I said "your 'community' space," but honestly, I still want this to be my
space, too. I hardly ever make a fuss about any of this stuff because it's
all so futile, you know? but in this case, I really want to make my point
clear: I think we should rescind our action against Rannette. I think
she's been treated unfairly. Even if she is "aggressive" towards you or
your compatriots, I don't think we need white dudes policing our space of
black women's bodies. Matt, you claim to have acted in …
[View More]another's interest
and you offer an injured third party -- let them speak for themselves,
because I don't think it's your place right now. If there was a violent
incident that threatened our space, let's hear it from a witness or an
involved party. "Something Happened" is not good enough. Otherwise "but
above all the Omni
Commons must maintain a safe, welcoming environment" seems to fly directly
in the face of the lived experience of too many black people.
[View Less]
Hey all,
I wanted to reach out for some feedback. Seeking folks who would want to
facilitate or participate in a men's group.
I've previously participated in small groups like this and found them
beneficial for various reasons. I would like to see if folks have had
similar or different experiences.
The way I'm thinking about this would culminate in something like a regular
meeting for men in the sudo room community to discuss relevant issues
including those of identity, oppression, privilege,…
[View More] patriarchy, gender,
sexuality, stereotypes, safe space, and mutual support.
This may not be the best or even a viable path to approach these topics,
but I wanted to throw it out there to see if there is any interest.
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Here's some images of the Seiko SMI 3200 Scanning Electron Microscope that
is in need of a new home:
Note that this is NOT a small system! It's not huge as SEM's go, but
definitely not desktop - more like "small room sized". And it would
obviously need some dedicated person to keep it in good running condition.
It is however almost brand new, and currently *running*, at <5nm …
[View More]resolution!
Beam Services Inc is down in Pleasanton, so I guess interested parties
could potentially go and have a look at the system. This kind of equipment
would be a significant commitment and investment in time and effort on our
part, so let's coordinate on this shall we?
On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 11:14 AM, Nathan McCorkle <nmz787(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Useful for micro and nano imaging, as well as micro and nano milling
> and deposition (if it has a gas injector system).
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> Date: Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 4:49 PM
> Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:SMI3200 FIB system looking for a good home
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> Email: dan.buntman(a)beamservices.com
> Name: Dan Buntman
> Organization: Beam Services, Inc.
> Title-Subject: [Filtered] SMI3200 FIB system looking for a good home
> Message: We have a Seiko SMI3200 FIB single beam system available for
> donation to any university or
> other non-profit organization. The system has only been used
> ~3,500hrs., is fully functional and
> currently operating in our facility with demonstrated resolution of
> <5nm. The recipient will be
> responsible for crating, shipping and installation costs. If you are
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Henner wrote this awesome parts organizer web service, and it's running at
noisebridge (and his house):
here's the noisebridge implementation (type a letter to begin instant search):
i would love to help fill it with information about the stuff we have at
sudoroom, but i am not confident in my ability to install it and get it running
on our network. If someone feels good about doing this, sudo make it happen
and i'll help.
i am out of town for tonight and next week's edition of Hardware Hacking
who will host in my place? you just have to welcome new people to the space,
help them find places to sit or hack, and try to help them with their projects,
Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thank you for stewarding the commons.
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons
------------------------ Pledge Summary --------------------------
Invoice # : 1187
Invoice Date: 09/01/2017
Due Date: 09/25/2017
Terms: Net 25
Amount Due: $2,000.00
The complete version has been provided as an attachment to this email.
Re-Joined list;
Anyway yes, I checked out these cabinets and overall they look pretty
solid. They would be very ideal for storing parts in, as well as flammables
which probably shouldn't be left out... (eg, oils, alcohols).
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I seek to understand, and aim to create.
Weblog: http://adammunich.com
PGP Public Key: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=adam+munich
Greetings sudo!
We've had some great momentum these past few weeks, especially on Tuesday
nights, organizing our resources and separating the cruft. On September
16th, the Omni will be hosting the Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair, and thus
the building will be swarming with awesome radicals from all over. I
propose having the space looking spacious and beautiful by September 15th.
Abe suggested this would be a great opportunity for us to host some
workshops in the back.
At last night's mesh …
[View More]meeting, we discussed having a mini-BYOI (Build Your
Own Internet) workshop, and announce the larger one we'll be hosting the
following Saturday for those interested in learning more.
The Bookfair runs from 10am-6pm. Robb and I are thinking we should organize
an afterparty. Not sure if there is anything already planned, but it makes
sense and would be hella fun :)
Thoughts / volunteers to host an open house, afterparty and/or some other
workshops that day?
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
[View Less]
Greetings omninoms,
The newly-regrouped Building Working Group will be hosting an all-day,
building-wide work party this Saturday, Sep 2nd.
Planned projects include:
* Painting the Entrance Hall
* Reorganizing and rodent-proofing the storage closets
* Sealing off the basement vent above water heater (rodent-proofing)
* Replacing the sudo/ccl bathroom faucet, other various plumbing repairs
around the building (folx with plumbing skillz needed)
* Mounting the front door motor for automated door …
[View More]opener
* Patching the basement south wall
...but feel free to take on any task or repair that you've been wanting to
tackle, or assist with general cleaning :)
Come by any time throughout the day and lend a hand! Free lunch for all
volunteers ^_^
Also - if you're available to help prep the walls of the Entrance Hall this
week (patching holes and spackling), please contact me or Robb directly.
Love and solidarity,
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
[View Less]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laura Turiano <scylla(a)riseup.net>
Date: Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 3:16 PM
Subject: [omni-discuss] Anarchist Bookfair at Omni 9/16
To: "discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org" <discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
Hey Commoners,
I want to make sure everyone knows that we have a big all-day event on
Saturday 9/16 that is an opportunity for collectives to let politically
aligned folks know what is going on at the Omni. The Anarchist Bookfair is
[View More]an event we have wanted to host for a long time and I would love to see our
collectives have a presence. The fair will be using the entire entrance and
and ballroom floor area, but there are other things you can do if you don't
have an official table. Omni doesn't have one :/
I encourage you to:
- set up a table in either of the mezzanine areas with information about
what you are doing and how people can get involved
- have copies of your brochures ready to put out. If you aren't going to be
there, give them to another Omni group to display
The Sudo/CCL area will probably have a lot of people walking through to
check it out. It would be great to have people there ready to talk about
their group and the Omni.
See you at the Bookfair!
discuss mailing list
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