Hey Folks,
Seriously, we have over 100 AT6 punch down keystone jacks donated to
Each one of them runs for $6.99 on Amazon.
If you would like to read the story about how this happened:
This AM Laura and I went down the street from Omni to drop off some
donations to de depot, and on our way back we saw a lady on her way to
donate some stuff too. But, when I read the label of one of the boxes that
read Panduit", my brain went in alert mode! :) So i asked her what was in
that box, she opened it for us and saw all those connectors! She asked me,
as you an artist? I said, not, but I know what these things are, and we can
use them! : ) She gave us the box. And that is how we got them. :)
Have a great weekend everyone!
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Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
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- - - - - - - - - - - -
A great opportunity to get out in nature, do something for the environment,
help make our community a better place to live, and *be very publicly seen
as a force for Good in our neighborhood*!
The 21st Annual Oakland Creek to Bay Day
<http://www2.oaklandnet.com/Government/o/PWA/o/FE/s/ID/OAK024743> is coming
up Saturday, September 17. But *if we want to register as a volunteer
group, and propose a specific site to work on, we need to register TODAY
*Speak up asap if you'd like to participate, if you have any ideas for a
site to work on (here's the existing list so far
we can propose more), and especially if you can help as volunteer
(co-)coordinator! *I would love to participate, but September is looking to
be a busy month for me, so I'd prefer not to be the sole volunteer
Dan Fredell's
<http://danfredell.com/df/Projects/Entries/2013/1/6_DMX_Dimmer.html> 4
channel design uses a 20mhz clock
On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 1:01 AM, Jake <jake(a)spaz.org> wrote:
> send links along with claims like this
> On Wed, 24 Aug 2016, robb wrote:
> and
>> why do you need a 20MHz crystal?
>> apparently you need 20mhz for 4 stable channels when using the timer
>> method
Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thanks for stewarding the commons!
Omni Oakland
------------------------ Invoice Summary --------------------------
Invoice # : 1419
Invoice Date: 08/25/2016
Due Date: 09/04/2016
Terms: Net 10
Amount Due: $2,446.00
The complete version has been provided as an attachment to this email.
since we got the zero-crossing detection working, now it's a matter of
deciding how many lamps to control with a single arduino. I believe this
instructable shows software that doesn't rely on the chip's timer being
tied to the triac control pins, meaning that it could be used to control 8
or more triacs with a single plain arduino.
AC Light Control
Ryan McLaughlin <ryanjmclaughlin(a)gmail.com>
with slight modifications
#include <TimerOne.h> // http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/Timer1
#define PINS 3
volatile int pinCount[PINS]; // make volatile to make available in interrupt
volatile boolean zero_cross=0; // Boolean to store a "switch" to tell us if we have crossed zero
int AC_pins[] = {3,4,5}; // Stup the pin numbers
int AC_dim[PINS]; // Holds Dimming levels (0-128) 0 = on, 128 = 0ff
int freqStep = 78; // Set the delay for the frequency of power (65 for 60Hz, 78 for 50Hz) per step (using 128 steps)
// freqStep may need some adjustment depending on your power the formula
// you need to us is (500000/AC_freq)/NumSteps = freqStep
void setup() {
for(int a=0; a < PINS; a++) { //set the pins to output
pinCount[a] = 0; // keeps track of the time in the cycle
AC_dim[a] = 0; // dimming level set to zero
attachInterrupt(0, zero_cross_detect, FALLING); // Attach Interrupt to Pin 2 (interrupt 0) for Zero Cross Detection
Timer1.initialize(freqStep); // Initialize TimerOne library for the freq we need
Timer1.attachInterrupt(dim_check, freqStep); // Use the TimerOne Library to attach an interrupt
// to the function we use to check to see if it is
// the right time to fire the triac. This function
// will now run every freqStep in microseconds.
void zero_cross_detect() { // function to be fired at the zero
zero_cross = 1; // set flag to tell dimming function zero cross has occured
} // End zero_cross_detect
void dim_check() { // Function will fire the triac at the proper time
if(zero_cross == 1) { // First check to make sure the zero-cross has happened else do nothing
for(int a=0; a < PINS; a++) {
if(pinCount[a] >= AC_dim[a]) { // Check and see if i has reached the dimming value we want
digitalWrite(AC_pins[a], HIGH); // Fire the Triac
delayMicroseconds(5); // Pause briefly to ensure the triac turned on
digitalWrite(AC_pins[a], LOW); // Turn off the Triac gate (Triac will turn off at the next zero cross)
pinCount[a] = 0; // Reset the accumulator
zero_cross = 0; // Reset the zero_cross so it may be turned on again at the next zero_cross_detect
} else {
pinCount[a]++; // If the dimming value has not been reached, incriment the counter
void loop() {
// This is simply making all outputs cycle through bright-dark, out of time with each other.
for(int i=0; i<127; i ++) {
for(int a=0; a < PINS; a++) {
int ii = i+42; //this is the bit that puts the blinking lights out of sync with one another
if(ii > 127) ii -= 127;
AC_dim[a] = ii;
He showed up at the previous Wednesday meeting.
I'm blocking this person's membership. He kept talking to us like we were
total noobs in running a hackerspace and he was going to tell us all how to
fix everything (though not taking on any tasks himself other than his
organizational LARP game idea). He kept trying to tell us about how
noisebridge is run even after I told him that we're no strangers to
After reading some of his tweets I decided I'm just going to tell him he's
not welcome at sudo if I see him again. Let me know if anyone feels like
that's the wrong thing to do:
And his twitter blurb about himself:
"...He comes from the future. Fought alone. Abandoned by the world I loved.
Silver bullets from the uber-mind. Suicidal without some pussy."
Here are his answers to member questions:
Why do you want to be a member of sudo room?: The people here are good and
want the place to succeed. I can save a well-staffed ship if it's sinking
or make it better engineered if it is not.
If you know already, what are you excited to do at sudo room?: Start a game
that will self-organize the many conversations that happen here.
If you know already, what are you excited to share with the sudo room
community?: One and the same as above, as the project is a LARP (think
Dungeons and Dragons crossed with Treasure Hunt), encouraging everyone to
Have you ever been banned from another hackerspace? If so, when and why?: