BAPS had our weekly meeting tonight, and we discussed the Backspace proposal. BAPS
members share Emji's concern about privileging a particular collective's use of
the den, and would like it to remain a common space stewarded by the commons wg.
On Oct 15, 2014, at 5:21 PM, {emji spero} wrote:
I'm excited to see this project coming together! I have a concern about the proposed
use of the "Den." This space is perfect for working quietly, Public School
classes, meetings, poetry readings, and other kinds of mid-size group events. I would like
to see the upstairs commons space, The Den, remain a commons.
I know that Omni dance had been taking steps to make the Disco room a space that is
reservable by the hour, and I think that space is much better suited toward wellness
practice, yoga, meditation, etc, and would suggest that Backspace and Omnidance be in
communication about organizing the use of that space for these purposes.
Timeless, Infinite Light
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 4:42 PM, niki <niki.shelley(a)> wrote:
Great! I am excited at the prospect of more groups being open to sharing spaces with one
I do think it would be helpful, however, to have a baseline such as, Backspace will allow
for other groups to use the space no less than X% of the time even if that's only 2
hours once a week.. but maybe that's too bureaucratic... What happens if there's a
group that has a regular meeting that happens in that space once Backspace is up and
running for awhile? Will that group be asked to leave if Backspace decides they'd like
to start having a class or workshop on those evenings?
The only reason I'm asking these questions is because I'm in that building almost
every day and I see that "sharing space" is going to only get more and more
complicated. Last night there was something happening in *every* room and that was a
Tuesday night! I was trying to find rooms for groups to meet in that had no idea the room
they usually used was occupied for another event. I am hoping that we can collectively
work to not only create a really great system for scheduling and sharing of space, but to
grow a really great culture of sharing! For this reason, I think being explicit might be
really helpful (please tell me if you think I'm being unreasonable). This way,
people's expectations are clearly stated and other people know what is and is not
available and when.
As far as the former TIL space is concerned, I do think that something more specific
needs to be worked out if that room is going to do double duty as a children's space
and a lockable room for body work. I have no doubt we can come up with something!
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Andrew Lowe <andrew(a)> wrote:
We are talking about DEN & BDRM, BDRM [2], and STORAGE [1].
To answer some of Niki's comments:
- Can Backspace give an idea as to how much time / what days or evenings the
"den" would be available for use by other groups? (One day a week / 10% of the
time / etc.)
We wont know 100% until we've been up and running for awhile. We have someone right
now who is going to use that space two nights a week and certainly there will be more.
While we are getting more members set up and doing some renovations the space will mostly
likely be open most of the time for omni bookings, but as we grow we will be using more
time in there.
- The former TIL office downstairs is actually two smaller rooms which are currently
being proposed as a children's space.
We are aware of the proposed use as a children's space, we think that we can work out
a schedule that will allow for that vision to happen as well was giving us a much needed
second dedicated space with a door for practitioners that is (or will be) ADA accessible.
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer <patrikd(a)> wrote:
By the way, I have been urging people to refer to the names on this floorplan, to avoid
They're kinda clinical and not really intended for conversational use, but at least
they're unique. When in doubt, include a link to the floorplan on the wiki! For
example, the spaces above the corner entrance are marked "DEN & BDRM",
"BDRM [1]" and "BDRM [2]", and the spaces between the ballroom and the
cafe are labeled "STORAGE [1]" (the one with the windows, that Backspace wants
to use) and "STORAGE [2]" (no windows - possible the "bunker"?)
A while back, there was talk about some WG coming up with better names for all the
spaces, but I'm not sure anything materialized out of that. If there is a better set
of names (like "bunker room" and "eyeball room"), please put them up
on the wiki somewhere, so we can avoid this kind of confusion.
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 3:52 PM, yar <yardenack(a)> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Jenny Ryan <tunabananas(a)> wrote:
Is Backspace interested in sole use of that room,
or open to the current
proposal of it being a dedicated Kids Room as well?
You're thinking of a different room - we've been calling the former
TIL office the "Kids Room." Backspace is talking about the other room
across from that one, under the staircase, which has BAPS books in it
From what I understand, they're proposing to have domain over the room
with the understanding that it would be unlocked and usable by other
groups whenever Backspace isn't using it. They want to do renovations
to make it clean and safe enough for bodywork sessions, and the
bodyworkers want to be able to have final say over the layout and
aesthetics of the room.
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