Submitted for review.
1. SudoMesh asked for 30A service for the servers. I opted to install 20A
rated outlets next to 15A outlets in 4plex boxes at plug locations A & B on
two 20A breakers instead because the outlets will be "conventionally"
shaped. If in fact, a 30A breaker is required then the outlets will be
rated accordingly and will look more like a plug for a dryer.
2. Overhead electrical: There is an additional cost of about $250 plus
labor to get this done in Phase two. I am personally not convinced of the
merits of having overhead power when wall outlets are in such immediate
proximity (max 15ft).
3. I would like these plans to be reviewed this week to be fully prepared
for installation early next week.
4. Last weekend, Hol and I went to Home Depot to get supplies for Phase 1.
I request reimbursement of $348.02 for materials. I have the receipt and
will present to whomever would like a copy.
That is all.