Hey all,
I wanted to reach out for some feedback. Seeking folks who would want to
facilitate or participate in a men's group.
I've previously participated in small groups like this and found them
beneficial for various reasons. I would like to see if folks have had
similar or different experiences.
The way I'm thinking about this would culminate in something like a regular
meeting for men in the sudo room community to discuss relevant issues
including those of identity, oppression, privilege,…
[View More] patriarchy, gender,
sexuality, stereotypes, safe space, and mutual support.
This may not be the best or even a viable path to approach these topics,
but I wanted to throw it out there to see if there is any interest.
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Fantastic example of making a difference!
I wonder, how many tiny homes a community can build together in one
> Message: 10
> Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 18:01:18 -0800
> From: Vicky Knox <vknoxsironi(a)gmail.com>
> To: Sudo Room discuss <sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org>
> Subject: [sudo-discuss]
> Tiny houses made for homeless in West Oak by
> artist!
> Message-…
[View More]ID:
> <
> CAPwEF4rkTw+Of5-Z9+oLkGJeGvTMOqtB0xJtYmEBtFefv3jXPw(a)mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> People. 8| Do any of you know more about this person?
> http://www.mercurynews.com/bay-area-news/ci_24869274/oakland-artist-turns-t…
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On 2013-10-13 22:49, sudo-discuss-request(a)lists.sudoroom.org wrote:
> Lastly, shot-spotters shouldn't be controversial, even among those of us
> who support the personal rights interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. A
> gunshot on a city street means one of two things: a criminal has just
> shot a victim, or a criminal's would-be victim has just shot their
> attacker in self-defense. Either of those things merits getting the
> police and paramedics on the scene, pronto.
[View More]Shotspotters are microphones. They can capture other sounds and it is
not clear how many other sounds and how long those sounds are retained.
Their use would be less controversial if they were an oracle that just
spit out 4 .40 caliber rounds were fired at the intersection of Grand
and Broadway at 23:12:32 (15 seconds ago) instead of capturing any audio
at all.
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Dear Kopimists and the People who Love Them.
For the featured Filo delicacy for Friday Filosophy, we will have potato burekas.
I propose we talk about the difference between source code, object code, and executable code in regards to 1st Amendment protection. In other words, when is code speech and when is it a speech-act subject to less legal protection?
Below is an excerpt from an essay by Lee Tien, a brilliant EFF attorney for more than a decade, on Software as Speech (2000). These two …
[View More]paragraphs are in the section: Viruses and other "dangerous" software.
Of course, as always, we can talk about whatever else. Such as conscience and the unconscionable, perhaps.
Lee Tien, Publishing Software as a Speech Act, Vol. 15 Berkeley Tech. Law Journal (2000)
> Let’s return to the virus hypothetical.192 The main concern lies in the fact that the software may be “diverted” toward unlawful purposes, regardless of the speaker’s intent. This concern is, however, not unique to software. It also applies to other types of information usable for mischief or harassment, whether highly technical like information about nuclear weapons, or utterly mundane like a person’s name, address or telephone number.
> Even if the virus author merely posts the source code and fails to release it in active form, the issue remains whether the posting was done with an intent to communicate. If the author claims that she intended it to communicate, we would need to examine the context to decide the plausibility of that claim. There will often be a plausible claim. There is no question that people study viruses and other dangerous software in order to prevent or relieve harm.193 One way to control a virus is to publish its source code so that systems operators can disable or protect against it. Communicating a virus’ source code as part of such an effort qualifies as a speech act because the publisher intends to communicate how the virus works in a conventional way. In fact, one could imagine entire journals or Internet sites devoted to viruses and other dangerous software.194 When such publications aim to alert the world to these dangers, their intent is clearly communicative.
sent from eddan.com
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Anyone want this ancient oscilloscope that John left behind? If not, I may
advertise it on the dorkbot list and a few other places. We could ask John
to come take it, but it would be a shame to junk it - there's people who
are really into this kind of stuff.
Does anyone ever go the Electronics Flea Market
<http://www.electronicsfleamarket.com/> at De Anza College? That would be
the perfect audience for this kind of item. Next one is this Saturday.
new blog post > Troy our librarian visited RPS Collective.
we chatted about potentially selling our electronics kits + other stuff at
RPS Collective retail space.
- There's a potential for us to sell stuff at their next art show, which
will be a full retail show in the whole space. Lots of potential for
exposure since they are the first storefront at First Friday
Plus they have collaborated with us before!
[View More]image: SudoRoom Librarian Troy visits
SudoRoom Librarian Troy visits SudoRoom
Troy, the SudoRoom librarian, visits our neighbors The Rock Paper Scissors
Collective <http://www.rpscollective.com/>down the street. The RPS
Collective was one of the worker’s collectives that helped start the
Oakland Art Murmur. Here he checks out the zine library and is already
coming up with ideas for different community projects.
A recent SudoRoom collaboration involved SudoRoom donating Linux computers
to RPS Collective in exchange for a beautiful sign painting. It’s pretty
cool seeing the different volunteer-run collectives creating and helping
each other out!
[image: RPS Collective interns draw temporary tattoos on people for the
Oakland Art Murmur]<https://sudoroom.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Photo-Nov-01-8-06-59-PM1.jpg>
RPS Collective interns draw temporary tattoos on people for the Oakland Art
[image: Terrarium Project at RPS Collective - so many happy
Terrarium Project at RPS Collective – so many happy people
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Hash: SHA1
Hey folks,
Apologies for my unexpectedly internet-free vacation. DNS has been
configured properly and you'll find the new website at
omni-oakland.org as well as working subdomains (currently
wiki.omni-oakland.org and do.omni-oakland.org).
WIKI ACCESS: New account creation has been disabled due to spam, so
please contact myself (tunabananas(a)gmail.com), AL, Jeremy, David
Keenan, Matt S, or Patrik to request an account.[1]
[View More]access to do.omni-oakland.org, where we're
trying out a system for coordinating tasks among the various Omni
groups and members, please request an account via the site.
Just a reminder for folks interested in helping out with our
communications technologies, the Omni Communications group meets every
Monday at 7pm! We've been in summer hiatus but there's still plenty to
do. You can find out more here:
[1] The ConfirmAccount plugin, which typically works well for forcing
new accounts to be requested rather than auto-confirmed, is not
working and has been thoroughly investigated by juul. Next step would
be to upgrade Mediawiki and see if it works with a more recent stable
version. Will try this tomorrow.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.14 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
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On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 6:29 PM, yar <yardenack(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> We've still got some things strewn around the basement
A month later, this is still the case. Tomorrow (Sunday) at 6pm some
Omni folks are throwing a basement-cleaning party. Things may get
thrown out unless they are marked with a note or some blue masking
tape. They also plan to cull the book collection, creating a pile of
unwanted books to be recycled the following week. I highly recommend
Sudoers attend and help …
[View More]out with this. Thanks.
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Hullo S(tan) P(ublishes) A(wesome) Z(ines) & other worthies,
This weekend at the Land of Broken Refrigerators---aka the 'Coon Shack, aka our permission
squat located in a warehouse in one of San Francisco's few green oases---myself, Glamortramp
& a mysterious entity known only as +11+ will go into full production mode on the first issue
of "RESISTOR: a Zine for those holding on for dear life to San Francisco (as well as those we
have already lost)."
[View More]2014/08/10/18759852.php
I o w, zine-making party in SF this weekend, and no one is invited! We've got glue sticks,
scissors, a ream of 11 x 17 paper, & a semi-working laptop, which is all we need to slap this
first issue together. So we don't need your help. But we will be happy to give you a print
copy of RESISTOR #1 in person the next time we cross paths in SF. So if you want one, let us
We plan to print 100 copies or so of this first issue. It will be online eventually but we
can't tell you where or when just yet. One or two issues of RESISTOR will be produced before
we move north (at long last!) in late September or early October. Back to the Pacific
Northwest---finally!---where it may still be possible to leave the raccoon life behind & live
once again like a human being, with the comforts of modern civilization.
Then again, that sounds kind of boring, & there's something to be said for the raccoon
life---so either way, we'll be all right.
We could use help printing the zine! Black & white on tabloid (11 x 17" paper) is what we
need. If you can help, let us know! Drop us a line here or at sfresistor(a)riseup.net.
Peace etc.
& Longshanks
Not all who wander are lost.
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I'm looking to organize a farm hack event in February. Would sudo want to host it? It would be full day event, probably on a Saturday with 30-60 people. Farmhacks are are always free to attend but I would like to support the space financially.
I'm thinking that it would be part hackathon and part hands on skill share with various presentations and discussions throughout the day.
What are the core elements of the FarmHack culture?
Biology before …
[View More]steel and diesel, software before hardware – is there a way to approach this problem by using biological systems that add to soil health – such as cultural practices like cover cropping, mulching, crop or animal rotations etc, is there an approach that eliminates hardware through greater systems understanding?
Holistic approach – does this tool make me enjoy working with it as much as getting the job done faster?
Designed to empower owner of tool to use, modify and improve – different from industrial tools which user does not own in the sense that there are aspects of the tool that are inaccessible to the user. If you can not modify a tool you do not really own it, but are just borrowing it from the system that created it.
Designed for transparent function – functional components are clearly laid out and purpose is clear.
Modularity – functions can be removed and replaced without reengineering entire tool. Tool function can be changed by adding or subtracting parts.
Adaptability- tools can be used for many functions and can be changed to new functions easily.
Design for Disassembly – modularity/if welded easy access to joint for cut/ no hidden bolts/ exposed bearings/belts/ Belt and chain tensioners have enough play to enable easy removal
Universal couplers/fastener spacing – use of standard quick connects for electronics/hydraulics/air lines/power take offs
Design with replicability in mind -- Could this part be recreated in a farm shop in a small town – Use of common dimension materials. for example design for welded and machined parts rather than castings
Use of “off the shelf” or commonly available components, or components that are or can be re-purposed – can a more easily sourced part do the job as well?
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