Session 1 went well today! Hope to see you at the next session.
Super simple "no deep stuff" ;)
*Session 1 done today!*…
Session 1 - Preparations
- Get set up on your computer - Railsbridge is excellent, great people,
great installation advice (Railsbridge Installation Guide)[]
- Be comfortable with the command line - Learn Command line the hard way
<> *IMHO the more comfortable
you get with the command line the better off you'll be in the short and
long run*
- Understand how to use git
- Complete Learn Python the Hard Way
<> up until Lesson 20
<> -
1 - the Doing part
Open up the terminal on your computer.
- *Don't know the terminal and command line? Go here
mkdir SudoLesson
cd SudoLesson
Now use git to clone the github repo
<> for this
git clone
- *Don't know how to use git from the command line?* review cloning and
the basics the simple guide <>
cd SudoRoom_Python_DomesticViolence
write your first script in the python folder, name it
from sys import argv
script, filename = argv
in_file = open(filename)
indata =
print("Here's your file %r:" % filename)
print("The sample csv is %d bytes long" % len(indata))
input(" Return to continue >")
print("Now I'm going to print out all the data - it's very long!")
input(" Return to continue >")
input(" Return to continue >")
print("Closing the file")
Run the script, we'll be using the sample.csv which is the spreadsheet of
crimes in the Oakland area in the past 90 days
python python/ csv/sample.csv
Self-directed Learning Steps
- Make 2 or 3 variations of this script
- Redo the Learn to Code the hard way lessons
- Download other csv files and read them
Romy Ilano