  • 17 participants
  • 7169 discussions

Reminder: Sudo's big August meeting is tomorrow night: Wednesday, August 2nd!
by Andrew R Gross
1 year, 1 month

Laptop party
by Z Silver Zahn
1 year, 1 month

Heads up: if you want Grand ave. to go on a road diet, the city needs to hear from you on Tues.
by Andrew R Gross
1 year, 1 month

[sudo-info] Computer Donation (fwd)
by Jake
1 year, 1 month

Re: old, old computer donation today
by Hilary Naylor
1 year, 1 month

1 year, 1 month

SudoRoom hardware hack night theme for 8/29 - Audio hardware hacking!
by Romy Ilano
1 year, 1 month

[sudo-info] Need Laser Engraving! (fwd)
by Jake
1 year, 1 month

New 7/1 women & non binary night theme - Coding with AI tools & the social impacts!
by Romy Ilano
1 year, 1 month
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