The Metabolex auction pickup closes today, and there are at least *4
biosafety cabinets* in sparkling condition, certified clean and calibrated
with paperwork, that have not been picked up, possibly abandoned. I am
attempting to negotiate with BioSurplus to see if we could buy one of them
outright for cash, but it would also likely need to be picked up TODAY.
I think my negotiations might have a bit more oomph if I could get a bunch
of people and a truck out to Metabolex at 3:45 today- that's in less than 2
hours. I'm going to be there in the parking lot- anyone who can back be or
help me out with this, please just show up. If you need a ride from Union
City BART around 3:30, email me directly or call me and I can pick up one,
maybe two people from BART.
If you have tools, bring em.
The meeting place is
parking lot of Metabolex (back of building, loading dock)
3878 Bay Center Place
Hayward, CA 94545
Thanks in advance!
And if anyone needs something off my equipment list, I'd be happy to give
you an open house tour after.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laurie Cooperman Rosen <Lscoop(a)>
Date: Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 8:55 PM
Subject: Request for November 3rd, and info on a janitorial assistant
To: Laurie Cooperman Rosen <Lscoop(a)>
Cc: eddan(a), mattsenate(a), poems(a),
exchequer(a), David Keenan <dkeenan44(a)>,
Hi All-
First, I would like to request use of the kitchen area of the big space on
Sunday, November 3rd, from 2-5pm (2-3pm=setup, 3-5pm=class on Fermentation,
5-6pm breakdown/cleanup/get out)--note that we do remove any trash that we
generate. I want to make sure that there are no conflicts with any other
scheduled events and need to respond to the organizer ASAP. Probably 20-30
people, similar to the meetup that we had prior to George's party last week.
If I don't hear of any objections/conflicts by Monday evening, I'll go ahead
and schedule the event. I'll also send an email to any interested in
registering. Heather Haxo Philips is a very well-known local raw chef and
yoga instructor.
Second, I met a very nice young man from one of our tenants (David Wei, an
awesome Qui Gong instructor)....he's about 19-20 and is looking for work.
He specializes in Martial Arts, and among other odd jobs is currently doing
janitorial for a Meditation Center, where everything is all about
cleanliness. He'd work for $10-$12/hour (maybe depending on whether it's
taxed or not?) and can also do odd jobs such as moving, some
repairs/maintenance, etc. I know you were talking about getting some help
and this is really a VERY nice person who is a pleasure to have around. His
name is Fenua and you can call or text him at 510-590-7920.
Thanks, and enjoy the weekend!
hi all,
in addition to your regularly scheduled hacking, we will have two things
going on at sudo:
2PM: Today I Learned: "SQL Injection & Prevention" with the excellent
from the description on the
SQL Injection or "SQLi" is a one of the most dangerous, popular and fun :D
web application exploits found today on the modern web. In this lesson we
will cover the basics of SQL and then dive into some SQLi exploitation and
mitigation techniques. A series of mock web applications will be made
available for attendants to practice on.
After TIL: we'll be informally working on stuff in, a cool
new learning program created by sudoers max ogden and substack, along with
many others. max is travelling the
but substack will be around (in between world-travelling adventures).
yay, learning & hacking ^_^
- marina
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Praveen Sinha <dmhomee(a)>
Date: Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 5:03 PM
Subject: conversation on fb
To: lol-hackers <lol-hackers(a)>
Just for the hell of it, I decided to start a conversation about gender at
tech companies this morning. If any of you are interested or have
feedback, I'd love to hear it:
Yo Sudo!
Interested in peer-to-peer applications, mesh networking, decentralized and
distributed tech? Open Garden is starting a series of social events in the
interest of sparking great conversations, sharing ideas and projects, and
co-learning. Also beer.
The first one is next Wednesday at Biergarten:
I won't be there for this one as I'm off to Berlin for a few weeks, but it
would be great to have some Sudoers representing!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
I am thinking of having a 5MOF event where we all talk about a single
topic. This topic is near and dear to many of us.
Protocol stacks like email have served us well since the beginning of the
internet. Email continues to be the "lowest common denominator." It's the
communication tool that everyone disagrees with the least. Protocols allow
people, computers, companies, and other entities to communicate in a
prescribed manner.
Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google's many offerings, and many others
offer deeply customized computing experiences for specific tasks. A company
or group of companies acquire talent and spend time dialing in these tools.
Day One: 5MOF at Noisebridge
Day Two: Lightning Talks at Hacker Dojo
Day Three: Your Bay Area Hackerspace
Day Four: Final Showdown venue tba
The hackerspace days would have a social atmosphere, like dev house. There
would be opportunities for serendipitous encounters. The best speakers will
be invited to speak again at the Final Showdown, which is of course,
serious business.
It is my not-so-secret nefarious goal that people who have been working on
platforms can learn from the protocol people and vice versa.
If you are interested in organizing this, send a message to
5mof-symposium(a), or join the
Event is 9.20 (title/calendar)
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note™, an AT&T LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------
Subject: Re: [sudo-discuss] INVITE to relaunch of [FreeSpace] in SF FRIDAY 9.20.13
From: Louis Huang <louis.huang(a)>
To: Liberty Madison <liberty(a)>
CC: Re: [sudo-discuss] INVITE to relaunch of [FreeSpace] in SF FRIDAY 9.20.13
Actually, I thought its tonight...
Louis T. Huang
On 2013-09-20 02:06, Liberty Madison wrote:
> We have been graciously invited to a preview event tomorrow.
> [freespace] is re launching in a big way and they want the best Bay
> Area Hackers to come out and well hangout
> A place to think, meet, make, or not!
> I added the event to the calendar but I know most of us don't really
> check the calendar so I wanted to personally invite you to support
> another Bay Area space!
> [1]
> [2]
> Please advise you are from SUDO ROOM and was invited by
> & #ThatTechGirl
> Liberty-
> 415.937.3785
> Links:
> ------
> [1]
> [2]
> _______________________________________________
> sudo-discuss mailing list
> sudo-discuss(a)
We have been graciously invited to a preview event tomorrow.
[freespace] is re launching in a big way and they want the best Bay Area
Hackers to come out and well hangout
A place to think, meet, make, or not!
I added the event to the calendar but I know most of us don't really check
the calendar so I wanted to personally invite you to support another Bay
Area space!
Please advise you are from SUDO ROOM and was invited by &
Recommendations for a reputable host / colo for the forthcoming Bay Area
Public School site reboot?
Ideally a host with ethics that align with a place like Riseup, but is on
the west coast, preferably the Bay Area.. unless that is some kind of crazy
Do we / sudo have the upstream bandwidth to host simple sites (basic WP)
from 2141? I can set it all up.. Where does SUDO host our main site, wiki
Sorry if these are noob-y questions - any guidance appreciated - thx!