Hello Sudoers-Meshers:
We are having Omni work parties for the last three Saturdays, and we have
postpone the wiring run from the point of entry to the Server area, only
because we don't have the cable. This line brings the phone+Internet to the
omni itself.
Guestimating the run is about 70' long.
But, if we can get a box of 500' or 1000' would be awesome, so that the
rest can be used by the Sudomesh projects as well.
Can someone help us out? If we get it by Saturday, I volunteer myself to do
this job on Saturday as part of the work party.
Many thanks in advance,
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Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
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On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 10:55 PM, Vicky Knox <vknoxsironi(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> sudoroom dot io is open. We can get that and be like all the cool kids.
> I like using gandi for hosting and domain registration, personally.
I would be so frustrated if I had to do all the work to make a domain
transition happen smoothly across all our websites, email lists, etc
... just because this one person is flaking out.
Gandi is exactly where we tried moving it to ... last year ... and the
year before ...
Activism on the Web: Everyday Struggles against Digital Capitalism
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| Activism on the Web: Everyday Struggles against Digital ...Activism on the Web examines the everyday tensions that political activists face as they come to terms with the increasingly commercialized nature of web technologi... |
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Does this mean we are going to lose sudoroom.org?
On Sun, Aug 17, 2015 Marc Juul wrote:
I talked to godaddy support and they sent me to this site:
Unfortunately in order to claim our domain we need a business license for
sudo room...
On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 12:57 PM, Praveen Sinha <dmhomee(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> BTW -- this may be a good thing. I maintain an active boycott of godaddy
> and encourage everyone else to do the same because of their fuckery on a lot
> of fronts: partnering with the surveillance state, being on the wrong side
> of a lot of tech policy issues, rampant sexism, racism, and animal torture.
We've been trying to move away from Godaddy for years. The problem is,
we don't control the account. The person who initially registered it
is no longer involved with sudoroom and is not answering emails. I
have been sending him emails approximately every two months for the
past year and a half, most of them along the lines of "hey can you
please help us or let us know what you need? thanks!"
Yasnac Lattice Path Algorithm Night!
[image: robot_arm]Robot starts at the top! Premise
We were inspired by the *Algorithm Meetup* featured this week on Robot Paths
<https://github.com/AlgorithmsMeetup/RobotPaths> in a Lattice Graph!
Imagine an n by m grid with a robot in the upper left square. If the robot
can only move right or down, how many different paths are there for the
robot to get to the bottom right corner?
[image: robot_arm2]
<https://sudoroom.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/robot_arm2.png>and then
the robot needs to move to the bottom!
Giant Whiteboard[image: IMG_3401.JPG]
<https://sudoroom.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/IMG_3401.jpg>we pulled out
a massive whiteboard to end all massive whiteboards
Sometimes these algorithms feel like real life. There are many ways to get
to the same point, sometimes you have to steer past obstacles and time
[image: IMG_3381.JPG]
variations of the algorithm
[image: IMG_3374.JPG]
[image: IMG_3392.JPG]
<https://sudoroom.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/IMG_3392.jpg>Our robot
looked over from the background…[image: IMG_3389.JPG]
<https://sudoroom.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/IMG_3389.jpg>Lots of
people diagramming stuff. we need to put this on a github!
Things we discussed:
- Djikstra’s Algorithm
- Algorithms used in Pathfinding
(including A* search algorithm
The learning was very social and using an entire whiteboard was really fun.
It was especially important to get people away from their computers, where
hidden dangers like web surfing and social networks lurked. It was also a
great way to get to know other people, and create and draw and visualize
complex problems.
Ending Poem
We’d had the idea to end each session with a poem, which was more
challenging than we thought.
However, it is a little useful to write a short piece to assess what you’ve
learned that night.
*Start out by learning from examples,*
*Build upon the basics and progress slowly, absorbing all,*
*Surround yourself with smart people,*
*Begin with simple recursion problems, *
*Tweak the code,*
*then dip your toes into the advanced theory like djikstra *
*Get the hell away from a computer*
*Learning is life!*
Romy Ilano
Any ideas for giving our Linux Friday night a new name?
- Linux for Einstein the dog that ran for mayor- it had so much integrity even Einstein installed Linux! (Photo of Einstein)
- Linux for women and men and everything else - we depict Linux as being cross gender
- Linux cheerleaders
Right now no matter what nobody is coming to Linux fridays!
Nobody is volunteering to lead this so it'd be good to see someone do it righteously
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