--- Original message -----
From: "giovanni_re" <john_re(a)fastmail.us>
To: "noisebridge-discuss" <noisebridge-discuss(a)lists.noisebridge.net>,
Norman Bradley <pryankster(a)gmail.com>, Noisebridge Radio
Subject: [Noisebridge-discuss] NB Radio meetings - Roll over Noisebridge
... (Movin on, & new leaders)
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 14:53:18 -0700
& tell hackerspaces.org the news.
Congratulations Noisebridge Radioers!
You've had several successful meetings,
much was discussed,
& progress is well underway to get
the NB FCC Low Power FM broadcast station license in before its Nov 14
due date!
Now I'm gonna be movin on.
Back in February I posted to the NB amateur [= "love"] radio CQ list
that NB ought to have a radio station.
In August Norman Bradley (also a ham) alerted us that the FCC was about
to begin accepting applications,
the first time in decades in metropolitan areas.
Since then I have chosen to invest my time, in a personal overload
into this once in a lifetime opportunity,
to get the Noisebridge radio project ball rolling -
contributing the skills & knowledge I have, which many here don't (yet)
so that this project would hopefully acquire sufficient momentum to
become self sustaining.
I hope it worked -
cause I'm about to hit the door.
;) :)
Now Radioers, leaders of NB,
& all etceterians who desire that
NB have as much success as possible,
hackers have as much success as possible,
& our wonderful San Francisco, Bay Area, California & global societies
have as much success as possible,
I'm now passing the ball on to you!
Good luck!
I knew from the beginning that one tiny little me wasn't gonna be able
either create a NB radio station, nor sustain one.
So I've tried to alert Noisebridgians to the possibilities & benefits,
with the hope that enough people will be sufficiently intrigued
so that the idea becomes a reality.
I hope that has happened.
I'm not going away,
but I am bowing out of most Noisebridge "The Bridge" radio activity.
I've got many other respnsibilities to attend to.
If this project is going to succeed,
it has now become _your_ responsibility.
The good news is, I believe you definitely have the capabilities
to make it a reality.
And I believe the unknown hackers, & unknown future hackers,
will thank you for it!
If it _is_ actually going to happen,
the most important thing that someone
who has _not_ done this before,
has got to do is make a personal commitment to:
1) getting the Tues 6-8PM weekly radio hacker meeting onto the calendar
on the main nb web page, &
2) sending a weekly meeting announcement to the NB--Discuss & Announce
so all hackers are refreshly reminded of the meeting,
& of their opportunity to contribute to radio, & social, hacking.
The other main thing is to immediately help Norman,
in anything he needs,
to enable him to get a proper, successful application in to the FCC by
its November 14th due date.
- Please note: Norman is a very busy guy, too.
I believe he is also going far out of his way,
cutting deep into his own personal responsibilities & resources,
to do the things only he at Noisebridge is able to do,
to get this project he believes is important to both Noisebridgians,
& hackers everywhere,
into the air.
[Please join me right now in giving Norman Bradley a big round of
Me: Clap clap clap!
Thanks, Norman! This project certainly wouldn't have had so much
progress without all your efforts.
I certainly couldn't have done it without you!
Now, I've got to get on to other important responsibilities,
lide helping Oaklland's SudoRoom get a radio application in,
& alerting the USA hacerspacces to their impending doom^h^h^h^h
opportunities to get their FCC applications in,
with only two weeks notice!
I'll have more to say, later.
Bottom line:
It is now _YOUR_ responsibility to
_immediately_ get an announcement out
that everyone is invited to
Tonight's 6-8PM Noisebridge FM broadcast Radio meeting.
Best wishes to all.
Good luck.
And, as we say in the amateur radio community,
73 to everyone.
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http://groups.google.com/group/BerkTIPGlobal. All Freedom SW, HW &
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--- Join the BerkeleyTIP-Global mail list -
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--- Join the BerkeleyTIP-Global mail list - http://groups.google.com/group/BerkTIPGlobal. All Freedom SW, HW & Culture.
I've been following this project for a while, their goal is to produce a
small ARM board with everything you need to program it built in for only $5
-- the idea being that at that price, you can stick them everywhere and not
have to worry about the cost. They are now close to being finished, and are
trying to raise enough money to get some prototypes out into the hands of
hackers looking to play with them. You can see details on the project here:
> *open:* entirely open source hardware and software
> *powerful: *ARM Cortex-M4 with DSP extensions, 50MHz, 32KB code flash,
> 8KB RAM, 32KB data flash
> *easy to use:* programmable via USB; USB 2.0 full speed device and host
> in hardware
> *massive connectivity: *10 PWM outputs, 12 analog inputs, 29 GPIOs, 6
> serial interfaces, 14 touch sense inputs
> *low power:* can run directly from a coin cell battery for months
> *extensible: *add LiPo battery charger, 2.4GHz radio, extra flash memory,
> all without additional boards
> *small:* only 50mm*19mm / 1.97in*0.75in
> *cheap:* $5 to build at home
They need to sell 50 in order to get bulk pricing on stuff, for $60 (which
includes shipping) you get:
> 5 boards + all the parts needed for them
> 2 RF communications boards (NRF24L01+)
> 2 LiPo battery charger ICs
> 2 180mAh LiPo batteries
> 2 1MB SPI flash ICs
> 3 different power regulators (so you can run from a variety of power
> sources)
> 2 microUSB jacks (the boards themselves will plug into a USB port
> directly, the optional jack allows you to instead use a USB cable)
I've already ordered a kit, I'm thus spamming you all in the hopes that
others will as well and I can get my boards (I have an unhealthy addiction
to small inexpensive microcontroller boards)
link to order here --> https://github.com/mchck/mchck/wiki/Prototypes
Note that this is not a finished product yet -- you'll either need a bit of
experience with ARM and microcontroller dev, or be willing to wait to use
the boards until they finish all the software and iron out any issues that
may arise.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Antonio Listì <antonio.listi(a)gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 1:53 PM
Subject: [!SUDO-INFO!] Help's request
To: info(a)sudoroom.org
Hi guys, I'm Antonio Listì and I am an electronic engineering
student at the Universty of Palermo in Italy where I'm trying to build an
hackerspace for the student community. I'm making a little promotional video
for the space. I'm trying to involve some members of the most important
hackerspaces all over the world in this project, so what I need from your
hackerspace is that you record a little message for us saying the sentence:
"This is STARTING" in your mother tongue (STARTING IS THE NAME OF OUR
HACKERSPACE). I hope that you will collaborate with me making this short
video and sending it via email to my address antonio.listi(a)gmail.com. Thank
you in advance and waiting for your kind reply I send my best kind regards.
PS:(I'm so sorry for my terrible english and I hope that everything I wrote
was clear XD
Info mailing list
looks like they've just relaunched their grants program to support new
very little info on the site, but wanted to put this out there in case
anyone was interested in learning more.
- marina
I wanted to forward this email I received from a group I belong to on
Meetup.com to Sudoers. An ALERT and Reminder. Apparently there seems to be
a man attending meetups in the bay area who is being less than gentleman
like with a few ladies.
Check it out-
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rick <info(a)meetup.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 10:32 AM
Subject: [nightlife-612] Warning to ladies from another Meetup
To: nightlife-612-announce(a)meetup.com
Hi All,
Some of you may have already received this warning from one of Tom's many
SF meet-ups. I got three. I am resending it out to you because even though
we are not a single's group, everyone should be mindful of their security
online. I have removed a Rahul from the group who had an cartoon for a pic
and either never attended or or never RSVPed. One remains but with a
different member ID than the one in question.
Tom has a few very good recommendations that you should consider. I would
also recommend not using your complete first and last name on the site. I
have never required this. Ladies, please be careful of anyone who comes on
a little too aggressive. Consider asking for a business card instead of
giving out your contact information. Post event outings for dinner or what
not are best in groups with people you have established friendships with
coming along. Use good judgement and be safe.
Let's all just try to have some fun without the ick.
Oakland Happy Hour Organizer
* *
*Please see email from Tom below:*
For years I've been getting reports from women that an SF Bay Area
meetupmember has been up to various creepy behavior including
harassment, inappropriate touching, and even him being suspected of
breaking someone's front door lock at a house party.
I've long ago kicked him out of my groups and reported him to meetup. In
fact I know he's been reported to meetup at least a few times and they've
done nothing because he's careful to wait until he get's someone's personal
email or phone number before he starts getting creepy.
This character's name is Rahul. There are several Rahul's in meetup so be
sure you know which one I'm talking about. Here is his main meetup profile
http://www.meetup.com/members/11529766/ He doesn't post pictures of himself
so here's another profile cartoon he commonly uses
http://www.meetup.com/walking-in-SF/members/11529766/ and here is an email
address that he's used in the past bffrahul(a)gmail.com
If you have not had an issue with this person yet the best advice I can
give you is this:
1) If he email's you do not reply
1) Do not give him any personal information i.e., email address, phone
number, address
If anyone can find me a picture of this guy in any meetup please send me a
link to it.
*If you have already had a run in with this guy please read on. *
Thanks to the efforts of Gareth, another organizer that many of you know,
we have the ear of the meetup CEO and their safety lead and they are
interested in hearing your story. Even if your run in with Rahul was some
time ago, even if you've already reported him to meetup, please follow the
instructions in the email and report your story.
*Hi Tom,*
*Thank you for contacting us about this. I'm Liz, and your message has
been escalated to my attention. Meetup takes reports such as this, and any
possible violation of our Terms of Service, very seriously. *
*We would like to conduct a limited inquiry into this situation. I
understand that you've heard these stories second-hand, so it may be
difficult for you to provide us with the additional information, but if
there's anything further you can tell us in connection with your concerns,
that will help us look into this further. Additionally, if you know of any
members who have had first-hand experience with Rahul, please have them
write to me directly at lizd(a)meetup.com. *
*The sort of information that will help us look into this further is:*
*• a detailed description of the situation*
*• links to pages where the content at issue is appearing on the site*
*• any relevant emails or content you may have received through the site*
*• anything you received outside of the Meetup platform that would be
relevant to our inquiry*
*• any other information you think may be helpful, such as a relevant
police report or similar documentation*
*We want to conduct as thorough an inquiry into this situation as possible,
and we appreciate your help with this. Having said that, please note that
Meetup is unable to moderate member behavior offsite, so in addition to
reporting this to us, it is very important that all illegal activity be
reported to the local authorities as well. *
*Thanks again for your help with this. We'll look forward to your reply. *
* Sincerely, *
* Liz Dickey *
* Trust and Safety Lead *
* Meetup HQ*
This message was sent by Rick from The Oakland/East Bay Happy
If you want to reply to Rick, click
To learn more about Rick, visit his/her member
To report abuse or block this person, please click
To unsubscribe from special announcements from your Organizer(s),
click here<http://www.meetup.com/Oakland-Happy-Hour/optout/?submit=true&email=orgBdcst>
Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 <#142054633b98f5e2_> |
I'm Sergio , I'm 30 years old, a young Italian artist and 2 to 6 November
2013 I go to Miami Beach , 2013, to explore the artistic situation .
I wish I could have hospitality from someone who lives there.
They are very clean, quiet, tidy and very quiet.
I hope to receive responses of hospitality.
See you soon
my personal email is: utopiaracanati(a)gmail.com
facebook: sergio Racanati .
// Matt
----- Forwarded message -----
From: "Laurie Cooperman Rosen" <Lscoop(a)comcast.net>
To: <exchequer(a)sudoroom.org>
Cc: <eddan(a)eddan.com>, <mattsenate(a)gmail.com>
Subject: 11/2013 Statement, 2141 Broadway
Date: Tue, Oct 29, 2013 08:59
Hi Eddan and Matt (and who is exchequer?...the last email I sent to that
address bounced, so I'm not sure whether it's still a valid
one!)....attached is the November Sudo Room Statement. Thank you!
// Matt
----- Forwarded message -----
From: "Laurie Cooperman Rosen" <Lscoop(a)comcast.net>
To: <exchequer(a)sudoroom.org>
Cc: <eddan(a)eddan.com>, <mattsenate(a)gmail.com>
Subject: 11/2013 Statement, 2141 Broadway
Date: Tue, Oct 29, 2013 08:59
Hi Eddan and Matt (and who is exchequer?...the last email I sent to that
address bounced, so I'm not sure whether it's still a valid
one!)....attached is the November Sudo Room Statement. Thank you!
So, today I dropped my fancy smart phone (HTC One S) and smashed the screen
to smithereens. I have almost (almost! but I think not quite) just had it
with the concept of cell phones, almost ready to just figure out how to
plan ahead and make use of my land line and wifi.
But I don't think I'm there -- I just rely too heavily on stuff like Google
Maps and text messaging when I travel or am otherwise out and about.
I thought I'd throw the question out there before I up and buy a new phone.
Does anybody have a 4g, T-Mobile compatible phone they'd recommend…or
perhaps one to sell?
Or… what are some good "I'm sick of dealing with cell phones" hacks these
p.s. I'm (finally!) out of my TMobile contract and happily so. I am also
done with insurance plans. I want to just buy something free and clear,
something that I can unlock and potentially throw a foreign SIM into in the
future. Even if it means spending more up front. I'm sick of cell carrier
shenanigans and don't want to play their money games if I can avoid it.
> From: "Laurie Cooperman Rosen" <Lscoop(a)comcast.net>
> Subject: Raw Foods Meetup Group in Main Space Sunday Afternoon, 11/3/13
> Date: October 28, 2013 8:40:36 PM PDT
> To: <exchequer(a)sudoroom.org>, <eddan(a)eddan.com>, <poems(a)zachhouston.com>, <mattsenate(a)gmail.com>, 'd'É-Aatenhejm' <timondocent(a)gmail.com>, "'Robert Wenzel'" <rw(a)economicpolicyjournal.com>
> Hi All~
> This is a reminder that there will be a Raw Foods meetup group in the main space on Sunday, 11/3. The crowd shouldn’t be terribly large, so the setup will be centered on the area in front of and around the Kitchenette. We will need it from 2-6pm. Try to get personal belongings out of that part of the room, and move any furnishings or heavy objects that are close to that area….we will be setting up tables and the desk/chairs around that area. I’ll send you the email in case anybody wants to sign up for the event (it’s a class about Fermentation).
> Thanks for your assistance! We will remove all garbage from the event separately at the end of the event.
> Laurie
> From: "Laurie Cooperman Rosen" <Lscoop(a)comcast.net>
> Subject: FW: Sunday: Join 11 Raw Food enthusiasts at "Fermentation Fiesta!"
> Date: October 28, 2013 8:41:27 PM PDT
> To: <exchequer(a)sudoroom.org>, <eddan(a)eddan.com>, <poems(a)zachhouston.com>, <mattsenate(a)gmail.com>, 'd'É-Aatenhejm' <timondocent(a)gmail.com>, "'Robert Wenzel'" <rw(a)economicpolicyjournal.com>
> Here is the event info……
> From: info(a)meetup.com [mailto:info@meetup.com]
> Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 5:12 PM
> To: lscoop(a)comcast.net
> Subject: Sunday: Join 11 Raw Food enthusiasts at "Fermentation Fiesta!"
> Fermentation Fiesta!
> East Bay Raw Food Meetup Group (was Oakland Raw Food group)
> Sunday, November 3, 2013
> 3:00 PM
> 2141 Broadway
> 2141 Broadway
> Oakland, CA 94612
> Price: $25.00 per person
> Pay online
> Will you attend?
> Yes
> No
> 11 Raw Food enthusiasts attending, including:
> Vi Louise
> Friend of friend
> Laura Verduzco
> "I've been vegan for a few years and eat a lot of raw food. I'd like to continue to explore raw foodism."
> Stacy Waters
> "I am a raw food nutrition and wellness coach and founder of www.RawFoodForTheRestOfUs.com...."
> Nan
> Lanette Ferguson
> "Hi! I am Lanette and I eat a primarily plant based diet and am interested in learning more about eating Raw."
> Nora Scully
> "just started juicing and wanted to connect with more people who are eating raw, so I can learn how to eat more veggies."
> Do you want to learn about fermented foods? Or maybe you already a pro at fermenting certain foods? Come join us! This meet-up is an opportunity for those who love make fermented foods, love to eat fermented foods, and those want to learn to eat ...
> Sponsored by Heather Haxo Phillips, Permacharts/Helping Hands and Mahendra Aka Briksha
> To stop receiving reminder emails about Meetups from this group, click here.
> Add info(a)meetup.com to your address book to receive all Meetup emails
> To manage your email settings, click here
> Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163
> Meetup HQ in NYC is hiring! meetup.com/jobs