We have a bunch of AC/DC power adapters lying around,
and we could turn these into extra chargers for our
respective laptops and phones. Is anyone interested in
having a session on this? If so, I'll run it.
The session might go like this.
1. I explain the relevant stuff about electricity
(for at most 10 minutes).
2. We look up the electrical requirements of our devices.
3. We look for matching chargers.
4. If a charger supplies the right electricity but has the
wrong plugs, we cut off the plugs and exchange them.
We'd need these materials.
* Things you want to make adapters for
* Adapters that you're not using, to add to our pool
in Sudoroom
I can also bring some assorted plugs.
If you have a Mac laptop, you should acquire a broken
charger; the plugs seem to be proprietary.
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