sudo-discuss October 2013
  • 80 participants
  • 192 discussions

Fwd: [Noisebridge-discuss] Alameda Coummunity Low Power FM Radio - Fwd: Alameda Amateur Radio Monthly Meeting Agenda August 23 2013 Friday
by giovanni_re
11 years, 2 months

The email that started the Noisebridge broadcast radio project. Norman Bradley: - Fwd: [Noisebridge-discuss] The Radio gauntlet is now tossed.
by giovanni_re
11 years, 2 months

Fwd: [Noisebridge-discuss] low ppwer fm. FCC
by giovanni_re
11 years, 2 months

Fwd: [CQ] K-Noisebridge - NB should start an FM radio station. "The Bridge"
by giovanni_re
11 years, 2 months

INTRODUCING the Sudoroom Global Hackerspace FM broadcast radio project - to the SR discuss list readers.
by giovanni_re
11 years, 2 months

Anyone going to call for a SR Radio mtg tonight 6PM?
by giovanni_re
11 years, 2 months

anonymous threats
by Eddan Katz
11 years, 2 months

[Important] Sudo Short on Rent this Month!
by Matthew Senate
11 years, 2 months
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