I'm out of town this week, so I won't be in the space on Tuesday or Wednesday.
does someone else want to host Tuesday?
On Mon, 21 Feb 2022, Andrew R Gross via sudo-discuss wrote:
> Since no one has expressed interest in coming to Sudo tonight, I'm going to
> scratch my plan to come in tonight and suggest we discuss this at
> Wednesday's meeting.
> Can we discuss this at 8:30 PM? That's the earliest I can reliably come
> into the space.
> *Andrew R Gross, (he/him)*
> 412.657.5332 - shrad.org <http://www.shrad.org>
> On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 2:47 PM Andrew R Gross <arg5029(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> I will definitely make the meeting tomorrow night hybrid. And I don't
>> think we'll make any irreversible decisions, so no one who misses it will
>> be left behind.
>> *Just join at the usual address tomorrow, Monday February 21st at 8:30
>> PM: https://meet.waag.org/turtlesturtlesturtles
>> <https://meet.waag.org/turtlesturtlesturtles>*
>> I agree that it's useful to recognize the sensitivity of this issue, and I
>> agree that we can definitely take some big bites out of the problem right
>> away without undermining anyone's vision.
>> *Andrew R Gross, (he/him)*
>> 412.657.5332 - shrad.org <http://www.shrad.org>
>> On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 1:09 PM David Keenan <dkeenan44(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Just wanted to say this thread feels like a really central and helpful
>>> group discussion, and it’s great to see this visioning around sudo,
>>> hackerspaces, and their relation between stuff and humans.
>>> A meeting to discuss more sounds good and will do my best to be
>>> available, though I can’t yet confirm :/ Might it be possible to schedule a
>>> virtual meeting, which might make it easier for folks given short notice?
>>> I also wanted to acknowledge that there are some deep feelings around
>>> this topic and so we should all make an extra hard effort to *not* take
>>> different views personally and to remember that everyone probably shares
>>> the same ultimate goal of how to make sudo more inviting and lively.
>>> Imo it’s not so much about choosing between ‘empty yoga studio’ vs
>>> ‘hoarders paradise’ approaches as two opposing extremes, as much as
>>> deciding on what a reasonable balance is? by perhaps defining some minimal
>>> standards and routines.
>>> Since standards decided upon can always be changed later, we might
>>> embrace new approaches like the experiment that they are, without them
>>> feeling too fraught or set in stone, a la the ‘RERO’ truism (release early,
>>> release often). By the same token the earlier hacker truism that seems far
>>> less in vogue these days, but I think particularly relevant to our approach
>>> here about structuring space, is GIGO (garbage in, garbage out).
>>> Best,
>>> David
>>> On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 07:36 Andrew R Gross via sudo-discuss <
>>> sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org> wrote:
>>>> I would like to discuss this in real-time, ideally face to face, for
>>>> those available. *Who can join me tomorrow (Monday) night at 8:30 pm?*
>>>> On Sat, Feb 19, 2022, 9:21 PM Eric O'Connor via sudo-discuss <
>>>> sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org> wrote:
>>>>> There is a lot of talk about what policy changes should be made, and
>>>>> what Sudo *should not* be like. I think consensus works best when you go
>>>>> from current situation > future situation > goals/motives > plans >
>>>>> execution.
>>>>> So, having more or less established that the current situation is not
>>>>> ideal, could we talk about what SudoRoom *should be* in the future? If
>>>>> people can agree on that, I think the policies might be more clear.
>>>>> To me, a hackerspace is useful because it has a bunch of great people
>>>>> and tools and materials that I don’t have access to at my own home.
>>>>> 1) I can learn things from people, whether through casual interactions,
>>>>> shared projects, and/or organized classes
>>>>> 2) Sharing tools and space, and acquiring materials in bulk means
>>>>> everyone can have cheaper access overall
>>>>> 3) The community energy is inspiring and focusing. I want to do cool
>>>>> things when I’m hanging with people who do cool things.
>>>>> 4-?) ??? add your thing here
>>>>> In terms of motives, goals, fears, etc:
>>>>> If I understand correctly, Jake is saying that curating tools and
>>>>> materials is an important function of a Hackerspace — i.e. to enable (2) —
>>>>> and that doing so requires significant effort.
>>>>> Again, if I understand correctly, Yar, Andrew, and others are saying
>>>>> that a cluttered space inhibits (1) and (3).
>>>>> To add a fear of my own: materials (and to a lesser extent tools, which
>>>>> are often consumable — drill bits, grinding wheels, etc.) cost money/time,
>>>>> and are often not maintained/replaced when they’re shared.
>>>>> It seems like the solution is to decide on a vision for what future
>>>>> SudoRoom should be like. If you show up at SudoRoom on any given day, what
>>>>> tools, materials, and people would you want to have access to? If we agree
>>>>> on that, the plan should be easier to come up with, and people will be more
>>>>> motivated to actually do it.
>>>>> Eric
>>>>>> On Feb 19, 2022, at 15:19, Jake via sudo-discuss <
>>>>> sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sat, 19 Feb 2022, Alexander Papazoglou wrote:
>>>>>>> I don't have any concrete suggestions other than finding a way to
>>>>> make
>>>>>>> stuff transit though sudoroom in a more orderly fashion. Like with
>>>>> planned
>>>>>>> events, maybe in concert with other hackerspaces. But I'm probably
>>>>> just
>>>>>>> echoing Joule's sentiments there.
>>>>>> I listed concrete suggestions: I said "come and get involved, spend
>>>>> time
>>>>>> understanding what we have and why, and make an impact."
>>>>>>> However, I think saying that people who don't like the space as it
>>>>> is should
>>>>>>> just go elsewhere is not good policy.
>>>>>> I understand that that's what people are interpreting from my email,
>>>>> and that
>>>>>> is not what I meant. I tried to be clear but I realize that it
>>>>> didn't work.
>>>>>> I was saying that people who want an empty room should not try to
>>>>> make sudoroom
>>>>>> into an empty room. There are other places for that, and I support
>>>>> that, but
>>>>>> like I said, sudoroom (to me) is a place where we have tools and
>>>>> materials in
>>>>>> addition to clear and clean workspace.
>>>>>> And I wish that people didn't interpret my email as telling people
>>>>> not to come
>>>>>> to the space, when I repeatedly and clearly said that what we need is
>>>>> for
>>>>>> people to come to the space and help make it better.
>>>>>>> Firstly it's exclusionary whereas the spirit of the space is meant
>>>>> to be as
>>>>>>> inclusive as reasonably possible, and secondly it selects for people
>>>>> who have
>>>>>>> high clutter, disgust and hazard tolerance thresholds. While I score
>>>>> high on
>>>>>>> those metrics, I would like the space to be open to people who
>>>>> don't, and I
>>>>>>> think we would benefit from having members on that side of the
>>>>> "spectrum". We
>>>>>>> don't need to make it a yoga studio, but it can be more like an
>>>>> organized
>>>>>>> shop, can't it?
>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>> yes, I agree with you 100%. And I think that the way to get there is
>>>>> for more
>>>>>> people to come to the space and contribute to making it nicer. You
>>>>> and I have
>>>>>> already been doing that and we will continue to do it. I am planning
>>>>> to do a
>>>>>> large e-waste run soon (in the next couple of weeks) and I put work
>>>>> into
>>>>>> preparing that every tuesday night after people leave.
>>>>>> I understand that my previous email was pretty long and didn't
>>>>> succeed in
>>>>>> getting through what I was trying to say.
>>>>>> I think that it would be really nice to have the space clean and
>>>>> organized and
>>>>>> inviting, and the way we will do that is by people coming into the
>>>>> space and
>>>>>> cleaning and organizing it. There is no substitute for that, and
>>>>> people who
>>>>>> think that turning away donations (which have supplied literally
>>>>> everything in
>>>>>> sudoroom) are mistaken, and their suggestions harm us and don't help
>>>>> anything.
>>>>>> -jake
>>>>>>> On Sat, Feb 19, 2022 at 12:24 AM Jake via sudo-discuss <
>>>>> sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I see what I feel are pretty harsh condemnations of something I
>>>>> think is an
>>>>>>>> important part of hackerspaces/makerspaces like our sudoroom.
>>>>>>>> I've been hosting tuesday nights at sudoroom for a while now, and
>>>>> trying to
>>>>>>>> get people back into coming to the space and making use of it. We
>>>>> make use
>>>>>>>> of a lot of different tools and supplies in the space, to build
>>>>> things,
>>>>>>>> repair things, and ideate. We also make use of swaths of blank
>>>>> space on the
>>>>>>>> tables.
>>>>>>>> There is a spectrum of interest in the kind of hardware tools and
>>>>> materials
>>>>>>>> we have in sudoroom. Some people are very comfortable surrounded
>>>>> by the
>>>>>>>> many kinds of electronic and other bits we have, even though
>>>>> they're far
>>>>>>>> from organized the way we would like them to be.
>>>>>>>> Other people have zero interest, and would be most at home in an
>>>>> empty room
>>>>>>>> with nothing but clean blank tables, good even lighting, and no
>>>>> visual
>>>>>>>> clutter, like a nice yoga studio. Those people should definitely
>>>>> have that,
>>>>>>>> and I encourage them to start with the disco room! It's almost
>>>>> there,
>>>>>>>> although the floor is a little too "busy" but it could be coated
>>>>> with carpet
>>>>>>>> or something.
>>>>>>>> It would be a mistake for the second kind of people to entirely
>>>>> fail to
>>>>>>>> understand the value of the materials we have, when the real issue
>>>>> is that
>>>>>>>> we've faced a lack of human resources to curate the space.
>>>>>>>> materials, computers, monitors, TVBGones, monitors, soldering irons,
>>>>>>>> monitors, printers, broken laptops, power supplies, oscilloscopes,
>>>>> 3D
>>>>>>>> printers, and random stuff.
>>>>>>>> Literally everything in sudoroom at this point has been a donation:
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> laser cutter, the tables, the light fixtures over the north half of
>>>>> the room
>>>>>>>> (I salvaged them from an abandoned building, brought them and
>>>>> helped install
>>>>>>>> them)
>>>>>>>> yes, we get a lot of stuff that is not something we want to keep.
>>>>> The first
>>>>>>>> thing that comes to mind is "printers" but a notable exception was
>>>>> when
>>>>>>>> recently Hilary was able to score a useful and working printer from
>>>>> the main
>>>>>>>> tables that had been dropped off just a few weeks earlier, by one of
>>>>>>>> Sudoroom's long-lost co-founders.
>>>>>>>> What keeps Sudoroom from being unusable due to too much clutter, as
>>>>> some
>>>>>>>> people have reasonably claimed about the space recently? A lack of
>>>>>>>> contributing effort. Joule contributed tons of effort in the past,
>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> hauled off lots of stuff (although they are also the source of many
>>>>> things
>>>>>>>> we still have)
>>>>>>>> I have been putting hours every tuesday night (after others go
>>>>> home) sorting
>>>>>>>> what we have, cleaning up, and preparing to make a big e-waste
>>>>> run. I've
>>>>>>>> also given away lots of "donations" to people who would give them a
>>>>> good
>>>>>>>> home, and i've even sold a few things (all money goes to sudoroom)
>>>>> and i'll
>>>>>>>> do it again.
>>>>>>>> Today, perhaps thanks to my encouragement, Ian gathered our huge
>>>>> excess of
>>>>>>>> monitors and sorted them according to which ones we should keep,
>>>>> and the
>>>>>>>> rest of them will be donated to https://techexchange.org which is
>>>>> an
>>>>>>>> organization that distributes computers to low-income families in
>>>>> Oakland.
>>>>>>>> Why didn't our excess of monitors get donated to them sooner?
>>>>> Because it
>>>>>>>> requires human labor, and the pandemic has had us basically closed
>>>>> for two
>>>>>>>> years.
>>>>>>>> If you want to help sudoroom be a better place; less cluttered, more
>>>>>>>> inviting, then come and get involved, spend time understanding what
>>>>> we have
>>>>>>>> and why, and make an impact. But please don't be reactionary and
>>>>> wish for a
>>>>>>>> blank and empty space, or whatever minimalist vision you have in
>>>>> mind that
>>>>>>>> doesn't align with the spirit of material hacking and creativity
>>>>> that the
>>>>>>>> space was founded on.
>>>>>>>> -jake
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> sudo-discuss mailing list -- sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org
>>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to sudo-discuss-leave(a)sudoroom.org
>>>>>> More options at
>>>>> https://sudoroom.org/lists/postorius/lists/sudo-discuss.sudoroom.org/
>>>>>> This message archived at
>>>>> https://sudoroom.org/lists/hyperkitty/list/sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org/messag…
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>>>>> sudo-discuss mailing list -- sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org
>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to sudo-discuss-leave(a)sudoroom.org
>>>>> More options at
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>>>>> This message archived at
>>>>> https://sudoroom.org/lists/hyperkitty/list/sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org/messag…
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> sudo-discuss mailing list -- sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org
>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to sudo-discuss-leave(a)sudoroom.org
>>>> More options at
>>>> https://sudoroom.org/lists/postorius/lists/sudo-discuss.sudoroom.org/
>>>> This message archived at
>>>> https://sudoroom.org/lists/hyperkitty/list/sudo-discuss@sudoroom.org/messag…
hello fellow sudoroom members and friends,
TL;DR: I am Sudoroom's delegate to Omni Commons and I have been representing
our collective will regarding Omni Commons collective decisions. Get involved.
Come to sudoroom meetings Wednesdays and consider serving as one of our delegates.
last omni commons meeting notes:
I have been serving as sudoroom's "delegate" to the Omni Commons delegate's
meetings which happen on the first and third Thursdays of each month.
The next delegate's meeting is March 3rd as seen on the calendar:
since Sudoroom meetings have been sparsely attended and informal, I have had to
represent our position on issues in an ad-hoc way based on what I thought we
would want if we had discussed things as a collective. This is not the way it
should be, but Omni needs to keep functioning even though Sudoroom is not
running at full speed yet.
If you are part of sudoroom, please come to meetings, and help spread the word
before meetings, so that more people show up. Meetings will need a facilitator
at least, and someone will have to take notes onto the wiki. If you want a
wiki login so you can do this, click here: https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Special:RequestAccount
If you want to learn how this process works, explore the following link and
then ask questions on this list: https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Meetings
there's mention of the fact that we don't publicly post our meeting scratchpad
URL anymore, because there were trolls in the past. Hopefully the trolls all
died or found whatever they were missing in life, but the point is that the
links to the notes will be in the video chat that we all meet in, so we don't
have to deal with that (hopefully).
The emails that go out every week to remind us all about the meeting will
contain the link to the video chat, which will probably be the same thing we've
been using for the telescreen. So ideally, you join the meeting from your
computer (or in person at sudoroom) so that you can have the chat open as well
as a window where you're looking at the notes (or editing them) to follow
what's going on.
see you wednesday at the meeting, if not sooner!
Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thank you for stewarding the commons.
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons
---------------------------------- Invoice ---------------------------------
4799 Shattuck Ave
Oakland, CA 94609 US
Invoice #: 2486
Date: 03/01/2022
Due Date: 03/25/2022
Terms: Net 25
Amount Due: $10,000.00
Bill To:
Sudo Room
4799 Shattuck Ave
Oakland, CA 94607
****************************** Account Summary *****************************
02/01/2022 Balance Forward $8,000.00
Other payments and credits after 02/01/2022 0.00
New charges (details below) 2,000.00
Total Amount Due (activity through 03/01/202 10,000.00
<u> Date </u><u> Activity </u><u> Qty </u><u> Rate </u><u> Amount </u>
03/01/2022 Furnishing Fa 1 2,000.00 2,000.00T
SubTotal: $2,000.00
Tax: $0.00
Total Of New Charges: $2,000.00
Total Amount Due: $10,000.00
Greetings Sudo Room!
This is your monthly donation invoice. Thank you for stewarding the
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons Finance Working Group
Does anyone have a hank of 25' or more of 50Ω coaxial cable? The good kind,
10mm outer diameter (thick) like RG8 or RG213 or LMR400
not cable TV recieving wire
thank you!
Last night we had new people visiting, a surprise visit from folks who
haven't been around in a long time _and_ a bunch of great donations of all
kinds of components, microcontrollers and random useful bits (that have
mostly been sorted into bins).
We have at least one new potential member to formalize as an actual member
and a bunch of updates on improvements that have been happening in sudo
room, and the greater Omni, so come hang out!
Went on the east bay bike ride and kept thinking of more cool ideas with projectors - like some kids said why not bike and aim the laser visual at the ground? It’d be very pretty mixed in with movement
I like my small projectors it’s cool! Psyched to get started 😸
Sent from my iPhone
Hey everyone,
How was last night's meeting? I wanted to declare my intent to join and
discuss ways I can get started volunteering on any ongoing projects, but I
didn't get on until after it ended. So I'll drop my info here so everyone
can look it over before next week's meeting.
First, here's my new sudohumans profile:
*Declaration of Intent to Join*
*Who I am*
My name is Andrew R Gross ("R" is my full middle name) and I'm a
politically conscious hacker and maker who just moved to Oakland from Los
*Why I want to join*
I'm looking for many things that I've gotten from previous experiences with
makerspaces: companionship; a rich well of technical expertise from which
to learn and contribute; an organizing structure in which to effectively
execute complex projects; and access to tools.
*What I'm excited to do*
I'm excited to use the laser cutter and the 6-axis arm, as well as to be a
part of something I have the power to improve through my volunteership.
*What I'm excited to share*
What I'd like to share is my time and my energy, as well as my unique
perspective (unique in the sense that we're all unique: my perspective
isn't uniquely valuable relative to anyone else's). I like to clean and to
organize group projects. I like to pay forward to others the good vibes and
support I've been fortunate to receive.
Anyone interested in getting to know me should contact CRASHSpace
hackerspace in LA <https://blog.crashspace.org/>, where I've been an active
member in good standing for a while. You can send an email to the general
mailbox <https://blog.crashspace.org/contact/> or just drop into the email
discussion list <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/crashspace> to ask
for general impressions about me.
Additionally, check out my sosh-meeds:
reddit: u/andrew gross <https://www.reddit.com/user/andrewrgross>
Insta: @andrew_r_gross <https://www.instagram.com/andrew_r_gross/>
LinkedIn: andrew-r-gross <https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-r-gross>
github: andrew gross <https://github.com/andrewrgross>
*Andrew R Gross, (he/him)*
412.657.5332 - shrad.org <http://www.shrad.org>