anybody have/know where to find a cheap/free 4ru server chassis or two?
finally got an open source character generator (realtime graphics overlays
on video) & webcasting software working & i'd like to stick em in a rack in
the a/v control room @ Omni. i hope to have an open source realtime/live
video editing/webcasting system for the ballroom by the end of this month
thx 4 reading
hack the planet
Looping in sudo-discuss - is anyone available to help load Ed's and Ian's
trucks tomorrow afternoon for a dump run? Everything is all tee'd up in the
Entrance Hall on or in front of the stage - there are two smaller labelled
piles for e-waste and CiviCorps (our recycling company will pick up
itemized e-waste) - everything else is dumprun.
I unfortunately can't be there until 3pm...
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 3:24 PM, Ed Biow <biow(a)> wrote:
> I'm good with Monday, or maybe we should meet Friday at 1:30? I just have
> no idea what needs to go, but I'm willing to cover the dump fees.
> e
> On 11/09/2017 11:47 AM, Laura Turiano wrote:
>> So only 2 people have said they can help tomorrow - Ed and Jose. I can be
>> there after 1:15. That's not really enough people to do this tomorrow. How
>> about Monday?
>> On 11/9/17 11:41 AM, Jose Plascencia wrote:
>>> That works. See folks at noon tomorrow.
>>> On Nov 8, 2017 3:15 PM, "Ed Biow" <biow(a) <mailto:
>>> biow(a)>> wrote:
>>> So Friday at noon?
>>> On 11/08/2017 12:00 PM, Ed Biow wrote:
>>> > I could be, Laura, do we need a truck?
>>> >
>>> > On 11/08/2017 11:53 AM, Laura Turiano wrote:
>>> >> Who is available to help load a truck for a dump run on Thursday
>>> or
>>> >> Friday around noon-1ish?
>>> >>
>>> >> Please let me know what day you could come by.
>>> >>
>>> >> Thanks,
>>> >>
>>> >> Laura
>>> >>
>>> >> _______________________________________________
>>> >> discuss mailing list
>>> >> discuss(a)
>>> <>
>>> >>
>>> <>
>>> >
>>> --
>>> +++++++++++++++++++sig hell+++++++++++++++++++
>>> Edmund Joseph Biow
>>> 328 Haddon Road
>>> Oakland, California 94606
>>> (510) 763-0591 <tel:%28510%29%20763-0591> (dumb landline, no
>>> caller ID, answering machine in attic, generally monitored in
>>> morning)
>>> (415) 623-6473 <tel:%28415%29%20623-6473> (cell, I monitor the
>>> landline more frequently)
>>> biow(a) <> (personal) -
>>> biow(a) <> (political) -
>>> ejbiow(a) <> (large attachments) -
>>> ebiow(a) <> (bcc)
>>> ejbiow(a) <> (commercial)
>>> IM (Instant Messaging, like text messaging but for computers)
>>> (I recommend pidgin with the 'otr' encryption plugin as an instant
>>> message client):
>>> ejbiow(a) <> - ejbiow(a)
>>> <> - EdJBiow (AIM) - biow(a)
>>> <> - often "Gnudnik" on
>>> <>
>>> Skype username: edmundbiow
>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe to the lists for which I'm an
>>> administrator send an email to the following:
>>> Subscribe:
>>> occupyoakland-subscribe(a)
>>> <>
>>> oscargrantcommittee-subscribe(a)
>>> <>
>>> oaklandprivacyworkinggroup-subscribe(a)
>>> <>
>>> oaklandpublicbank-subscribe(a)
>>> <>
>>> occupyoaklanddiscuss-subscribe(a)
>>> <>
>>> oaklandlivablewagediscussion-subscribe(a)
>>> <>
>>> (dormant)
>>> occupyoaklandkitchen-subscribe(a)
>>> <> (dormant)
>>> Unsubscribe:
>>> occupyoakland-unsubscribe(a)
>>> <>
>>> oscargrantcommittee-unsubscribe(a)
>>> <>
>>> oaklandprivacyworkinggroup-unsubscribe(a)
>>> <>
>>> oaklandpublicbank-unsubscribe(a)
>>> <>
>>> occupyoaklanddiscuss-unsubscribe(a)
>>> <>
>>> Relatively secure EMAIL:
>>> You can use a PGP key to encrypt and secure our messages. To
>>> start using it, you'll need to install an OpenPGP software on your
>>> computer. Below you'll find a list of possible solutions for your
>>> operating system:
>>> Windoze: Kleopatra (
>>> <>)
>>> OSX: GPG Keychain (
>>> <>)
>>> Linux: GnuPG
>>> (
>>> <>)
>>> Android: OpenKeychain
>>> (
>>> tlysecure.keychain
>>> <
>>> tlysecure.keychain>)
>>> i(diot)OS: iPGMail
>>> (
>>> <>)
>>> Once you set up PGP on your computer please import my public key
>>> into your local OpenPGP Key-Manager. The valid PGP keys for my
>>> biow(a) <> &
>>> biow(a) <> accounts can be downloaded
>>> here:
>>> An "easy" way to set up PGP on your computer is to download the
>>> free & open sources Thunderbird email client (available on Linux,
>>> Windohs & O$X) & install the EnigMail Add-On.
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> Looking forward to exchange snooping-free messages with you &
>>> making the NSA spend mondo bucks to discover the secret of my
>>> bube's kartofel kugel recipe.
>>> PGP Public Key for biow(a) <>:
>>> Version: GnuPG v1
>>> mQSuBFH/+cURDADp1FTESAcLH801d1ueRIIresIKhoGx4TjeBFuJgwcGEDazeSJa
>>> 9sd9yw7q9vfqQ/yeNxt4fy3GgWuKIEmjHgdmlSA0gC5QYfA6yvhR0ejrwkV1K1F/
>>> kV0H83HWFTi04LA6+9gIiq0YYtWaXOvi5H/PcRUpTyRBGet2KGZKrgNxTVo+Acp/
>>> +bt8uqFjVE8/b1jZdqVDfA/DgUJj2UPdP1gPnvUxv5VKQLRvOEbEnN+0aqvezty2
>>> DQNxEfqWQiOtytXmf3xy76MFeWYWtFxQG3av8IsBu6LiaKxL2/gvWezzl8NjG/eH
>>> ODPscrNOWj5Lb9f/KgrPMCEwDFRUw4/yV+L5OsWgeN6hc1ZRm83OTfbgr0I+35/S
>>> QtBFEbJ8uZh8g6wAioZGjMEaZb+3KZy/Ys39Bye1gxqjuasz5A1Fe9fHAiKB5OZT
>>> XRlXHHklAXMX+4QCG2epuDvWDmi8Fkl5movo2C09rjYAs2NthZiLDVoT2aMEOsuR
>>> y6KzgJFYugQoWe8BAKofM7OAtdHfkjjcMyGdowuig3ZRF/0ORBJU4KXDG00HC/4/
>>> 3hJl1hDvNNsukMIkaMbjSFjISro8whM1zR++yLilxk2HqHQ62kQmpi/dy9qdl8X9
>>> X9TZhzqtMQ8FCqoQPbnIeF5U6qLxgKajdggbmu+CQqthbYLoNrCBoQ3mq6Llnn6y
>>> +0+iADDWnIkDCKY4KojwqeAO4KcHazCQXsyNw64vl/ttfp2OCPkM3CwLWywE99lb
>>> QDqYHYiL9o29C/rRlDkiBmatY6OG+R5h9NPURoKCTK4VTr1/DzHIevTseNlX+we2
>>> DQhoP5Mc47wBzZMUxlZTKP5WxSO3aLxIIkHLNI/PLoPoK0RhlV0kao2vyHF67/v+
>>> MRNW4mReFZVoZmPbgfuo5+h7lnqrc85n+B8WVCZZ3ObCc9AdmOo0YZX08Tbxct3o
>>> Bo6BB6fAkX65ny5Z0L771TI8fZmnwlGY+c4SF5zTV+NI/mgP8xQEGPonQKUUujEM
>>> AIho9waVpg14kas+9wSKC+CqhCsoM3kEHQV9VE+YlNK2UjZQ2P2EOFEXd0FZoB6Z
>>> uJlZhyOxuQrdDcaIG33+nsJIhMvvjOxCU1bnb2mL7UG8u4EPwCG7ByNTJdtv7Fh8
>>> uZWk6AMOWUNDSHSUqlTj+hK8vOy/JYACAPdsU4+wJwywtdtesBmDVP1L5RU++vXm
>>> UKxTylKiNt9zFdUbq3tqJCI7tpZ8KJNVN+f/lbozdD0LLI5D6iTAJeH39+HNDvuM
>>> eRL6d5VCMWQee509nlpiCdwUDrgiVzGKZLZnD24q0YCYUY9qXeUDz6516e5oN1PD
>>> YKKySv2iaSBxkEuiLFm8P3aREX49SajAZSsVKrjHVxIPVU+sJxwOv3knAv9S6hR4
>>> /PjKy97SarxccT94q7EaNfoSeU2vDouOrBQbPXuUXmo6JCYkZ7diRHuS8UohYynD
>>> fGkAEDJIdUl5gk94tSFlyQLf6VvfhGxvfxZ07IEfwg0ngCIA3yOoOMIKolqW3Y8x
>>> brQ2RWQgQmlvdyAoNGssIGJyaW5nIG9uIHRoZSAkNSB3cmVuY2gpIDxiaW93QHJp
>>> AheAAAoJECFwMETW4AsTkt0BAJ0PVd61nLWwLAnuXHZLiFEkoHsJ67Ia9g+Ko2sd
>>> KdQPAP4lsgljmyiPk+yTRphXKuckoOjxjsFmmaqge1fHNf0S2LkEDQRR//nFEBAA
>>> jo3VP8u7CksqPneuFn6IrmO61jinCEo6dZW4a9loUDuX2gJI7wj918OEck2dBJn2
>>> ubv3+G8scZhfU9HpDajbh161IW2hldvukk4il9TzKbOIV8g+CG7bTo1I3k8cFVmX
>>> JjMI52uKqSkaoEodtU5lQvhYYyMXMLJ/QbaStA3kgTubWvS/N3/iQ3gRZVHkzRyj
>>> fNe2OM2+fY2AFpuVZEn0eu+DfqILzPWTFCSVSXFZLcBe6crPYJaLW2gFf9eL6aDg
>>> gBoP2AMeurg3WwjkCvAOSK6xD/TcCLZiWWjnWL/i3d+7A3l9yw7eCvNYkbEbuy9M
>>> 9aMUwHBg+dRvKpyTGA4O9FF5jXKWBaUiDZxR8+hkDaYLhyxafQiXRF9NmSes/v8o
>>> Q9q4tYUDpvQbZpj7vjkCS6MOVq7oN3MPx9eGyHYpxXI3yP7gupYwfAydmVLCrvUt
>>> WK97v/KcystOnNEpiLavEuqEhEIv6U8RaNLxPPI2CmlLCyyadZfv4NHfU2WYo8H3
>>> rd1CZyvC/iBM5ZBqbLL8WmOVxMjFkwCY78FBRKQ5LGGp5V8UvgvEWJcmlhKGK9FM
>>> tY6XkgWuujYgWqmMtgf09BntYaJ1oruaOCyazufrhyx/296GHNU3dvFRgq37ePq+
>>> FiFQV83U0PR0uqYtNaFFlDViuCqtNQxx33nl8m3cQJMAAwUP/0XDRpBJ6uMAUpkq
>>> oKIgJjbWNUbbUh+RuL3LWY30foxF8Q1A5xJJ+2P0WLcr0j+hsVJLjA7zn38o6Zbn
>>> qT/0S6mKIEcXlsulrcDtbSLQ8MUJO+sky2XZlk1knL0xcrw9OgaebpzHU4mWviyj
>>> 8HqHHzhjD1ZHA42CkDyI8DyXwXJvez2yFcxtKrjVMrGuxRjEwZtJqaOuWt9pp9Tp
>>> l6VXzdOTPDC8FdHl50HVGJoVX1HJJtbRlDHskBX6eU683+1i4BCdoyNUNzHzkVYB
>>> +FT3hrwiPtG8ac5BXSdFHb+opNCYrp4qMbWBe4BrMGm+QipTU9/0FhxfR94qgEC1
>>> nL/pgeItXwe4iC3mqc7tEBhy6KWdeY7QXYDnKb4dDW/ipTHP1+TBBfXtH+4cGdXd
>>> PUEJ/6Aqe60qFau1Vh4yTqoCG0B6tKHxwThOZQ/SxQRKl/fmHN7EFJaG6IcRBrRD
>>> 2RbUNkCmp+MOvVWYuQiq6WfiORjUI3DcMRcbjkRr2wX2ihjFi+dJodbIfqjr0q1X
>>> DHVXnT7BDZXWvhDyyCsd1nwxoJW8KBQbm5BTYQ5ROz++nYDtt/4Is8eK5SY7G3rY
>>> dE8x3ypbnfX/LrYM9dPkAL4ulUnmO6dqwbvAZc3pQBiurTxjpqdvqx9CpbjVDSmf
>>> CxPSXwD/QDF0ILGa8LD+YF7eGC7JZasuRu2100EwLeQlCx5X920A/3mk0gr4Lo7e
>>> cKuaMJnvySeLUouC8+LF7a8ePxmbfHvw
>>> =gUK/
>>> Is god willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is not
>>> omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is
>>> he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither
>>> able nor willing? Then why call him god? - Epicurus (341-270 BCE)
>>> _-^--^=-_
>>> _.-^^ -~_
>>> _-- --_
>>> < >)
>>> | That's all, folks! |
>>> \._ _./
>>> ```--. . , ; .--'''
>>> | | |
>>> .-=|| | |=-.
>>> `-=#$%&%$#=-'
>>> | ; :|
>>> _____.,-#%&$(a)%#&#~,._____
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> discuss mailing list
>>> discuss(a) <>
>>> <>
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> discuss mailing list
>>> discuss(a)
>> _______________________________________________
>> discuss mailing list
>> discuss(a)
> --
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Power corrupts;
> Absolute power corrupts absolutely;
> God is all-powerful.
> Draw your own conclusions
> Edmund Joseph Biow
> 328 Haddon Road
> Oakland, California 94606
> (510) 763-0591 (try first, messages checked in morning, dumb phone, no
> caller ID, leave number)
> (415) 623-6473 (cell)
> biow(a) - biow(a) - ejbiow(a) - ebiow(a)
> To subscribe or unsubscribe to the lists I manage send an email to the
> following:
> Subscribe:
> occupyoakland-subscribe(a)
> oaklandprivacyworkinggroup-subscribe(a)
> civilizethecops-subscribe(a)
> occupyoaklandkitchen-subscribe(a)
> infomedusa-subscribe(a)
> Unsubscribe:
> occupyoakland-unsubscribe(a)
> oaklandprivacyworkinggroup-unsubscribe(a)
> civilizethecops-unsubscribe(a)
> occupyoaklandkitchen-unsubscribe(a)
> infomedusa-unsubscribe(a)
> (\__/) .~ ~. ))
> /O O ./ .'
> {O__, \ {
> / . . ) \
> |-| '-' \ } )) Warning squirrels:
> .( _( )_.' Einstein is on the prowl.
> '---.~_ _ _&
> You can use a PGP key to encrypt and secure our messages. To start using
> it, you'll need to install an OpenPGP software on your computer. Below
> you'll find a list of possible solutions for your operating system:
> Windows: Kleopatra ( GnuPG (
> OS X: GPG Keychain (
> Linux: GnuPG (
> Android: OpenKeychain (
> /apps/details?id=org.sufficientlysecure.keychain)
> iOS: iPGMail (
> Once you set up PGP on your computer please import my public key into your
> local OpenPGP Key-Manager. The valid PGP keys for my
> biow(a) & biow(a) accounts can be downloaded here:
> An "easy" way to set up PGP on your computer is to download the free &
> open sources Thunderbird email client (available on Linux, Windohs & O$X) &
> install the EnigMail Add-On.
> Looking forward to exchange snooping-free messages with you & making the
> NSA spend mondo bucks to discover the secret of my bube's kartofel kugel
> recipe.
> _______________________________________________
> discuss mailing list
> discuss(a)
I'm proud to announce that MeshPoint has become one of the 12
finalists of The Hackaday Prize 2017. We’re competing for first place
in two categories: Best Product and as best project overall.
Thanks to the effort of MeshPoint team members, the collaborative
project has gotten another confirmation that we are working on
technology that’s going to make a significant impact on the IT
industry and the humanitarian innovation sector. In the past months,
we have been working hard to perfect our device’s efficiency,
performance and appliance.
Out of the 12 chosen finalists, 5 are selected to win 5,000 up to
50,000 USD. Honestly, just being selected as one of the best by
leading IT experts, engineers, entrepreneurs and professors from
reputable American universities (such as MIT) is great motivation and
a clear message to our team that we’re on the right track.
The announcement will be made on the Hackaday Superconference 2017,
the largest international conference dedicated to open source hardware
projects and hardware development.
The conference starts on Saturday, 11th of November. The announcements
will be made on: Saturday, 11th of November at 18:30 California time
(Sunday 03:30 CET)
You can follow the event live on the Hackaday Youtube channel or on
the Hackaday Facebook page.
Ryan Jason Martin has been safe-space banned from sudo room, and thus from
the Omni Commons.
The following is the consensus decision from last night's sudo room meeting:
"The sudoroom community stands by our existing safe space ban of Ryan
Martin for reasons of prolonged intimidation and harassment. We will seek
more information, but prioritize supporting our long-time community
members. The ban will continue unless it's overturned by a member vote at a
future sudoroom meeting."
I currently do not have any photo to share but Ryan has been informed of
this decision and I have no reason to believe that he will attempt to gain
access to the Omni in the future.
Some issues have been brought up relating to safe space that deserve our
If you are a sudo room member it would be great if you could show up this
Wednesday at 7 pm for a meeting or be available online.
Normally we'd deal with these things on the second Wednesday of the month
but I don't think it's fair for anyone involved to drag out a safe space
issue if we can avoid it.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [omni-helpdesk] modem?
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2017 12:15:48 -0700
From: Lauren Greis <amazinggreis(a)>
To: info(a)
Are you in need of a perfectly working modem + all needed wires? Please
let me know if so, and I can drop it off at your space.
Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thank you for stewarding the commons.
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons
------------------------ Pledge Summary --------------------------
Invoice # : 1229
Invoice Date: 11/01/2017
Due Date: 11/25/2017
Terms: Net 25
Amount Due: $2,000.00
The complete version has been provided as an attachment to this email.