On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 9:22 AM, eddan.com <eddan(a)sudoroom.tv> wrote:
> Just checking in on the 2141 Broadway lease. As I've mentioned on several
> different occasions, I am planning on dropping off the lease so that Sudo
> Room as an entity can sign on to the lease.
> Please let me know if this is going to be problematic, so that we can figure
> out how to best do this (hopefully) by the end of this month.
The long-term blocker for this was insurance, which Matt finally
bought for us a month or two ago. Last I heard, he'd notified Laurie
of the insurance and we're still waiting on a response from her.
It might help to poke our landlords about it again.
// Matt
----- Forwarded message -----
From: "Laurie Cooperman Rosen" <Lscoop(a)comcast.net>
To: <mattsenate(a)gmail.com>
Cc: <exchequer(a)sudoroom.org>, <eddan(a)eddan.com>
Subject: 2141 Broadway Statement, 3/2014
Date: Sat, Mar 1, 2014 08:47
Hi Matt & Eddan-
Attached is the March Statement. How was your event last night?
The common area and some other rooms are to be carpet-cleaned tomorrow
starting at 3:30. I'm not sure where they'll start or how long it will
take, but George has asked for our help in moving furniture about. He will
also be cleaning one of the empty rooms and the roof starting 630.
I know Thursdays are a big day for us and this is not much notice, but i am
glad carpets are getting cleaned. Feel like we should scotchguard the whole
"just so you know the carpet cleaners come at 3 30 thurs to do the upstairs
at Sean's expense and Sean's group 3 helpers are coming thursday to vacuum
the yellow room and help me clean the roof at about 6 30.
they may be asked to move around, Damien from spotless is very professional
and the machines are not too loud. If anybody could help with moving
furniture in a way that it ends up located in a suitable location for your
meetings and classes and the dirty parts of the carpet are cleaned"
"Trust is the key to any relationship. It must be earned first through respect then through shared experience. Lacking either of these leads to half hearted interest."
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Oakland Climate Action Coalition - Clean Energy & Jobs Oakland Campaign" <invite(a)eventbrite.com>
Date: March 26, 2014 at 9:00:52 AM PDT
To: ecoeconomist11(a)gmail.com
Subject: You're invited to Growing Clean Energy Jobs In Oakland *A Free Community... (Apr 5, 2014)
Reply-To: colin(a)baylocalize.org
You are invited to the following event:
Event to be held at the following time, date, and location:
Saturday, April 5, 2014 from 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM (PDT)
Youth UpRising
8711 MacArthur Blvd
Oakland, CA 94605
View Map
Attend Event
Share this event:
GROWING CLEAN ENERGY JOBS IN OAKLAND How do we create more jobs for our community, especially our youth? Is it possible for those jobs to be good for people AND for the planet? ...and how can the COMMUNITY, including youth, lead the way? The Oakland Climate Action Coalition invites you, your friends, and your family to explore possible solutions that address the economic and the...
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We hope you can make it!
Oakland Climate Action Coalition - Clean Energy & Jobs Oakland Campaign
This invitation was sent to ecoeconomist11(a)gmail.com by Oakland Climate Action Coalition - Clean Energy & Jobs Oakland Campaign the organizer. To stop receiving invitations from this organizer, you can unsubscribe.
Eventbrite | 651 Brannan St. Suite 110 | San Francisco, CA 94107
>> thank you very much whoever submitted the application to LulzBot. See announcement below.
> This was all Yardena's work! Thanks Yar!
All I did was write down awesome things that everybody is doing at
Sudo. Thanks everybody!
>> Chimera Arts and Makerspace (Sebastopol, California, USA)
Ooh I'd never heard of this place. Has anybody been there? We should
do a roadtrip!
I plan to attend, I especially want to discuss with free culture folks a
notion I have been pondering for some time now.
It is one thing to employ a license that sets clear and legally-robust
terms for the re-purposing of creative content covered under copyright. It
is another to pursue, in any given endeavor, the proliferation of
knowledge, in all its formats and expressions, and not to make that
knowledge scarce, especially as a source of benefits (e.g. income).
I am getting the feeling that there is something essential in this thought,
that articulates a notion (a side) of the moral basis of free (as in
freedom) and openness that is very practical, and critical.
I'd like to discuss this with more folks, perhaps at this event on Thursday.
Hack on.
// Matt
Hey there, do you guys want to try keeping some of these super simple
waste materials rapidly replicating food self-sufficiency starters in
your space derr? They would all fit in the little party greenhouse
which may or may not still be currently occupying the windowsill, and
you could give all the anon strikers dey nutrients. Profile is, like
They will fit in the area that the current party box occupies, and be
less than an iota of money. LOL I give near complete nutrition to
hackers, freedom lovers, nearly any alt-civ land project and
astronauts. :D
The oyster mushrooms eat (preferably sterilized) cardoard, paper,
coffee grounds, and straw, as well as even other things like denim
fabric and toilet paper rolls (<3), the spirulina algaes eat baking
soda saltwater that's more alkaline than any other bacteria and air,
so it's not like there's really any competition there they'll survive
even in less sterile conditions. They ship in jars but like bigger
spaces or, more jars.
If this was a sudo room dating email, these would be your new pets.
..they do but play a role in the plan ^.^
Eddie Che
on all social networks
I talked to these folks for awhile over the phone, and from what I can tell they seem pretty cool (as opposed to trashy "reality" TV). If you wanna be on TV, please see their casting call, below. Mitch. Casting Notice:
Are you a larger-than-life personality who enjoys hacking your way through everyday tasks? Do you feel like most folks are "doing things the hard way" and could benefit from your unique tips and expertise? Do you enjoy thinking outside of the box and engineering cheap, effective solutions to common dilemmas?
We are seeking individuals with all manner of technical know how -- DIY hacking skills, timesaving techniques, survival tips, and general "life hacking" savvy -- for a brand new series with a major cable network. Interested individuals should be located in the US and have previous experience engineering unusual and brilliant ways of tackling our modern condition.
For inquiries or to apply, please email the following information to lifehacktvshow(a)gmail.com: your name, location, and why you consider yourself a fabulous "life hack" expert. Additionally, please include photos of yourself as well as your contact information, and any links to photos, websites, or videos of your past creations.
We won it,
thank you very much whoever submitted the application to LulzBot. See
announcement below.
Fwd: [sudo-info] LulzBot 2014 Hackerspace Giveaway Results
Max Klein
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Harris Kenny <kenny(a)alephobjects.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 8:09 AM
Subject: [sudo-info] LulzBot 2014 Hackerspace Giveaway Results
To: info(a)lulzbot.com
*Dear LulzBot 2014 Hackerspace Giveaway applicant,*
*Thank you!*
Thank you for the time and effort you put into your applications for the
LulzBot 2014 Hackerspace Giveaway celebrating Hardware Freedom Day! Here at
Aleph Objects, Inc., makers of LulzBot 3D printers, parts, and
we fortunately have a front row seat to watch the hackerspace community
*Our Growing Community*
More communities are doing more projects, in more places, with more
members, than ever before. As the hacker/maker/creator/fablab community is
growing, so is the Open Hardware and Free Software business
community--including us!
We recently moved into a new 17,000 square foot headquarters facility in
Loveland, Colorado, which includes a cluster of 135 LulzBot 3D printers. We
have an experienced team with decades of hardware experience, and an
expanding global supply chain that allows us to manufacture and deliver
printers, parts, and filaments in record time.
*And Now, the Winners!*
Our advancing capabilities allow us to build more LulzBot 3D printers than
ever. And with so many qualified applicants for this year's giveaway, we
want to contribute even more to the community. This is why we expanded our
giveaway from eight to twelve! See this year's twelve winners below:
- Calafou <https://calafou.org/> (Barcelona, Spain)
- So Make It <http://www.somakeit.org.uk/> (Southampton, UK)
- HackLab Barracas <http://wiki.hackcoop.com.ar/> (Buenos Aires,
- Hal9K <https://hal9k.dk/> (Aalborg, Denmark)
- LVL1 <http://lvl1.org/> (Louisville, Kentucky, USA)
- CUC Fab Lab <http://cucfablab.org/> (Urbana, Illinois, USA)
- TOG <http://www.tog.ie/> (Dublin, Ireland)
- Unallocated Space (UAS) <http://www.unallocatedspace.org/> (Severn,
Maryland, USA)
- Milwaukee Makerspace <http://milwaukeemakerspace.org/> (Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, USA)
- Arch Reactor <http://www.archreactor.org/> (St. Louis, Missouri, USA)
- Sudo Room <https://sudoroom.org/> (Oakland, California, USA)
- Chimera Arts and Makerspace <http://chimeraarts.org/> (Sebastopol,
California, USA)
We will be in touch shortly to coordinate shipping your new LulzBot TAZ 3D
printer to your space!
*You Can Still Get Your Space a LulzBot 3D Printer*
If your space did not win the giveaway this year, we are having a limited
time Hardware Freedom Sale, where TAZ printers are available for only
$1,994.95. Click here to buy a TAZ for your hackerspace
*Follow LulzBot on Social Media*
Stay in the loop by joining the LulzBot forum <http://forum.lulzbot.com/>,
and following us on social media:
- *Twitter:* http://www.twitter.com/LulzBot3D
- *Facebook: *http://www.facebook.com/LulzBot
- *YouTube: *http://www.youtube.com/LulzBotVideo
- *Google+:* http://plus.google.com/+Lulzbot3D/
- *LinkedIn:* http://www.linkedin.com//company/lulzbot-3d-printers
Thank you again,
The LulzBot Team
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I'm just wrapping up my 12 week intensive at Appacademy and i was
wondering, do any sudoers know of any awesome places hiring rails devs?
I'm reaching out you first because i'd love to work with people i know.
Gregg Horton