John Perry Barlow memorial event happening at Internet Archive right now.
Here's the stream:
Speaker list:
• Edward Snowden, noted whistleblower and President of Freedom of the Press
• Cindy Cohn, Executive Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
• Cory Doctorow, celebrated scifi author and Editor in Chief of Boing Boing
• Joi Ito, Director of the MIT Media Lab
• John Gilmore, EFF Co-founder, Board Member, entrepreneur and technologist
• Trevor Timm, Executive Director of Freedom of the Press Foundation
• Shari Steele, Executive Director of the Tor Project and former EFF
Executive Director
• Mitch Kapor, Co-founder of EFF and Co-chair of the Kapor Center for
Social Impact
• Pam Samuelson, *Richard M. Sherman Distinguished Professor of Law and
Information* at the University of California, Berkeley
• Steven Levy, Wired Senior Writer, and author of Hackers, In the Plex, and
other books
• Amelia and Anna Barlow, daughters of John Perry Barlow