Hi I'm totally new here and I don't know any
of you. I live in west
Oakland but I belong to Noisebridge! Absurd.
I agree with an earlier poster that it is valuable to make members/ people
work for what they get. Not giving ppl 24 h access is as justifiable for
that reason as it is for the safety reasons.
I suggest you adopt the age-old policy of having to get a current member
to recommend you in order to be a full member (24-h access). Someone like
me could become a partial member immediately, with limited access, and then
I would have to meet some people and get one (or two, if that's the rule)
to sign off on me being a full member. It sounds exclusive, but it's
actually already how communities work.
On Apr 4, 2013 11:57 AM, "rusty lindgren" <rustylindgren(a)gmail.com>
Hey Everyone,
Just thought I would point this out, since it came up earlier in the dues
thread. But, Marc's point(a very good marketing point about 24/7 access),
has as a big security exception, we didn't really talk about, probably
mostly because of time.
Basically, it's easy for us to think "hey, we should let this person have
access, because they seem cool, and we want to remain open," but even I get
sketched out at night sometimes, and there are real safety issues at work
here, and we should discuss them in relation to cost/benefits for the
space. It's also entirely possible that we trust someone, and they just do
something bad anyway. We don't really spend a lot of time thinking about
this, but this is something we haven't had to really deal with yet, because
we've had really shitty access up until now.
I don't know if my survey asked this question properly, but I was trying
to see if 24/7 access was worth more to people as a value, but I think for
some people it could be a safety draw-back, and at least in 1 case this is
true. I also am not sure it's really something we should be promoting, if
we do decide on it being okay for members to do.
If anyone wants to post about how they feel about this(I think it really
is about feelings in this case, because it's about promoting membership and
establishing wants/needs), then please feel free to reply here.
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