Lab People,
Can we get rid of the old HPLC instrument occupying valuable bench space
next to our new bioreactor. It's guts are spilling out and I doubt anyone
can get humpty dumpty back together again. We have a newer, more complete
(?) HPLC on the same bench although no software or experts that can get it
to work, and we also have access to the BioCurious HPLC with both software
and experts to keep it working. As to saving it for spare parts: we already
have several boxes with HPLC parts (columns, cables, crusty parts and more)
that haven't been touched in years but at least don't occupy a lot of bench
It's too big for the garbage can, so perfect for this E-waste trip.
David, can this HPLC be added to the E-waste pickup pile if no one objects
to getting rid of it?
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 5:52 PM Michael Arent <cclarent4799(a)>
Hi David,
We have a small refrigerator to dispose of. Can we put that in the e-waste
pickup pile? Lmk...
M i c h a e l A r e n t
Officer | Board Member
Counter Culture Labs
On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 9:50 PM David Keenan <dkeenan44(a)> wrote:
Hi all,
Omni will have a large e-waste pickup probably within the next week.
Therefore, now would be a very good time to purge e-waste items
throughout Sudo & CCL.
If either group has e-waste, please concentrate / identify these items in
a place for easy removal, and let me know they are there?
Ps. Please don’t bring any items from home, only items presently on-site
at omni.
Thank you,
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