With your support, the plan to mesh the world is progressing rapidly.
If you are interested in becoming part of the mesh by hosting a mesh node
in the near future, then please add yourself to the node map:
Hosting a node involves:
1. Letting us mount a router on your roof, or on the side of your house,
or pointing out your window (they come in different sizes, but even the big
ones are pretty small and unobtrusive) and run a single cable (choice of
colors!) to your existing modem / access point / router.
2. Paying for the routers power usage. They use only 8 watts of power,
which is less than 5.9 kilowatt-hours a month, which at an average bay area
price of 22.8 cents each comes to about $1.35 a month.
3. Optionally paying for the router! $25 to $110 depending on distance to
nearest other mesh node.
4. Optionally donating e.g. 10% internet bandwidth to the mesh if you
already have an internet connection (strongly encouraged!).
Add yourseeeelf!!!:
Mesh the planet!