the corner of 48th and shattuck) and you can't get
in, call me or someone else who's there to let you in! Email me if you don't
have my phone number. Actually a great way to get our attention is to join the
video chat link at the end of this email!
We don't always hear the doorbell and I don't answer it anyway!
You should get on this sudoroom discuss mailinglist! click here:
and you should donate monthly to sudoroom, monthly, by signing up here:
and if you want to make a one-time donation, you can go here:
if you can't make it in person: join the jitsi videochat with the room, and
chat with each other as well as a giant TV screen/speakerphone on the wall:
(don't worry if you're the only one in the "room", others will join eventually,
and if the camera is pointed at the floor, just yell until someone comes and
talks to you and then ask them to aim it back up into the room)
see you soon!