I submitted a proposal for a talk at CCCamp 2015: an updated presentation of the Hackerspace Design Patterns. It was accepted!
Have you observed a Pattern (what works well, and what not so well) at your hackerspace that you think others can benefit from? If so, please share it with me, so I can share it with others in my talk.
Design Patterns are generalize-able statements of what works well and doesn't work so well -- so that others can learn what may work well (or not so well) for them.
The original Hackerspace Design Patterns was presented at CCCamp 2007 and 24C3 when there were only ~40 hackerspaces in the world. Here's the original Design Patterns (which are way worth reading!):
These patterns directly inspired the creation of the hackerspace movement. Now that there are over 2,000 hackerspaces listed on hackerspaces.org, it's time to update the Design Patterns to include 8 years of additional collective experience -- and present them at CCCamp 2015.
A somewhat updated version (that needs more updating) of the Hackerspace Design Patterns are listed at hackerspaces.org:
Do you have any observations of what works well, and what doesn't work so well at your hackerspace (or any hackerspace)? Can you state it in a way that may be generalized so that people starting (or running) hackerspaces may benefit from your observation? If so, please send me your observation, and I'll incorporate it into my talk.
My 30-minute talk at CCCamp 2015 will include some old and some new examples. After the talk we will have a workshop on Hackerspace Design Patterns, and really get into what works well, and doesn't work well at hackerspaces. I'll take notes, write it up, and post it so that everyone starting or running a hackerspace can benefit from our collective experiences.
Hi all!
I'm on linux and would like to see the file contents of an .exe file (from the terminal):
Here's what happens when I run the file command:
$ file some.exe
PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, Nullsoft Installer self-extracting archive
I've found several GUIs online which will run on windows and do the disassembling, but would love to just be able to unpack from the linux terminal.
I've tried decompressing with bzip2, xz, gzip and no success.
I'd figure I'd ask around if anybody has done this in the past.
@Wild Cat, way to go keeping level headed, its inspiring.
even though i am not one of the individuals involved, and especially
because i have at times found myself treated in a similar, if mild
comparatively , way, (what a twisty sentence)
would like to apopolgize on behalf of humanity, which apparently has been
acting reprehensibly. i am sorry. We monkeys are trying to get this
sorted out -- we have to, and, i may like to see other ppls side of things
mostly, but in this case any asshole or idiot who thinks otherwise is just
plain wrong. wrong to treat you badly and wrong not to spend that precious
energy and time helping to sort out the mess we call the human condition.
I offer this even though you are a stranger, for being level headed,
because it is my belief that the most levelheaded monkeys are our best hope
of averting nuclear war or a similar, stupid fate.
On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 4:12 PM, WIld Cat <wildcatofthewoods(a)gmail.com>
> Here is Daniel advocating for the both of us "
> Web
> <http://www.google.com/?source=mog&gl=us>
> more
> Primary
> [sudo-discuss] The R vs M Effect
> D
> danarauz(a)gmail.com
> to sudo-discuss
> 1 day ago
> Details
> Hello Humans,
> A person of color writing here, if that means anything. I said that if
> that means anything, because every time I go to the Omni I am NOT checking
> out what color is who, but instead I look for who I can work together with,
> or share ideas with, or socialize with, etc..
> About a week ago or less I meet a Black Woman at Sudoroom, and we talked
> very briefly. And, even though it was only for about ten seconds or so, I
> felt that she means well. Her energy felt in place. I think she was
> Rannette.
> She wanted to use a phone charger; but were being used and she said will
> come back later on when the phone be done (or something along the line).I
> wish I had more positive things to say about about Rannette, but I haven't
> other opportunities to be in the same area at Omni when she is there.
> I have been part of Sudoroom for about two years, and even thought Morgan
> and I only have had very few short conversations I have never felt threaten
> by her.
> I have respected her space and she has done the same in return. So, based
> on my observations I want to share that Morgan cares for our community.
> Outside the Omni I have also observed Morgan in many rallies and marches.
> I have seen her giving her time, energy, passion, and care while fighting
> for the communities, specially for people of color and poor.
> And that for me, means a lot. And I respect that.
> I would like to remind everyone that we all are not perfect and that if
> from time to time we may do something wrong, but let's not the last thing
> the have done what will stain us forever. Perhaps when we make a mistake is
> when our comrade needs us the most, and not only when all is happiness.
> Solidarity is more than a word. Let's not get divided.
> I hope this situation be resolved in the good of Rannette and Morgan; and
> for the good of the community; one leaving or both leaving I will consider
> it a lost.
> Sincerely,
> Daniel"
> On Tuesday, June 30, 2015, WIld Cat <wildcatofthewoods(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> Also i am unsure why people are trying to make it like I am targetig
>>> black folks. I have pressed to ban 5 people. Nick ( hyper aggressive and
>>> steals, works with cops) , doc ( white nationalist with Nazi tattoos),
>>> Darrin (history as a crossing sexual boundaries and hyper aggressive)
>>> Violet ( harassment and is a perpetrator of rape) , Xavier (rape
>>> apologist, transphobic, and snitch). Nick was the only other brown person
>>> I have called for a ban on. So that would be 1 out of 5 people. I am not
>>> targeting anyone based on race.
>>> On Tuesday, June 30, 2015, WIld Cat <wildcatofthewoods(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I also got a white nationalist kid banned from the Omni. and a lot of
>>>> people tried to keep him in here. I am not targeting anyone by their skin
>>>> color I am saying if someone is being oppressive and violent they shouldn't
>>>> be in the space regardless of skin color. Niki is trying to pull a card
>>>> saying I am having micro arressions to Rannette but Rannette has been
>>>> aggressive and rude to me since day one due probably to here blatent
>>>> transphobia saying "He's a man he has a dick between his legs" when asked
>>>> to use she pronouns. I have never yelled at Rannette until the other day
>>>> when she was screaming that I was a bitch in my face. Because she VIOLENTLY
>>>> ATTACKED me I don't feel safe around her she was also threatening to have
>>>> me jumped by her brother. I have a lot of black friends and if you can give
>>>> me a specific case of where you thought I did something racist please let
>>>> me know and I will be accountable to that. I am actively against racism and
>>>> have never had someone say this about me but I will be accountable. I just
>>>> feel that plenty of people have been banned for attacking and yelling at
>>>> people so I don't see why Rannette is being treated differently. I am a
>>>> fucking homeless trans girl who has been fag bashed 8 times in the past
>>>> month and beat up by the police the other night. I know I don't experience
>>>> the racism that Ranette probably does but her oppression is not an excuse
>>>> for her to oppress others. This is the point I was trying to make that is
>>>> what I meant by " just because she is black it is ok to be transphobic" I
>>>> also felt that you took that quote out of context.
>>>> " Niki honestly I think you are tokenizing Rannette if anyone else was
>>>> being as problematic and aggressive as she has been to many people in the
>>>> space people would call it put. It ain't micro aggressions she has always
>>>> acted rude and transphobic to me from day one.But I guess you can tokenize
>>>> her and say just because she is black it is pk to be transphobic. I know
>>>> plenty of black trans women and black trans allies that would not put up
>>>> with her."
>>>> On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 12:29 PM, johanna faust <female.faust(a)gmail.com
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> everyone remember that attacks are rarely heard as neutral.
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 2:42 PM, WIld Cat <wildcatofthewoods(a)gmail.com
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> Rannette physically attacked a woman here today for the second time
>>>>>> in one month. Rannette was being very loud about an incrimiwhile but
>>>>>> eventuallyg thing when I asked her to not have that conversation in the
>>>>>> space she began screaming at me and another woman stepped in telling her to
>>>>>> stop yelling saying that she also needed to stop sleeping here and Rannette
>>>>>> walked up to her drawing her hand back like she was going to slap her
>>>>>> screaming bitch in her face then started screaming bitch at me. Threatening
>>>>>> to leave and I affirmed that she should leave. Then She attacked the woman
>>>>>> physically by checking her. We asked her to leave for violating the safe
>>>>>> space policy and refused for a while eventually left. This month I have
>>>>>> sent multiple emails about Rannettes behaivour to the mediation group and
>>>>>> but i have gotten no response.
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> sudo-discuss mailing list
>>>>>> sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>>>>>> https://sudoroom.org/lists/listinfo/sudo-discuss
>>>>> --
>>>>> *Be seeing you.*
*Be seeing you.*
I would be willing to contribute to upkeep & maintainance. this is first
step in making graphene <=> :)
On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 12:48 PM, Patrik D'haeseleer <patrikd(a)gmail.com>
> [image: Boxbe] <https://www.boxbe.com/overview> This message is eligible
> for Automatic Cleanup! (patrikd(a)gmail.com) Add cleanup rule
> <https://www.boxbe.com/popup?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.boxbe.com%2Fcleanup%3Ftok…>
> | More info
> <http://blog.boxbe.com/general/boxbe-automatic-cleanup?tc_serial=21834810449…>
> Here's some images of the Seiko SMI 3200 Scanning Electron Microscope that
> is in need of a new home:
> http://www.beamservices.com/used-equipment.html
> http://www.caeonline.com/listing/product/9025735/seiko-smi-3200
> Note that this is NOT a small system! It's not huge as SEM's go, but
> definitely not desktop - more like "small room sized". And it would
> obviously need some dedicated person to keep it in good running condition.
> It is however almost brand new, and currently *running*, at <5nm resolution!
> Beam Services Inc is down in Pleasanton, so I guess interested parties
> could potentially go and have a look at the system. This kind of equipment
> would be a significant commitment and investment in time and effort on our
> part, so let's coordinate on this shall we?
> Patrik
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 11:14 AM, Nathan McCorkle <nmz787(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> Useful for micro and nano imaging, as well as micro and nano milling
>> and deposition (if it has a gas injector system).
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>> Date: Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 4:49 PM
>> Subject: [Microscopy] viaWWW:SMI3200 FIB system looking for a good home
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>> Name: Dan Buntman
>> Organization: Beam Services, Inc.
>> Title-Subject: [Filtered] SMI3200 FIB system looking for a good home
>> Message: We have a Seiko SMI3200 FIB single beam system available for
>> donation to any university or
>> other non-profit organization. The system has only been used
>> ~3,500hrs., is fully functional and
>> currently operating in our facility with demonstrated resolution of
>> <5nm. The recipient will be
>> responsible for crating, shipping and installation costs. If you are
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Hi all,
No one gives a rat's ass about my mission to build cheap x-ray units
for the unprivileged world, so I'm done with electronics and any
non-google/other tech firm related engineering.
My new goal is to put a song on the Billboard top 10 by the time I'm
25. Anyone know of any good "learn to music" resources?
Adam Munich - Daring to take risks most only dream of
Web: http://adammunich.com
Tel: +1-650-452-0554
Be • knowledgeable • social • patient • fearless • compassionate •
fun • humble • forgiving.
Be a leader
Hi there,
I've been to sudoroom a couple of times for JS Study Groups and was very
excited to find sudo's views on tech and social justice seem to resonate
with my own. The space seems really cool and friendly and I'd love to spend
some more time there and meet folks: I have tomorrow off and was thinking
of coming by to hack on some projects for part of the day (July 2nd).
I was thinking of heading over early afternoon (maybe around 1200h-1300h).
Is anyone going to be in the space tomorrow around then that can let me in
and feels like showing me around?
We all go through these issues. We've all been there
I attempted to work on a children health eating idea a few years ago.
I was was also burned out
Engineers don't immediately respect you if you look like a young girl despite years of experience ; having money is so important ;
People give advice but it's not always correct; there are lots of cool people who who'll help you ;
Start up events are important but you must prioritize ; you'll meet a lot of people but it's important to filter politely ; this stuff is hard; if people find out you're working on a Health App they'll aggressively push 1500 calorie greasy burritos on you;
Unfortunately there are a lot of cultural forces at play ; companies do not really make money when people eat less and get healthy ; most major health problems can be solved in the U.S. By avoiding most processed and fast foods not by buying more healthy food ; exercise doesn't really make you that much healthier compared to avoiding most snacks and standard American diet
Like Marc said take notes. Usually most of your thoughts are wrong often you're right
I came out of it learning how to code, avoiding making html 5 apps, lost a marriage, a boyfriend, still nearly bankrupt but I learned a lot!
Sent from my iPhone
I regrettably learned of some of our fellows' misfortune with fire recently
& wish to relay an offer that may provide temp housing for some of those
Offer: RV needs registration & therefore off street parking for a few
months in exchange for free use w/hacking privileges.
RV is in good condition & owner hopes it stays in such. Cheers
"i have a lot of black friends"
holy shit, kick rocks.
On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 3:20 PM, WIld Cat <wildcatofthewoods(a)gmail.com>
> also I am not a "dude". I am a trans woman
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 3:19 PM, WIld Cat <wildcatofthewoods(a)gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I also got a white nationalist kid banned from the Omni. and a lot of
>> people tried to keep him in here. I am not targeting anyone by their skin
>> color I am saying if someone is being oppressive and violent they shouldn't
>> be in the space regardless of skin color. Niki is trying to pull a card
>> saying I am having micro arressions to Rannette but Rannette has been
>> aggressive and rude to me since day one due probably to here blatent
>> transphobia saying "He's a man he has a dick between his legs" when asked
>> to use she pronouns. I have never yelled at Rannette until the other day
>> when she was screaming that I was a bitch in my face. Because she VIOLENTLY
>> ATTACKED me I don't feel safe around her she was also threatening to have
>> me jumped by her brother. I have a lot of black friends and if you can give
>> me a specific case of where you thought I did something racist please let
>> me know and I will be accountable to that. I am actively against racism and
>> have never had someone say this about me but I will be accountable. I just
>> feel that plenty of people have been banned for attacking and yelling at
>> people so I don't see why Rannette is being treated differently. I am a
>> fucking homeless trans girl who has been fag bashed 8 times in the past
>> month and beat up by the police the other night. I know I don't experience
>> the racism that Ranette probably does but her oppression is not an excuse
>> for her to oppress others. This is the point I was trying to make that is
>> what I meant by " just because she is black it is ok to be transphobic" I
>> also felt that you took that quote out of context.
>> " Niki honestly I think you are tokenizing Rannette if anyone else was
>> being as problematic and aggressive as she has been to many people in the
>> space people would call it put. It ain't micro aggressions she has always
>> acted rude and transphobic to me from day one.But I guess you can tokenize
>> her and say just because she is black it is pk to be transphobic. I know
>> plenty of black trans women and black trans allies that would not put up
>> with her."
>> On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 2:57 PM, WIld Cat <wildcatofthewoods(a)gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Rannette VIOLENTLY attacked me and 2 other people! WTF?
>>> On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 12:15 PM, yar <yardenack(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 10:42 AM, niki <niki.shelley(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > Ranette and I have been speaking over the past several days and while
>>>> I,
>>>> > too, would like to facilitate her coming back to the space, there are
>>>> some
>>>> > agreements that I think both sides need to make if that's going to be
>>>> a
>>>> > possibility.
>>>> >
>>>> > I am willing to steward a mediation but I cannot mediate as I am
>>>> obviously
>>>> > biased with regards to this particular situation.
>>>> I'm also willing to try to steward or mediate.
>>>> And I hate to say this again but, why is this thread in sudo-discuss?
>>>> AFAIK the people involved are not Sudoroom members and the events did
>>>> not happen in Sudoroom.
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> sudo-discuss mailing list
>>>> sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org
>>>> https://sudoroom.org/lists/listinfo/sudo-discuss
I've just paid July's rent and June expenses totalling $2299.29.
We currently have $644.98 in our bank account. This is approximately $6355
less than we want to have in order to have 3 months of expenses in our
We are currently making $309.96/week on Gratipay, payouts being sent to our
PayPal account in lieu of Balanced payments shutting down.
We made $675 this month via Stripe. If you haven't switched over yet from
Gratipay, this is your reminder to do so! You can register and sign up for
payments at https://sudoroom.org/humans, or make a one-time $ or BTC
donation through https://sudoroom.org/donate.
All told, this means we made $1911 this month, about $400 less than we need
to be making to be in the black.
If you're a member and not donating, please for the love of bob, get on it!
Sudo needs financial support now more than ever.
With love,
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé