It wasn't Jake, and I didn't call the person out because that was less important
to me than the fact nobody else called them out when it happened. If I took the bait every
time I experience that kind of passive aggression, being attacked from behind a mask of
civility, I would be in a straitjacket and under heavy sedation by now.
What I am interested in is understanding how likely the possibility of remediating what
appears to be a socially dysfunctional intentional community. I see a lot of resentment,
consequentially little trust, and no general understanding, agreement on, nor consent to a
cohesive system of self-governance.
Self-Governance is more than intellectual understanding, it is a skill set that has to be
studied and practiced. If funds will be spent, then I suggest hiring an outside consultant
for analysis; planning, and establishing democratic norms that can be trusted.
I advocate consideration of a sociocratic decision support system.