A documentary for the bitcoin-heads on living exclusively on btc. I'm a
total hater. My impression is that it's a couple of bourgie SF-y folks with
a self-imposed "struggle", but I think it should be interesting
nonetheless! Plus, the Internet Archive is incredible. :]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Archive.org announcements for San Francisco Bay Area <
Date: 2015-07-14 9:55 GMT-07:00
Subject: [Announce-sfbay] You Are Invited: SF Premiere of "Life on Bitcoin"
Film at the Archive
To: vknoxsironi(a)gmail.com
[image: https://ia601508.us.archive.org/28/items/dcgdafcc/dcgdafcc.jpeg]
Join us *Wednesday, **July 22nd from 6:30-10:30 p.m*. for a the San
Francisco Premiere of the documentary film "*Life on Bitcoin*," at the
Internet Archive.
The film covers the experience of newlyweds Austin and Beccy Craig who
struggle for 100+ days to live entirely on the upstart currency.
Austin and Beccy will attend and conduct a Q&A session following the film.
The couple began the experiment when their credit cards, debit cards and
cash were confiscated at the airport upon arrival from their honeymoon.
“It felt like learning to swim by jumping in the deep end of the pool,”
said Austin Craig.
For the next three months, the Craigs tested Bitcoin (and their marriage)
by relying solely on the cryptocurrency for every expense, including gas,
rent, groceries, speeding tickets, and insurance. For every transaction,
they had to evangelize the currency to survive. Ultimately their adventure
took them on a road trip across the United States and into Europe and Asia.
This film sheds light on the practical strengths and early limitations of
bitcoin technology and mixes it with a large dose of entertainment and fun.
[image: bitcoin_c]
*All are welcome - the “bitcoin-curious” as well as the long time fan.*
*DATE:* Wednesday, July 22
*TIME:* Doors open for mixing and refreshments at 6:30 PM. Seating begins
at 8:15. The Archive has large windows, and the film will begin after
sunset at 8:30.
*LOCATION:* Internet Archive, 300 Funston Ave, San Francisco, CA 94118
Buy tickets here
What You Can With $5 Minimum):
A link to pay with bitcoin is also available here
Announce-sfbay mailing list
You are subscribed to this list with the following address:
to unsubscribe from this list, please visit
There, enter your password into the "Change Your Account Settings" option,
then click on the "Verify" button. That will bring you to your accounts
setting page, where you may change your subscription status in the "Change
Announcement Settings" section.
If you're still having trouble, please contact the list owner at
This email was sent to info(a)sudoroom.org. Would anybody like to follow up?
We are still getting a lot of emails to info(a)sudoroom.org and not
enough volunteers to reply to them. If you'd like to help, please join
this list: https://sudoroom.org/lists/listinfo/info
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Amir Nathoo <amir(a)outschool.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 12:00 PM
Subject: [sudo-info] Make your own microscope class - could we use your space?
To: info(a)sudoroom.org
We're looking to run a 'Make your own microscope' craft class for
homeschooled kids based on this Foldscope kit, and are looking for a
location to host it in or close to Berkeley and I wondered if we might
be able to use your space for a fee?
The class would be on Wednesday, July 22, 2-4pm. If it could be a
possibility, perhaps we could jump on the phone briefly to discuss?
Some context: we're working on Outschool which is a project to make
more great learning activities available outside regular school. We're
initially focused on the homeschooling community and have blogged
about the ideas behind the project here:
I'd appreciate your help or suggestions. Many thanks for your time!
Amir Nathoo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/amirnathoo
Blog: Outschooling in the Bay Area
So there's this chip that I just gotta have for a project I am working on.
The only problem is that it seems like EVERYTHING in IC form now it
packaged in these teensy little surface mount chips. I don't have a small
enough soldering iron and I'd rather not hassle with trying to make it work
with my shitty equipment.
Wondering if sudo or Noisebridge is set up for a solder reflow oven with an
accurate temperature control? Also, I am not totally clear about how I
create a silkscreen soldering setup for a given PCB design. Does anyone on
this list have a lot of experience with this?
We've got two foodie events coming up at CCL:
Liqueur making workshop - Capture the summer in a bottle! - Sunday 2pm
<http://www.meetup.com/Counter-Culture-Labs/events/222550428/>Come learn to
make your own fruit liqueurs, including cherry liqueur, limoncello, and
others. Bring some fruit if you have any, and a large sealable jar (1-2qt
is great)
Science of Cheesemaking Workshop - Monday 7pm
Come check out how easy it is to make your own cheese! We'll cover the
underlying science and history of cheese making, and the status of our Real
Vegan Cheese project, and then make (and eat!) some cheese! (Note: this
workshop will be on making conventional, non-vegan cheese. We'll be doing
an all-vegan workshop in the near future too...)
Come play with your food, and learn something yummy!
Maybe we should sign?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nicholas Merrill <lists(a)calyx.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 2:01 PM
Subject: [liberationtech] Call for free software projects ( and other types
of organizations ) to sign an anti-patent-troll pledge
To: liberationtech <liberationtech(a)lists.stanford.edu>
The Calyx Institute is running a campaign to try to get 40 organizations to
sign a pledge against patent troll lawsuits directed against Linux,
Android, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Tor Project and dozens of other free software
projects and organizations
What if your organization isn't one that develops software or holds
software patents? That's OK ! We still would like your organization to
sign the pledge.
Even if you run a supermarket, a social network or a workers union, we are
very happy with your organization becoming a member of the community
supporting patent non-aggression. Open source is everywhere (from the cash
register running on GNU/Linux, the server that hosts your website and mail
or the medical equipment measuring your lung capacity). Everyone should be
able to use these open source packages donated by their creators without
thinking twice. By joining, you make a difference.
The link to the pledge, and associated FAQ's is at the following URL:
It's really easy to do, it should take less than 5 minutes.
Just click the URL, click on the 'Sign me up' button, then fill out your
project or organization's information, and just be sure to do what it says
in the confirmation email ( which comes from a totally different domain )
The subject of the email should be something like "OIN license agreement
for you" from licenseesign(a)openinventionnetwork.com
Nicholas Merrill
Executive Director
The Calyx Institute
287 Spring Street
New York, NY 10013
Jabber: nick(a)calyxinstitute.org
Voice: 212-966-1900 x801
Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable on Google. Violations of
list guidelines will get you moderated:
https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech. Unsubscribe,
change to digest, or change password by emailing moderator at
Recorded for posterity at:
*Sudo room meeting - 8 July 2015*
Intro q: What's one thing you'd like to work on in the near future?
* James (repurpose clothing, films and multimedia)
* Jenny (bookbinding, making journals)
* Matt (fixing something)
* Sam (airship)
* Lesley (?)
* substack (serial data web app through an audio jack
* Marina (solar setup on her boat)
* Ed (catch up on email)
* Daniel (public terminal sweetness)
* Cyber Wizard Institute begins again August 1-15th
** There's a German knockoff called Wizard Amigos!
* Fundraising working group meeting again, 6:30pm on Mondays
* Aiming to pass fire inspection by August 1st, remaining To Dos are posted
throughout the building by room, typically under the lightswitches (for
sudo is on the back of the yellow lockers)
* Daniel's friend volunteered to buy the keyboards for the donated eeepcs
** She's also interested in putting on some educational workshops
[segue for robotvoice play]
* Intro - James Moon, from the Mission district of SF, Hawaiian resident -
just returned after 30 years. Community builder, wants to get into
repurposed clothing, working on some film projects -
http://nextlevelstudios.wyx.com/artsWYX.COM DOES NOT LOAD
** Referred to by the Creative Depot for Reuse, "go visit the commies over
there", involved with CellSpace and SPAZ. Into multimedia stuff, does
massage. Wants to involve youth and stuff. Likes to do stuff and solve
* Why sudo? Likes getting in there and making things, multitasking, mad
science labs. Digs the nonhierarchy. Let me know if i rub you the wrong
way, just be noncombative, will listen
* What hack/learn? ? didn't really grok this answer if someone can fill in
-- What do you mean by "hack" [Matt says 'as broad as you can imagine'].
Made a backronym of "HACK" [not sure what it was now...], but also answered
the question: likes hacking things he doesn't know yet, but also applying
the knowledge/skills he does have.
* What to share/teach at Sudo? "Basic seamstress, good at putting random
things together, interpersonal dynamics in projects that involve more than
one person, how to take concepts and manifest the final form then apply a
* q2: What's your plan to ensure freedom and privacy of communication for
all? in 10 words or less - Hold ourselves and everyone else accountable,
complete transparency and accountability
* What do you know about sudo room's values? Inclusivity, equality,
tolerance, expansiveness, exploration
* What do you know about sudo room's history? "I'm still learning about
* What do you know about the Omni Commons' statement of solidarity?
"There's a lot to digest" Addrdessing issues of people that are
disadvantaged, their sovereignty, collective quality of people pulling
together in the space w/out pyramid/hierarchy/control structures
* What do you know about the Omni Commons' safer space policy? Haven't read
yet, intend to revisit it
* Have you ever been banned from a hackerspace or any other collective? No
* Are you a cop? No, peace officer
* A federal agent? No
* An undercover cop? No
* An undercover cat? Snarf. No
* What makes you happy? Music, art, surfing, people working together and
creating ??? where everyone is satisfied. kids, rainbows, waterfalls,
* What do you think of being back in the Bay after being away from the
Mission for 30 years? Doesn't like being in SF much anymore, culture shift.
Feels immediately stressed. Refreshed in the East Bay.
==Pending Members==
* 6/17: Patrik & Jessie (extended pondering ends next week)
* 6/24: karissa
* Better preface to the membership interview, what's going to happen, what
the process is
* On the website it says 'Intention to Join' which doesn't sound like the
actual application
* tomorrow at 2pm all fire extinguishers in the building will be certified
& mounted by a volunteer fire expert
* piles of wood can be cleaned up in a massive party the day before the
* jessie is working on rehanging doors around the building - sudo hallway
door is on the list (after ballroom)
** Anyone who wants to help should get Jessie's (my) number from someone
and text me when you are availible.
* still could use more conduit around sudo to cut down on extension cords,
but maybe not worrying about it until we consult with klaus maybe. also CCL
will be doing theirs.
* get an expert like whitney to estimate how much it'd cost to have proper
outlets, for example, by the 3d printers or hanging from the ceiling
* basement door - doesn't need a closer. not a fire exit, and our occupancy
isn't very high. so don't need to sand it either.
* looks like the hallway ceiling light is covered by a fixture now. yay!
* July rent, insurance and June expenses paid: ~$2400
* Currently in bank account: $722.95
* Paypal: $309.93
* Rent: $2000/month
* Utilities, insurance and taxes: $300
* Insurance: $94
* gratipay: 285.96*4 = 1145
* stripe: 675
* total: 1145 + 675 = $1820
Cash flow:
* 2400 - 1820 = $-580
Cash in the bank: $1031
Existential money crisis in: 1.78 months
* interlude to fix a giant up-high lightbulb
=whiteboard / projector screen =
* does sudoroom want a giant whiteboard? on the wall? on wheels? hanging
from the rafters?
* matt supports all whiteboard-related initiatives
* jenny says there's a bunch bouncing around
* no objections to whiteboard do-o-cracy :)
* also a projector screen is much needed
* nobody knows if we have our own projector. so probably not. lots of
others floating around omni but they are used elsewhere.
= mesh parts =
* daniel's looking for the boxes to terminate lines to finish wiring the
omni second-floor area. marc ordered some to be delivered to his house.
where are they?
** Jenny: They are in a cardboard box on a chair next to the servers.
=Action Items=
* See if Whitney can give us feedback on outlets around the 3D printer
area, tagging onto our open electrical permit [Jenny]
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
Here is the finance report from the meeting tonight.
We have $1031 in the bank.
Our minimum expenses are ~$2400 / month:
* rent: $2000
* utilities, taxes: $300
* insurance: $94
Our income is $1820 / month:
* gratipay: 285.96*4 = 1145
* stripe: 675
This means our bank account is draining at $580 / month.
$1031 / ($580 / month) = 1.78 months
So in 1.78 months we will be out of money.
Unless you help! https://sudoroom.org/donate/
Every amount helps.
Hi all,
I'll be teaching a liqueur making workshop at CCL this Sunday:
If you know anyone local with a lemon tree that badly needs picking, or a
walnut tree that still has unripe green walnuts on it, let me know! We'd
love to turn them into yummy limoncello and nocino liqueurs...
The catch is, the motor doesn't run. Not sure what the problem is,
might be a loose power connection, might be a dead motor, or anything in
between. If you want it email me for the address.