Thanks for everyone who came and participated today! Good fun, many learns
Posting this to sudo-discuss as well - join the Cryptoparty mailing list
Reposted for posterity at:
=February 2014=
This cryptoparty took place on 16 February 2014 with no less than 20
engaged attendees :)
==Areas of Interest==
*Mobile security
*Backups (especially photos)
*Threat Modelling
*Installing Linux
*Installing Lastpass
*Running DNSSEC
*Playing with alternative, secure email systems
*Chat/OTR on Android
*Image metadata
*Intros and what you're looking to get out of this cryptoparty
*Why security is important
*Split up into groups:
**Mobile security
**Lastpass (password management)
**Threat modelling (eg; activists on the street)
*Tails is hard to get running on my machine
*TextSecure is easy!
*Helped people set up secure chats, emails, and texting
*Great one-on-one conversations
*Learned a good deal about Keypass and got it running with help!
*Learned about F Droid - an app store for procuring APKs without going
through GOogle Play
*Made a self-signed certificate and locked down CalDav
*Threat modeling - we're not much better prepared than we were with Occupy.
As an iPhone user, I'm pretty screwed no matter what. Need to talk to
lawyers re: handing over keys and such
*DNSSEC sucks! DNS is already terrible, but DNSSEC makes it worse! Clients
don't use it, registrars don't accommodate it, and if you try to use it
you're in for a headache.
*The latest version of Cyanogenmod forces you to use their cloud for your
contacts, which now must be sync'd with a cloud.
*Suggestion: Cryptoparty Movie Night!
*Suggestion: Linux Install Parties
*Feedback: Splitting the group into "let's do this now" and general
discussion was a great idea!
*Homemade vs. commercial Faraday cages for phones, and general physical
*How to make this knowledge more palatable to the general public? Comics
*Best cryptoparty yet! Folks came with specific questions; paired off
really smoothly; no uber-techie debates taking place; specific tasks and
breakout topics.
==Gratuitous Link Dump==
*[ LastPass] for secure password management.
*[ F-Droid]
*[ How to Use Enigmail
with Thunderbird]
*[ OpenPhoto (facilitates backing up photos to your
own server)]
*[ Frontline SMS]
*[ AppOps
- permissions for Android]
===VOIP Services===
*[ CSIP Simple]
*[ SIPDroid]
===Custom Android ROMs===
*[ Dirty Unicorns]
*[ Paranoid Android]
Hey all!
I just wanted to let you guys know that the Public School has scheduled the
following events to be held in March:
*Thursday, March 20th at 7pm:* Radical fiction, mystery, and crime! With Ken
Wishnia, Norman Nawrocki, Sin Soracco, Nick Mamatas, Owen Hill, and Summer
*Saturday, March 22nd at 7pm:* Silvia Federici and and George Caffentzis on
Capital, Labor and Reproduction, George is author of In Letters of Blood
and Fire: Work, Machines, and the Crisis of
coeditor of The Debt Resisters' Operations
*Sunday, March 23rd at 7pm:* John P. Clark on Anarchy, Geography,
Modernity: Selected Writings of Elisée
scott crow on Black Flags and Windmills: Hope, Anarchy, and the Common
Ground Collective<>
*Monday, March 24th at 7pm:* Clifton Ross and Marcy Rein on Until the
Rulers Obey: Voices from Latin American Social
I plan to check with George about possibly using the room downstairs for
our event on Thursday, March 20th to ensure that it will not interfere
w/Mesh and JavaScript meetups that evening.
The events scheduled for Saturday the 22nd, Sunday the 23rd and Monday the
24th will be held in the common space.
Please let me know if you foresee any conflicts - I didn't notice any on
the calendar aside from Thurs.
To check the recent changes and help combat spam, check out
// Matt
----- Reply message -----
From: "Romy Ilano" <romy(a)>
To: "sudo-discuss" <sudo-discuss(a)>
Subject: [sudo-discuss] someone hacking the SudoRoom Wiki
Date: Fri, Feb 7, 2014 15:58
Hey, I just fixed a hack on the SudoRoom main page.
Someone is hacking the SudoRoom Wiki - I don't know who, I know this probably happens often. Are there safety precautions?
I undid the "hardcore jerkey action" - and I saw that someone also undid this shortly before I went on the page.
Any idea wh'os doing this?
Romy Ilanoromy(a)
So cool and way better than a torturous tech talk
Complaining about the problem…
A Growing Army Of Women Are Taking On Wikipedia's Sexism Problem
Wikipedia/Gerald Shields
These people gathered for an Arts WikiMedia Edit-a-thon
With all the depressing stories about sexism in the tech industry, it's easy to overlook some really fantastic things helping to improve the situation.
For instance, there's a growing army of women who are trying to end Wikipedia's well-documented gender gap – fewer than 15% of Wikipedia editors around the world, it acknowledges – which has given the crowdsourced information site an arguably sexist bent.
Instead of complaining about it, various groups of women have begun organizing edit-a-thons, days set aside where people (women and men) gather, write and edit articles about women for Wikipedia. Writing an article isn't always enough. Regular Wikipedia editors, called administrators, can delete articles and changes. So, these groups first get trained on Wikipedia's rules to ensure their articles and edits stick.
One of the earliest women-in-tech edit-a-thons happened about two years ago, when the Wikimedia offices in San Francisco held a Women's History Month Edit-a-Thon. About 40 people showed up. They learned the rules of making changes that would stick and edited over 20 articles and created 11 new ones, according to the Wikipedia article on the event.
Flash forward to two weeks ago, when a New York group that calls itself Art+Feminism organized an edit-a-thon to focus on Wikipedia pages for female artists. It drew 600 participants, in 6 countries, at 61 locations,
and created 101 new articles and improved another 90. And that group has already got more edit-a-thons scheduled for later in February and in March.
The Wikimedia Foundation, the organization that supports Wikipedia, couldn't be happier. Wikimedia spokesperson Jay Walsh told Business Insider:
"This recent example of edit-a-thons aimed at bringing in more women has been really impressive - dozens of groups around the US and Canada (and I believe Europe and beyond) got involved and carried out these day-long sessions, which included both men and women. It's a really important way for people who have knowledge to share, but no experienced editing Wikipedia, to get comfortable with the process."
Hi all,
There's a proper flyer posted up now, and an fb event for the thing
happening on Saturday at the space. It should be pretty cool. Check it out:
Sudoroom flyer/event:
Facebook event:
BAPS event:
Chile has a long history of working class struggle in shanty towns,
factories, mines, community organizations, and schools. In the 20 years
after the US supported coup which overthrew Salvador Allende's government,
much of the organizing was done underground. However after the fall of the
dictatorship in 1990, there was a new rise of mass popular organization in
the country. Anarchists have been a major force in the social movements,
strategically organizing to build power. This has manifested in solidarity
for the Mapuches, anarchists winning the student union elections at the
University of Chile, militant pro-abortion actions, and libertarian labor
This national tour brings three individuals involved in these struggles to
talk about the lessons learned and to create solidarity across hemispheres.
>From January to the end of February, the speakers will be traveling
throughout the country and we hope that you can spread the word and hear
about the important work that is happening in Chile.
And on Saturday, February 22, they will at last be at the Bay Area Public
School and Sudo Room! Join us and AK Press in welcoming them at 2141
Broadway (enter on 22nd, elevate to 2nd floor) at 8pm sharp.
Space is handicapped accessible, and always: free!!
Want more info? See:
This month's Techno-Activism Third Monday is the Monday After The Day We
Fought Back. We'll be chatting with some of the key organizers of the
protest, both on the domestic and international side.
Come to EFF's headquarters at 815 Eddy St, at 6PM on Monday, and find
out about the tech, the strategy, the results of TDWFB -- and give your
feedback and ideas for tomorrow's fight.
We'll also be talking about outreach about digital security to the
communities who need it most. How do we teach crypto to vulnerable
groups in the real world?
Your hosts will be Danny O'Brien and Jillian York, with April Glaser as
your special guest-star.
Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M) is an informal meetup designed to
connect software creators and activists who are interested in
censorship, surveillance, and open technology. Currently, TA3M are held
in fifteen cities throughout the world, and growing. As the name
implies, it is held on the third Monday of each month.
Here is where EFF is:
Please turn up before 6PM -- we'll buzz you after that but before 6.16PM
if you call +1 408 480 3412.
See you there!
Hey all!
I need a co-working space for 3 people for tomorrow and Sunday that's
clean and has good internets. Something near a Bart station in
Berkeley, Oakland, or anywhere in SF would be good. On the cheaper side
would be nice.
Reposted for posterity at
Q: What's (not not) going to happen to us?
* Matt [sudo space], Sam (thousands of cores), Juul (planet-hacking), yar
(some, then more), John (idk), Jenny (ACTUAL membership thing), Ardeen,
Haley, Scott (a kickass show in the space), Xavier, Daniel, Eric (rally &
seize opportunities), Troy, Brendan (electronic robots in space?), Chris
(inventing better hand cleaner), Jeremy, Noemie, JC (go to zero)
* Calendar
* Berkeley Biolabs is up!
** bioreactor hack night tomorrow (feb 13)
** "biohacker in residence" open house next week (feb 20) (meetup event not
up yet)
* Cryptoparty this Sunday, 2-5pm - Learn digital security and encrypt your
hard drive, phone calls, text messages etc; -
* Troy found 16 years of communist literature on the street
* Slingshot new volunteer meeting Feb. 23rd @ The Long Haul, 4pm
** Looking for someone who wants to work on a calendar app
*** Phil might be able to help
** Other slingshot announcement from Haley about notpublicschool
* Haley and Sam want to start the first cyber-punk LARP rule system on the
West Coast with simultaneous microcontroller programming language
development! Get in contact with Haley about either at
* John (jbaldo(a) - event Startup Weekend Education - week of Feb.
21st - competition over a weekend in collaboration with Oakland Unified
teachers. Civic hacking & Education:
** Usually $100 / ticket, wants to give away a couple of tickets to sudo
** Brendan is interested
* trilobytes brought back to life
* Show at sudo room w/ Scott - Feb. 28th - all ages, 100+ people
* first Omni delegates meeting tomorrow night AT the Omni - open but RSVP -
* RPS Collaboration
** website redesigning is cool
** wordpress teaching is excellent
** in exchange, they have offered to give us a lot of beer (i.e. 15 crates)
[people are stoked]
*** They have a stereo receiver on loan, want to keep it! Hence the beer
** Also want to exchange by painting the Wobbly Wheels pedicab out front.
** What should RPS do for us??
*** Mesh project could use a designer, if people want to opt in
**** Also set up a mesh node on their building for
*** Jeremy will make a wiki page for a list of items and email about it!
* "Art party" happens 6pm 3rd Saturdays at the Belfry (church at 2735
MacArthur @ Coolidge) (57 bus line)
* slay zombie events that show up when importing from calendar [matt]
* Use Stripe [jenny, contingent on bank acct]
* Bank Account - we need to send Articles of Inc. [matt] - DONE
* Renew lease - David to investigate insurance options - matt will ping him
* Add features to RPS's wordpress: - Jeremy met
with them [DONE]
** Jeremy will make a wiki page for a list of items and email about it!
* Fix our inside door, the cables got severed - DONE - jake fixed it!
sudokudos :D
* reach out to sudo folks & others to participate in Spied Upon event
* reply to radical mycology people with principles about for-pay events
[Jenny] - done, no response as of yet
* fix our LMI phone line - is the DSL filter broken or the phone cable
shorted? [DONE by marc]
** juul fixed it and added caller id (but the caller id needs an extension
==New Members==
* Xavier
* Jeremy
* Noemie
* Jenny is working on a better automated system
* Matt elaborates non-dollar ways to contribute
* We have $8701.21 in the bank account
* This week, received $500 anonymous donation!
* We make exactly pi $314.16 on Gittip
** debate over whether a 5 or a 6 is more appropriate
* Need to come to consensus on Internet Archive Federal Credit Union item
below to get new bank account ;)
==Consensus Items==
* Proposal to ban ardeen
** yar thinks ban sounds harsh - maybe temporary? 2 months?
** "To empower members to deal with problematic non-members, non-members
can be removed by a member who feels their behavior is problematic,
*unless* another member present in the space is willing to vouch for the
non-member as a guest. Non-members being asked to leave must be told that
they can further discuss the incident at a Wednesday meeting or on the
mailing list. Non-members can use the space as much as they want when
other members are present, but cannot access the space when no members are
there and have to leave when the last member leaves."
** Ardeen is present and pleading forgiveness, but Marc still doesn't trust
** Matt hadn't received an apology until now and is not happy. He finds
"the whole narrative disrespectful". He'd rather things be about the
community respecting each other and not about conflicts and bans. (?)
** Ardeen feels he tried to reach out and was treated with anger and
** yar hears "it's not about sleeping or breaking rules, it's about
respect" but thinks the email seemed about exactly that
** conversation gets heated, yar imposes stack with 30 second time limit
** voting
*** 6 votes for a permanent ban of ardeen
*** 1 against - ardeen himself
*** 5 abstaining
*** this is less than 2/3. motion fails.
** vote on a temporary one-month banning of ardeen
*** 12 for
*** 0 against
*** 2 abstains
*** motion passes. Matt notes that the Public School has voted to uphold
our bans.
* proposal to ban sarah
** "She isn't here. Word she's left the city."
** "she's been sleeping here after being warned, and also knowingly ate my
** "she's had conflicts at Noisebridge and refused arbitration there, which
is not a good sign"
** "I'd support this ban more if it were about violence or extreme
** "We need a committee on social affairs"
** voting
*** 5 in favor
*** 0 against
*** 6 abstentions
*** motion seems to fail?
*** Feedback from abstainers:
**** Having a calm person unattached to the conflict to serve as ally for
**** Permanent bans pretty harsh - people can change
**** Homelessness is a transient condition
**** process is broken since abstentions and no-votes seemed to be
equivalent here
**** Eliot suggests permanent bans be reserved for violent oppression, but
supports long-term bans
*** "I will reach out to her and say she's not banned but she's not welcome
and should come to a meeting"
*** JC offers mediation in future conflicts
* "sudo room resolves to allow the Internet Archive Federal Credit Union to
make deposits."
** There are no objections. We all feel pretty good to be voting on this.
* Suggestion that we auto-ban anyone who has been banned by noisebridge
unless at least one member objects. New bans to be adopted at each weekly
meeting. - juul
** See for current Noisebridge bans
** Matt suggests inserting a human approval method rather than auto-ban,
citing Value # 5 of sudo room's Articles of Association:
*** "Value human judgment over automation and efficiency."
** "Would this rule have solved problems in the past" "Yes" "yes" "yes"
** "is the burden on individuals to monitor the noisebridge banlist in
order to object in time?"
** "it literally just made the process easier with ardeen that public
school had a similar vote on our banlist"
*** "I didn't actually feel good mentioning BAPS' policy so I don't think
that's a point in favor"
** Brendan: "In considering banning individuals from sudo room, it is valid
to take into consideration any bans from other communities."
** "I'd prioritize specific kinds of bans such as those involving sexual
*** DOES THIS WORK?? "Noisebridge bans can be given a temporary ban at sudo
room by request of any member, to last until there is quorum to review the
ban. Sudo room will consider all Noisebridge bans as potential bans at sudo
room, going through the normal process"
** "There should be an opportunity to lift bans"
* Matt suggests a rule that our bureacracy can't be used against us:
** "Value fairness and common sense over prolonged process and bureaucracy."
** "I finds this unimplementable and a little ironic"
** "if you want that to change, develop a mentality for it, don't wait for
bureaucracy to solve it"
** "can we move this onto next week's agenda?" [laughter]
*** "I propose this be highly prioritized to next week"
** "does anybody have a reason this should not be consensed to be in our
*** "I do. It's an awesome value, but just words."
**** That's sort of the point ^.^ it's a poem!
** No consensus yet, more workshopping.
* At the November 6, 2013 meeting, there was consensus that Marc Juul
should be the sole founder of our IRC channel, freenode.#sudoroom - this
was discussed on the mailing list, there have been no blocks or
alternatives proposed. This meeting, with 16 people present, affirms that
it has been solidly consensed on at this point. Sudoroom as an organization
will now reach out to Freenode to make it happen.
** Asked for objections four or five times. No objections. phew!
* Juul suggests that we change the articles such that bans require 2/3 of
the votes of present members, excluding abstainess.
** "you should just use a normal voting process and not that weird process
you just used"
** "can't consent on this now because the problem is deeper than this"
** "do i have to be a dues-paying member to vote?"
==Conflict Resolution==
* "kudos to facilitators"
* Learning Collective w/ Haley (samarasteele(a)
** wants to have events here
==After meeting teamups==
* Cyberpunk LARPing and software Microcontroller development.
Thanks to all present for sticking it through this one!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé