snake art party is tonight at SudoRoom, after the Oakland art murmur. so we
can lure people in after 9pm or so to make art.
emphasis is on interactive artmaking. people will be making art, instead of
just passively watching musicians... and we will (with permission)
photograph the art that was created out of collaboration.
*could you come and help by:*
- bringing as many usable markers, pens, as you can? <-- this is the
biggest need
- any big rolls of paper (luckily Noisebridge donated a big roll
already) THANK YOU
- maybe old t-shirts - we'll ahve a t-shirt stencilling station
*Performances while people make art!*
- There are going to be various performers, including a political
performance around the Ellis Act by Megaflop!
Romy Ilano
The term is "Egoboo" in context of a healthy accolade for That Which Was
WELL performed. Needful works that go a step beyond plodding bare minimums.
The magic that HACKERS do to a space:> And are often sadly not
properly acknowledged for.
Initial thoughts of mine- there might be "Before&After" pics where the
timestamps confer some Sanity Referee points in case of disputes/to banish
disputes before they arise:> Access/Change logs might do similar for
keyboard hours?
Both approaches neatly banish the Goldbrick scenes and can be posted as
evidentiary for validation of Egoboo as EARNED...
Comments welcome and frame them in context of Excellence as goal.
"Wow- those before&afters really show the excellence in action"
Oren Beck
On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 12:22 AM, <sudo-discuss-request(a)>wrote:
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 06:33:49 -0800
> From: Chris Bee <hotelcompany(a)>
> To: "sudo-discuss(a)"
> <sudo-discuss(a)>
> Subject: Re: [sudo-discuss] [Consensus Decision] Minimum Membership
> Dues
> Message-ID:
> <CAHKc9LkzJDgUrcxXm6-pdSXCu7m_cJduBUEaamk6X=
> qYWb3Z9A(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> We've discussed setting up some kind of work trade/equity system in lieu of
> (or in addition to) paying dues in cash on several occasions both on and
> off the record, yet it's never gotten past the "Gee, that's a good idea"
> phase.
> Personally I could go either way on this. Keeping track of how much time I
> allocate towards sudo-related projects versus personal pursuits would
> probably set a good example and maybe even get the ball rolling on the
> nascent time-accounting system, but that's not really how I do things.
> However, one of the perks of the cash-free lifestyle is that I don't have
> to assign a value to my time if I don't want to or if there's no real need
> for it....which is probably why I haven't documented my sudo projects/time
> expenditures- I feel like it's time well spent, people seem to appreciate
> at least some of my efforts, and shit gets done that might otherwise get
> left by the wayside.
> With that said I believe the equity program would be a good thing for sudo
> and sudoers alike. Sudo gets its helper monkeys, I don't have to stress
> over whether I'm goldbricking and everyone else has a metric to work with
> (or not).
> ---------------------------------chrisbee
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On December 18th, Hol submitted a proposal to lift the minimum dues
requirement for members to $10 (from $0), with exception granted on a
case-by-case basis for special cases (eg; refusal to participate in
the monetary system).
Posted at…
- - Go there to comment, edit, etc!:
- -----------------------
Sub-Section 3.4.3 Dues
Dues shall be paid by members on a sliding scale basis, from the
minimum $10 per month rate to the recommended donation calculated
using the process below. Exemptions of individuals from paying dues
may be approved on a case by case basis by the general membership on
the grounds of financial hardship or refusal to participate in the
monetary system
The recommended monthly dues for members is calculated as follows:
dues = average over all members of ( 1 month's overhead + a % of
any defecit in each standing fund + a risk premium (min. 5% of all
other dues components)
For instance, early on, overhead could be (rent + utilities +
services), in which case dues = (500 + 100 + 20 + (10 + 5 + 0 + 10) +
64) / 23 = $30.83 per member
- ---------------------
Feedback encouraged over the next 7 days until this amendment is
brought up for consensus at the next weekly meeting (January 8th).
Feedback from the Dec. 18th Meeting can be found here:…
- --
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
- -Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
- -Stéphane Mallarmé
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
It was bound to happen eventually...
[image: Inline image 1]
We have a few dozen of these hanging around the space...look for a small
white box that says "SUDO ROOM BUTTONS" (it's currently on the big table)
and help yourself. Then donate whatever you think they're worth to long as you're wearing one, you're promoting sudo room. See how
that works? Kind of like Nike selling Nike t-shirts but slightly less evil.
Here's the third print of the first sudo stencil I made. At this point I
think it's okay- it's all straight lines which makes it a lot easier to
cut- but I can do better. So I will.
[image: Inline image 1]
BTW- we need more button blanks so if anyone has a lead on those let me
Starting next week I'm going to be hacking with the 3D printer every
Tuesday night at Sudoroom. Next week (New Year's Eve) will probably
end early, but after that I will shoot for being around from 5-9pm. I
encourage others to join me. It will be a time to learn, create, solve
problems, and have fun.
Some of my specific short term goals are:
- fix/improve our Type A Machine's bed
- experiment with the best slicer settings
- set up the attached box for OpenSCAD development
Some long term goals are:
- make our printer easier & simpler to use, understand, maintain
- get more people involved in 3D printing
- build at least one RepRap
Also there is ongoing hacking of our wiki documentation. Please help!:
Thanks and happy holidays!
Hash: SHA1
Also at this momentous Dec. 18th meeting, several suggestions were put
forward re: defining membership. These proposals and the resulting
feedback have been documented here:
^^^ Please edit this page or use the Discussion tab to give feedback
on these proposals - or respond to this thread! Items up for consensus
next week are [1], [2], [4] and [5]
[1] That membership requires a minimum fee of $10 per month (see
previous email for the exact amendment wording, link and discussion
[2] That membership includes 24/7 access to the space with a personal
access code and/or rfid.
[3] That members don't ever have to show up in person if they don't
want voting rights.
[4] To empower members to deal with problematic non-members,
non-members can be thrown out at any time by a member if that members
feel they are being a problem, _unless_ some other member present in
the space is willing to vouch for the member as a guest. Non-members
being asked to leave must be told that they can further discuss the
incident at a Wednesday meeting or on the mailing list.
[5] Non-members can use the space as much as they want when other
members are present, but cannot access the space when no members are
there and have to leave when the last member leaves.
Up for consensus:
[1] - See previous email
[2] - Unanimous consent at 12/18 meeting.
[4] - Working group suggested to refine this proposal (if interested
in this working group, please indicate so via this thread or the wiki
page linked to above)
[5] - Mostly vibe-y (not enough members at this point to reach quorum)
Your feedback, critiques, suggestions etc much appreciated!
- --
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
- -Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
- -Stéphane Mallarmé
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
Seeking approval next week for this ya'll! Thanks to Bunker from
- 215.971.0837 - mail(a)
* Proposal: Move to allow documentary filmmakers to film at sudo on the
conditions that:
** all parts in which sudo is featured has one of these licenses (or
*** CC0
*** CC BY
*** CC BY SA
** people taking pictures & video should:
*** acquire consent from everyone
*** acquire consent and review again before publishing
*** applies to all identifying data: face, voice, body, name, etc
*** strict RFC-2119 compliance of "should" vs "must" to be debated
have you added to the SudoRoom wiki lately?
wooowwww it's looking sexy!
Romy Ilano