Johanna & YOs-
Very interesting. Two more guys who might be identifiable (especially
the colorful box/bag one of them had), who could be connected to this,
and possibly doing robberies themselves. How'd you like to turn that
into a witness statement?
I don't think the guy said what he said in order to scare you, I think
he just blurted it out because he passed the location with his friend on
the other bike.
What's it take to get this on Wednesday night's meeting agenda?
On 13-06-03-Mon 5:59 AM, johanna faust wrote:
ok so check /this /out. i arrive yesterday with
pastries and magick
what to help this situation, and am catching my breath after an
energetic trike ride across town, prior to going in, when --
--down the street (towards broadway) come barrelling two bicyclists --
(damn i wish i had written this down right away! now i think i will
have to paraphrase)
the one in front had some sort of very colorful (i recall red and
blue) box/bag that i took for a pizza warming bag, the kind delivery
people use, on the back of his bike;
the one in back was wearing a white and very lifght brown plaid
flannel-style shirt
they both seemed to be on bikes too small for them but since my trike
is the first vehicle i have driven in my life and i have heretofore
had no motivatiopn in this respect i do not know how to tell bikes
apart. i do not think the bikes were painted black, nor were they
shiny and spiffy.
i know i wanted to tag them or follow them or stop them becuase
(deep breath)
they were already in conversation and, as they passed, the guy in back
seemingly interrupted whatever the topic was to interject (and here i
must paraphase)
*"yeah, [my friend?] owned somebody here the other night, like, **he
totally owned somebody here the other night.**"*
i felt like he said it for my benefit. not like he saw who i was,
just that there was someone in front of SR.
and he wanted to scare whoever that was.
i told various people who were there at the time, and vicki i think it
was, wisely told me to write it up, sorry it took so long. i have a
couple of ideas in response, good ones actually, but i want to see
what you think first (ansd i am pressed for time at the moment).
p.s. i have some ...things... i would like to give to the people who
found themselves at the wrong end of things on saturday, if that is
all right with them. of a spiritual protective and ameliorative nature.
p.p.s yes i am the origin of the pink chalk statement on the sidewalk
(if it is still there). Old French, motto of the Order of the Garter:
"Evil to him who thinks evil."
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