This is a cross post from nb-discuss, any sudoers interested, maybe a talk
on gezi gardens...
You know the place, Noisebridge, you know the time, third Thursday at 8pm,
you know who, could be you?
It's FIVE MINUTES OF FAME, hosted by me, the hard hat hacker "J.C." and
presented by Noisebridge and any or all of you that wish to partake in this
fabulous FREE event, donations always welcome as well.
This month will be trying something new, talks will be limited to 300
seconds, otherwise known as 5 minutes.
Is there something in particular you think is a must have talk, someone you
know brimming with bountiful brilliance, well now's the time to send them
my way and get in the queue.
This month is already shaping up to delight, featuring some mind reading
and chip tuning. And if anyone can explain DNSSEC in 5 minutes, I have a
spot with your name on it.
In the past month's we've had talks by:
* The creators of the modem, the open source webservers, and Usenet
* A guy who builds octoyurts in Oakland
* Mozilla bugs, Wiki seats, and MUNI routing
* The launch of "q" the world's shortest Python library
* The first glance of Post-Waste Nexus, SF's new recycling posse
* Giant Dangerous X-Ray Devices, Live
* Small children and Egyptian Gods
* Tunes about hacking, hacking about tunes
If you built it, want to build it, knew when it was built or just like
talking to builders, come to Noisebridge and show off.
It all goes down Thrusday June 20th 8pm, 2169 Mission St.