On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 10:22 AM, Mari M. <strawberrypilabs(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Some think we should continue as a non-profit, some think that we should try
> to actually turn the Ballroom into a money-making venue to help better serve
> the community. Perhaps a Benefit Corporation could be the bridge between the
> two?
We had a long conversation with our lawyer about this a couple months
ago. Basically it would risk the nonprofit status of the whole
He told us most things we would do count as "educational" and could be
structured as donations, and the things which absolutely don't, could
still make up to 30% of our budget. This is even if you paid people to
do the labor. I would say there are many simpler things we have yet to
try before resorting to a for-profit company, such as offering to pay
event bottom-liners, which wouldn't even require any structural
Hello everyone!
This Saturday, Nov 7th (and MAYBE the 8th), we are getting together to
Hack Sudo and make it sparkle. We have a Ride up pad
<https://pad.riseup.net/p/sudohack> with a list we'd like to do.
Stop by if you wanna make Sudo Room a better place by putting some elbow
grease in!
in order to raise funds and continue our mission of education, i have been
thinking we should host a hacker's conference at the omni sometime after
the new year.
what do you think?
some possibilities might include:
inviting other hackerspaces to participate
getting keynote speakers to appear remotely (richard stallman, edward
snowden ;)
sat & sunday event
stream event live
organize news team to engage online stream audience
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: robb <sf99er(a)gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 11:06 PM
Subject: Fwd: production collective @ the omni
To: "Gabrielle Klassen (via Google Docs)" <thegklass(a)gmail.com>, Robb
Anonymous <sf99er(a)gmail.com>, Arktivist I <arktivist(a)gmail.com>, "isabella
c." <icarrerasthresher(a)gmail.com>, Troy Massey <TroyMassey.1100(a)gmail.com>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: robb <sf99er(a)gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 11:02 PM
Subject: production collective @ the omni
To: discuss <discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
in order to promote effective fundraising events for the east bay radical
community and beyond, a production collective @ the omni oakland commons
shall be established.
if you are interested, please respond to this email and/or ionclude contact
or ideas at https://pad.riseup.net/p/omniproductions
we plan to meet this coming thursday at 5:00pm somewhere (written on
frontroom whiteboard) in the omni before the 7:00 omni general assembly
(delegates meeting)
Thanks to Yar and others for taking notes and others for compiling this!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laura Turiano <scylla(a)riseup.net>
Date: Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 2:19 PM
Subject: [Becoming Omni Commons] Documentation and follow up of Becoming
To: "discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org" <discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org>, "
becoming(a)lists.omnicommons.org" <becoming(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
Here is a link to the documentation of all three Becoming Omni workshops:
http://we.tl/Xs2XrXT1LC. Please download it now and share it with your
collectives and everyone you know who is associated with the Omni. The link
will be available for about a week.
There's a lot to digest. I've included the mostly unedited notes, tables of
the decisions reached through some of the processes, and photos. The BO
follow-up team would like to set up times to discuss the outcomes in your
collective and working group meetings so your questions can be answered.
Please have someone from your collective or wg pm me to set up a time when
we can do this.
Email threads will not be a very productive way to discuss this so please
let's do it in person.
Onward with love -
becoming mailing list
Yo, Sudo.
This Berry Maker person is wanting to have a thing this saturday. Its actually
the person who gave the name Merry from back on the meeting on the 21st. She
has been banned from Noisebridge for safe space reasons.
I also note that on that meeting she's trying to apply for membership. Without
further comment, I provide:
> Have you ever been banned from a hackerspace or any other collective?
On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 9:51 AM, Andrew cardoza <threve35(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Are there any calculations of how much money we would need to raise in the
> following months? if so, what will be the monthly goals?
> Also, what are we currently raising per month?
> What is the shortfall?
> where is the money coming from?
> events?
> from collectives?
> that kickstarter?
> grants?
> Who do I ask, if no one responds to these inquiries?
Just for the record, the best place to ask these questions is the
Omni's finance working group mailing list, which I've CC'd here.
I wanted to bring out the Type A to print magnets for Omni's
Collabazaar, but can't find any of the 1.75mm plastic we used to have.
Where did it all go? Did it get used or taken? Is it stored in a
special place or do I have to run to home depot or something?
it's 1:30AM and giant rats are fighting under the big wooden shelf covered
with rotting fruits and vegetables.
this is a seperate problem from the fact that at least one of the
containers is smelling really bad, and at least one is breeding fruit