---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: yar <yardenack(a)gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 1:20 PM
Subject: Next steps for buying the Omni: 3 proposals from the
fundraising working group
To: "consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org" <consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
Hello Omni Commoners! Did you know that we could seriously buy the
Omni in the next few months? There are people with a lot of money who
want to give and/or lend it to us. All we have to do is create the
legal structures to make this happen. The fundraising working group
has been meeting for the past month to talk about the details, and
we're informally calling ourselves the "Buy the Building" working
group (aka the "Until the Revolution" working group). We meet on
Mondays at 6:30 PM. There are still many details to figure out, but
we're ready to make some initial proposals to the Omni delegates, to
be decided at the next scheduled delegates meeting, which is Thursday
August 6th:
PROPOSAL #1: The Omni community should decide if we actually want to
buy the building
PROPOSAL #2: The Omni should apply for federal 501c3 status
PROPOSAL #3: The Omni delegates should go back to meeting weekly.
There is a lot to do, and decisions will need to be made quickly.
We are going to have more proposals soon. In particular, we think the
land beneath the building should be given to a Community Land Trust.
But we don't have all the details ready for a formal proposal yet.
There's no delegates meeting scheduled tonight, but we will be meeting
at 7pm anyway to provide information and answer questions. Please
come. This is very important!
(see full image)
This is awesome Marketing ! I know it's sort of cheesy but if we can make getting radicalized non scary lets do it
Sent from my iPhone
Computers upstairs status:
Get got some donated LCD flat displays and three old Dell Optiplex 320 (1GB
and 2GB RAM, I know RAM is low but they seem ok for Internet browsing and
light stuff).
Anyhow, here is how we are at the second floor computers area:
4 Machines running
2 Machine that need mouse + keyboard
So, if someone...could donate two USB mice and two USB keyboards that would
be super!
Oh yes... thanks Hassan fro helping carrying the stuff and Ed Biow for
installing Linux on these new (used) boxes.
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Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
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Hi Patrik and Bill,
The pictures look to contain some good stuff, although i'm sure the
shelves are pretty useful and are not pictured. I am busy right now but
maybe someone else with sudoroom can drive a truck up there to get stuff
here are the pictures:
On Tue, 21 Jul 2015, Patrik D'haeseleer wrote:
> Hi Jake,
> There was lots of interesting stuff in the storage room that you might want to have a look at yourself, including lots and lots of electronics components, a spot
> welder, boxes full of old IR security sensors, and three giant Summagraphics graphics tablets (18"x12" work area, 1000 lines/inch resolution).
> They also have several heavy duty 7ft tall metal shelving units. I think we'd love to have a number of those for CCL, but I couldn't fit the uprights into my car.
> On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 6:28 PM, Jake <jake(a)spaz.org> wrote:
> Hi Patrik and Bill,
> I am not available this tuesday afternoon, but Patrik can use the truck, and that way he will be able to pick up whatever we need to get.
> Patrik, you drive stickshift i'm sure. Please call me to
> -jake
> On Mon, 20 Jul 2015, Patrik D'haeseleer wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> I may be able to drop by myself tomorrow afternoon, but I won't have much space to transport stuff in my small car. Do you think we'll be
> able to just tag things
> for pickup later?
> Thanks!
> Patrik
> On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 5:01 PM, William Nye <nye2(a)email.com> wrote:
> Hello Jake, this is Bill, who was telling you about all the “stuff”
> in HayHacker-Carolyn's Hayward storage unit.
> Rather suddenly, John, Carolyn’s husband, just texted me that
> he can open it up at 2:30pm tomorrow (Tue), and I would be
> able to assist also.
> Can you and/or anyone make it then (or later Tuesday)?
> Can you tell some CCL members too? Thanks. -Bill
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: niki <niki.shelley(a)gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 9:09 AM
Subject: [omni-consensus] Global Women's Strike
To: "discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org" <discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org>, "
consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org" <consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
Hi all,
I've been in communication with members of the Global Women's Strike for
the past several months regarding potential Omni membership.
*Please read and distribute among your collectives the potential member
proposal that they sent out!*
I have asked them to attend one of the delegates' meetings in August in
order to discuss / answer any questions but *PLEASE* let me know if you, or
any member of your collective, has a question, concern, etc, that I can
attempt to get answered before that time.
Since our next regular delegates' meeting is not until August 6th, this
should be plenty of time for people to review and respond to the proposal.
This is an incredible group of activists who have done a tremendous amount
of important work over the past 40 years. They are being evicted from the
space they've worked out of for many decades in SF and I would love it if
we were able to provide them with a home.
consensus mailing list
Currently Reading
[image: Book Cover]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jenny Ryan <tunabananas(a)gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 4:47 PM
Subject: A man forced himself into my car last night
To: "discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org" <discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
...outside the Omni on Shattuck around 3am. He seemed nice and was asking
if I had anything to eat. I was rummaging in the backseat for foodstuffs
when he opened the door and got into the car with me, moving into my space.
Thankfully, Maxamillion was on his way out the door and pulled him out of
the car. The man proceeded to grab him by the hair and they were at a
standoff shouting until I got in the middle, broke them apart, and we
jumped into the car and drove off.
~6'4", wearing grey sweats, possibly a Jamaican accent, and tiny braids a
bit past shoulder-length.
Be careful out there, friends.
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
Friday will be my last day in the Omni for an indefinite period of time
while I address a couple of personal issues that are bound up with my
increasingly problematic behavior, aggression, stress, anxiety,
interpersonal conflicts, and burnout.
I realize that I take my leave at a critical juncture, and intend to
continue remotely helping with the following:
* Building/Finance bookkeeping
* Ethnographic research of other commons-based projects
* Legal entity research and fundraising work
* Several of Omni's IndieGoGo perks
* Brainstorming on a new booking/calendar system
* Procuring necessary documents from David Keenan and organizing them at
* Visioning (I believe my distance will enable a more coherent perspective
to contribute to these important conversations)
* Followup and resolution of all outstanding working group action items
(primarily for Commons, Building, Fundraising aka 'Until the Revolution',
and Finance).
* sudo mesh <https://sudomesh.org> documentation, finances, regular email
updates, organizing node mounts and public outreach (i realize i've been
dropping the ball on this but would like to shift my focus back to other
projects dear to my heart)
Things I've been responsible for that others will need to step up to help
with include:
* Paying sudo's rent / utilities / insurance bills,
* Finance updates at weekly sudo meetings,
* Acting as an Omni delegate for sudo room,
** Omni proposals and announcements at sudo room meetings,
* Regular Costco runs for general Omni supplies such as toilet paper, dish
soap, etc;
* Purchasing materials for building-related projects,
* Helping with many events renting space
<https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Booking_System> at the Omni,
* Maintaining the ever-buggy Omni calendar
* Co-facilitating monthly Open Circle meetups
<https://omnicommons.org/connect> with Antoinette, supporting families of
victims of police violence,
* Weekly front door shifts (Thursdays 2-6pm) and pestering Omninoms to
volunteer to be a front door greeter,
* Documenting working group meeting minutes on the wiki and general wiki
* Various communications and relationships I intend to hand off to the
appropriate people,
* Organizing work parties for Building projects,
* Creating a direct point of contact with neighbors around the Omni,
* Figurehead role of Secretary of the Board of the Omni Commons and Board
Member on behalf of sudo room.
Things I've already dropped the ball on:
* Proper onboarding of new sudoroom members
* Monthly Cryptoparties <https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Cryptoparty> (Third
Sundays in sudo)
* Facilitating the Welcoming working group
* Facilitating the Communications working group
I love you all very much. Please know that I'm not doing this out of spite
but rather out of love for this project, this community, and myself. I
apologize to anyone I've hurt over the course of this project and hope to
recontinue building and dreaming with you all once I've healed myself and
risen to a better place than where I've been.
I will be at the community meeting tomorrow evening to discuss the
Fundraising WG's proposals for moving forward to buy the building, and
Friday evening to help out with the Digital Detox event that will be
utilizing much of the building. I will be travelling in Europe and visiting
my family for the entirety of August. Please get in touch directly if you'd
like to talk about anything.
With love and solidarity forever,
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé