In case you're interested, this event starts tomorrow evening (Friday Feb
21) to Sunday Feb 23.
If you're available to host a table for Sudo Room, or other related
projects, please let me know ASAP. Otherwise, you can use promotional code:
*sudoroom* to register at $15 or register for free if you ask me I guess?
Or just show up and socially engineer the situation?
Startup Weekend Education is coming to
Have an idea for improving education? This is the place to meet a team that
will help validate your idea and bring it to prototype over the course of
54 hours. Great opportunity to meet passionate folks from around Oakland
and you'll feel better on Mondaymorning knowing that you didn't binge watch
a TV series.
Video: What is Startup Weekend Education? <>
*Sudo Room Developers/Designers Attend For $15 With Promo Code: sudoroom*
*Register Before It's Sold Out <>!*
Great reasons to attend:
- SXSWedu <> badges for the winning team
- Special challenge from Oakland Teachers <>
- Meet outstanding education and edtech leaders in the Bay Area (see
website<> for
- Free courses by Dev Bootcamp <> and General
Hey y'all,
The surveillance awareness event tonight at Sudo Room at 7pm will be
livestreamed in case you can't make it.
The url to watch the live stream will be pasted into the event listing at
Sudo room as soon as it comes online - here is the (twitterable) shortlink
to the calendar event listing:
Thanks & hope ta see ya there!
Hey all! Just wanted to let everyone know the projector will be needed on
Friday and Saturday nights for Spied Upon and Struggling to Win
(respectively.) There appear to be no conflicts / overlaps, but I wanted to
affirm this need, in case it wasnt obvious..
Thanks everyone!
Hey all,
Sharing Cities Network<>is
an effort that's trying to connect people who are building cities
on principles of meeting everyone's needs, collaboration, and sharing
resources. The network is providing people with ideas and toolkits and
helping spread knowledge about what people in different places are working
They have a "sharing
initiative and part of it is to organize a
in your city - an event that spotlights all the collaborative
initiatives/spaces/etc in a city.
Anyone want to help be a part of doing this in Oak? We're planning for May.
Have a few folks from Transition Berkeley & PLACE for sustainable living,
etc. who want to do this.
They even have $500 minigrants to support these.
Any sudoers interested? I'll add you to the thread.
- Marina
Some of you may remember Jose Luis Rivas, the Venezuelan Debian
developer and Internet advocate who spoke at Five Minutes of Fame a
few months ago.
If you've been following the news, Venezuela has been in a period of
unrest, with student protests throughout the country. Internet
censorship has increased, and I've just heard that that there's been
an Internet shutdown in the state of Tachira.
There's moves within the country to try and restore Net connectivity,
and also I heard moves by the government to create legal methods to
block and censor the Net (it's been pretty ad hoc until now).
Jose is @ghostbar on Twitter, and the Internet access movement is -- Jose asked if folks working on
emergency mesh networking and the like get in touch. I can make
introductions if people email me.
Thanks for listening, stay safe, and see you on Thursday, when I will
talk a little about this...
Hey all,
Wanted to send a reminder to mark your calendars to join Yusef (Andre)
Wiley and the Timelist Group on:
Sun, Feb 23 at 2:30pm - 5:00pm
There are a lot of opportunities to work with this group to connect to
at-risk youth through tutoring and skill sharing, working directly to
support incarcerated persons, and also to help break the cycle of
recidivism for the formerly incarcerated, especially with job training and
computer skill development. I highly recommend anyone who hasn't come yet
to please come on the 23rd.
Additionally, Timelist Group is developing their non-profit structure and
income, which can also use support. They have some grant opportunities, so
being in contact now can go a long way to help them grow.
Finally, the workshop will be oriented around how to become a facilitator
for Timelist Group workshop curriculum. How to become Prison Outreach
workers and community workers for youth and other individuals at risk. This
should be informational for all interested folks.
// Matt
Good morning,
I don't know a lot of the people on these lists since I'm intensely
antisocial & rarely attend parties, *but* I do volunteer regularly for
Volx Kuche---San Francisco's premier free dinner club + punk cabaret; see for location & times. The first VK of next month falls on
Friday, March 14th, aka Pi Day. I have been enlisted to design a pi zine
for the occasion, which I am happy to do; in addition, I thought we might
serve pie for the event. What this idea lacks in originality, it will
surely make up for in delicious-ness. Stan-Oz suggested approaching
bakeries in the area for donations. I am willing to visit places in person
& request donations, give background on the event, etc., but in the
interest of saving time & effort, it makes sense to tap the community info
bank for suggestions beforehand. So, if you can suggest a bakery or other
local biz that may be amenable to donating pi---say, enough to serve 50 to
100 people---to a free, all-volunteer event such as "the People's
Kitchen," do please come at me w/ it. Ideally in San Francisco, as my
visits to the East Bay are infrequently made & frequently ridiculous. Of
course, we welcome the possibility of anyone else situated in Oakland or
elsewhere in the B.A. willing & able to drum up donations, as well.
Also, I would like to install a layout program such as InDesign or Scribus
on my laptop, & am rather lacking in funds. If you can read between these
lines & have help to offer, it will greatly facilitate our production of
the pi zinelet. Although it is entirely possible, & may in fact be fun, to
resort to the ancient cut-&-paste-by-hand method for the zine as well.
Thanks & have a flaky, golden, fruit-filled day.
Not all who wander are lost.