Received this message from panel organizer
"I've set-up some discount codes for members of local coworking spaces so they can attend for free. SUDO Room community can use the code "SUDO". You can direct folks to
On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Hol Gaskill <hol(a)> wrote:
> as long as we don't breach our consensus process any further than has already happened by getting timetables forced upon us, as long as we have time to read it and discuss at a meeting, and send it back with proposed revisions, that would be plenty. do we have an ETA for the next iteration of the lease?
Sometime today, hopefully! As soon as we have it, we will share it.
If it doesn't happen, that will be because somebody found problems so
glaring that they were immediately sent back to our lawyer for further
review. That's what happened the past few times in a row that we were
supposed to have a final copy ready.
The Omni lease still hasn't been signed. But it really is 95% likely
to be signed in the next few days. We are expecting a final draft of
the lease to be ready for review tonight or tomorrow. Sorry for the
constant uncertainty. Getting this lease has been a unique and
complicated undertaking!
Our target move-in date is almost certainly July 1, with the option to
store some things earlier.
Anybody interested should subscribe to these lists. They already have
rich archives of messages:
And it would be very awesome if more people could volunteer to do
delegate work. In particular, to help follow Omni meetings and emails
and make sure that our Sudo community stays up-to-date on all the
important things happening!
I have just about every copy of Processed World (beautiful SF-based
anti-corporate work zine from 80s/90s/00s) in my personal library for your
perusal (including early editions from the 1980s). They were handed to me
by Chris Carlsson to share with Sudo Room. If you'd like to access them at
any point, please let me know. They are also preserved digitally on the
Internet Archive: <>
If you'd like to give thanks to Chris for this donation, ShapingSF, his San
Francisco history archive and events series, is doing a big donation drive.
They really need it! Here's a link: <>
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Hi all!
Tonight's meeting was a fairly important one, so I will provide a
brief summary below. You can read the full meeting minutes here:
* Jenny will be signing the Omni lease this week on behalf of sudo
room (consensus)
* No tenant of 2141 Broadway is allowed access to sudo room, bay area
public school, nor the common space adjacent unless permission is
granted by consensus in two consecutive sudo room meetings [with the
exception of Hair Candy employees & customers, Robert, Staff of Sound
Room & new tenants as of June 2014 until given notice by any sudo room
member] (unanimous consensus)
* Regardless of Timon's current membership status, we find him in "bad
standing" with regard to sudo room's values, specifically with regard
to "safe space". We ban Timon from the sudo room, for an indefinite
period. (unanimous consensus)
* Please contact info(a) if you're a member in good standing
so we can sign you up for an account on our member registry at !
Thanks for reading! Next week I'll be requesting we vote in a new omni
delegate for the month of June at least, as I'll be out of town.
Please get in touch with me directly or reply to this thread if you're
interested in taking on this awesome position of community responsibility!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
- -Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
- -Stéphane Mallarmé
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hi im neil mad as a brush if a brush was mad alcaholic anarchist with
no reason i am on your side i love you all and i love this place so im
sorry if your hypocracy psudo utopian politics wind me up but there is
just little old me anything i can do for you i will do super user done
i am crap at being normal so sorry and this email ends right here
Dear Biohackers,
I was trying to find out what the mold in the backyard of Ahnons house was. It contaminated alot of CCL experiments! Patrik, Ahnon, and I made an instructable on how we found out the species and strain of the mold.
It's a fun little project that can really help students and the curious learn how to do biochemical experiments in their own backyard.
Check it out if you have time @:
Thanks everyone for the help and guidance!
- Louis
Typed with my thumbs.