Hi all - short intro here.
Sudoroom has the opportunity to join a great project to get all world
haackerspaces FM radio broadcast stations,
by hackers, for hackers & everyone.
Broadcast show topics on:
News, education, public affairs, Music & arts.
The benefits to Sudoroom are that
1) you increase awareness of SR in the Oakland community by being on the
FM broadcast air,
2) you thus might increase membership & participation & fundraising for
3) you inform, educate, & uplift hackers & everyone, including potential
hackers, in the local community.
Norman Bradley & I started this project at Noisebridge
I'm the person working to alert hackerspaces worldwide to this
The key USA date is the FCC Nov 14 application deadline.
I announced this global project at the Oct 23 wed SR weekly meeting.
In attendance were about 6 SR regulars, & 6 first timers.
(I also announced this briefly to the biohackers last Friday, about 12
Matt Senate is wants to get SR to apply for a license, & to have a
broadcast station.
I pulled up & bookmarked about 16 links re this,
& Matt put them onto the sr wiki.
That page needs cosmetic clean up.
If you are interested in helping this project,
one easy simple contribution would be to clean that page up
Then _read_ through those pages!
I'll send you more info about this as my very limited time permits.
Please read the emails i'll send in a minute,
& read the pages they link to,
if this radio project sounds interesting to you,
& you want to help SR, & hackers in Oakland, & everywhere.
--- Join the BerkeleyTIP-Global mail list -
http://groups.google.com/group/BerkTIPGlobal. All Freedom SW, HW & Culture.