this has happened in the past and a couple of times this week, i think, that
the computer that handles the front door magnetic stripe reader shuts itself
off for some reason.
it's a beaglebone black and there is no reason it should shut off. there are
no logs as to why because we generally run it in read-only mode on the main
disk, and logs are kept on a RAM disk.
here's someone else talking about the same issue:
when it's off, it has power but there are no lights on. pressing the power
button turns it on. wtf?
i could make a watchdog circuit that power-cycles it if this happens, but i
don't think that's really the right solution. does someone want to take this
on and figure out wtf is going on?
probably using a USB stick for system logs would be a good start, and maybe
some increased level of logging.
Are we interested in these? For sudo or elsewhere in omni?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 1:46 AM
Subject: Re: [sudo-info] (no subject)
To: Yardena Cohen <yardenack(a)>
The benches are 3’ x 6’ and about 3’ tall.
They are from a small company in Concord.
I think there are 5 or 6 available.
Huge thanks for everyone who stepped up to speak last night!
We had 4 signed up, then another 4 volunteered.
Thanks to Robb to helping with A/V as usual, cannot do it without you.
We need a host for next month as both myself and Marc are unavailable. I
can help out up until the event but won't be available after May 1st.
Thanks to everyone who came out!
Heya omninoms,
I'm really sorry to make this yet another semi-distressed plea to all in
the commons, but it's the kind of issue that warrants widespread
There is an extension cord above the wooden chest next to the cafe counter
along Shattuck in the entrance hall close to the main entrance. This cord
runs the door server, which is critical to 100+ members' access to the
building. It has been messed with twice this week, both times resulting in
rather disruptive access issues for many.
On Monday, the orange extension cord running there was suddenly and
mysteriously replaced by a white extension cord (and disconnected from said
cord). Today, that extension cord was replaced by some shitty power strip
with no extension cord enabling the strip to even stay in the outlet (so it
fell out and all non-physical key access was unavailable). This extension
cord also runs the wireless access point providing internets to the front
of the building. It is not swap-out-able.
For those in the building when this issue arises, the correct measures are:
* Check that the ethernet and power are connected.
* After all is plugged back in, test your card to see if the door computer
is up
* If your card doesn't work after several swipes (namely noticeable by the
lack of a 'happy' or 'error' sound and lack of a red or green light), then
you need to power cycle the door computer.
* The door computer is a BeagleBone Black that lives in the metal box
enclosure to the upper right of the door. There's a sticker
on it, I believe. Most people will need to stand on a chair to get it open.
* When you look in the cabinet and observe that the beaglebone black
(basically a ~3x5" circuitboard to the far left of the cabinet) has no
blinky lights, the solution is to unplug both USB plugs from the white
cylinder by the 12v battery, and then plug them back in.
** There is a sweet diagram visualizing this that Lesley drew and which we
taped to the inside of the enclosure last night.
Of note - clearly, the door computer should be connected to power securely
through conduit, and connected to a much better wireless access point than
the crappy DLink router that is the current ethernet connection. The Sudo
Mesh crew is working on this sometime over the next two weeks. PM me if you
have some skills in this area and would be down to help!
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
> oops new url is
Thanks for streaming tonight's 5MoF! :-) In listening to it so far, those
deep-voiced aliens depart from Planet SudoRoom for good starting at 2:43
and the volume-level gets a distinct boost at about 15:47 into the
playback. Haven't yet listened to the rest of this, but am sure it'll be
SDF Public Access UNIX System -
Hello all,
So, it has come to my attention that this round of SFNode is going to be in
the East Bay for the first time--and looks like it is going to be rather
interesting <>. Numeric
computing with JS! And another talk on stop motion animation in electron by
some guy named Morgan Allen...
It's at 6:30 PM at 5980 Horton Street, Emeryville, CA, this coming
Thursday. I'm planning to be there, so the regularly scheduled JS night at
sudo will resume next week.