The mesh networking group is buying a small piece of gear from Craiglist
and it needs to be picked up in San Jose.
Is anyone driving by San Jose next week and would you be willing to pick
this up for us?
Marc Juul
Class Dismissed
How TV Frames the Working Class
Narrated by *Ed Asner*
Based on the forthcoming book by Pepi Leistyna, *Class Dismissed* navigates
the steady stream of narrow working class representations from American
television's beginnings to today's sitcoms, reality shows, police dramas,
and daytime talk shows.
Featuring interviews with media analysts and cultural historians, this
documentary examines the patterns inherent in TV's disturbing depictions of
working class people as either clowns or social deviants -- stereotypical
portrayals that reinforce the myth of meritocracy.
*Class Dismissed* breaks important new ground in exploring the ways in
which race, gender, and sexuality intersect with class, offering a more
complex reading of television's often one-dimensional representations. The
video also links television portrayals to negative cultural attitudes and
public policies that directly affect the lives of working class people.
Featuring interviews with Stanley Aronowitz, (City University of New York);
*Nickel and Dimed* author, Barbara Ehrenreich; Herman Gray (University of
California-Santa Cruz); Robin Kelley (Columbia University); Pepi Leistyna
(University of Massachusetts-Boston) and Michael Zweig (State University of
New York-Stony Brook). Also with Arlene Davila, Susan Douglas, Bambi
Haggins, Lisa Henderson, and Andrea Press.
The federal transportation administration released new, slightly different
guidelines for public transportation providers. Basically what they say is
that the civil rights office of each Public Transit Agency has to make up
some criteria to test whether proposed route changes or fare increases
disproportionally affect minority riders. For instance, if a transit agency
were to cancel a bus line (and replace it with nothing) where 35% of the
riders were black, but the overall ridership of the transit system was 12%
black, then that service change would be have a disproportionate impact on
black riders by 35-12=23% NOW, if the public wanted to sue the agency to
stop the discontinuation of the bus line, but the agency's guidelines said
the disproportionate impact had to be greater than, say, 25%, then the
lawsuit would fail. The FTA mandates the creation of some guidelines, but
doesn't say what should be in them.
Another example would be fare increases. If a transit agency increases
regular fare by 10%, but senior fares by 50%, and 21% of seniors are some
certain race, as opposed to 6% of the general population being that race,
that would be a disproportionate impact of 15%.
The FTA notes that low-income people are not a protected class for the
federal civil rights laws, but, (progressively) it encourages Transit
Agencies to include low-income populations as a protected class in their
guidelines because minorities are generally over represented in the lower
In the fare raising example above therefore, if seniors are not
disproportionately some particular race, but if they are disproportionally
poor, a transit agency could create guidelines that would recognize that.
So if 13% of the general transit population earns 200% or less of the
national poverty level, but 20% of the senior population earns that or
less, than that would be a disproportionate impact of 7%.
If the transit agency prohibited disparate impacts of more than 5% (for
instance) that change would be a no go.
So, maybe stupidly, I submitted the following comment to
officeofcivilrights(a) and copied boardofdirectors(a)
First of all, the policy needs more examples of how to find disparate
impacts, like the example on pg 45 of FTA C 4702.1B, or the examples in
appendix K. Second of all, the BART DIDB Policy should explicitly take into
account the relative nature of the price of a fare (relative, that is, to
the rider's overall income) and therefore the relative nature of a fare
For instance, if you earn $10/ hour, then a dollar is equivalent to 6
minutes. If you earn $30/ hour, than a dollar is 2 minutes. That means if
fares increase by, say, $10/ month, (5% of a monthly BART bill of $200) and
you earn $10/ hour, then your fare increase is equivalent to an hour of
your time. If you earn $30/ hour, the fare increase is 20 minutes. Measured
in dollars, the increases appear to be the same for the two riders, but
measured in man-hours, the poorer rider is facing an increase that is 300%
bigger than the fare increase for the less poor rider. That is a disparate
impact, so the policy should reflect that.
Thanks for your attn in this matter.
The number of people submitting comments on this policy will be very small.
Like under 30, maybe 10 people. There will be a couple of legal services
attys, some law students, some BART staff members ... basically no one. So
every letter will be read. If there is anyone in the organization that has
the opinion you have, they will cite your letter many times in trying to
get their (and your) opinion heard. That is why I write letters like this,
just in case there is some staff member who has my same thought. :/
my friend is selling this popcorn machine.
if you think sudoroom should have it, make an offer.
it's like 2 or 3 feet tall but apparently it makes really good popcorn,
Sudoroom is a mess and one solution is more efficient use of vertical
space in our closet.
After some research I've concluded the ideal fit for Sudoroom's
walk-in closet area are the 5-shelf 36x18x72 heavy duty units which
are $67 at Home Depot. I believe these can be stacked (hacked) to
turn, for example, three of them into two 36x18x108 towers. 36 inches
is just the right width to reach from the wall to the edges of the
doors. A hypothetical array of 8 towers would still leave a clear path
to the radio room. I'm not saying we need that many (yet) but I'd like
to try a few.
This is a humble request for your cash. I will put $50 towards this,
and Romy has pledged $50. If we can raise a matching $100, we can buy
three of them! In fact, if we can raise it today, Romy's offered her
car to get them today. Three units would be enough to A) significantly
improve our storage/mess situation and B) test my stackability
We'll be here all afternoon, accepting cash :)
Does anyone have contributions? I'm making a book for sudoroom
It has to be around sudoroom stuff.. This isn't for kick starter projects or instructables. It's for sudoroom
No porn or sex toys might give it to kids
Romy Ilano
Founder of Snowyla
I appear to be the first person at Sudoroom today. Here's some of what
I've found:
- Furniture in disarray
- Door not locked all the way (deadbolt but the knob turns freely)
- Dishes, food scraps & beer bottles everywhere
- beer bottles stuffed in trash cans (landlord HATES this as he can get fined)
- dishwasher full, but not clean (I loaded it mostly-full before I
left last night)
- Rice cooker left plugged in and on "warm" - rice inside burned
- 3D printer left on, its computer also left on
- A thousand paper cuts which can be summed up as "fucking put things away"
I won't editorialize. I just want to document this, rather than clean
in silence.
Relevant to our interests:
Saturday, June 8th 10:00am-4:00pm
EastSide Cultural Center
2277 International Blvd, Oakland
In this day-long training we will learn about the racial and economic
inequities built into the Bay Area's public transit system as well as
current social justice campaigns working to reclaim public transit for our
communities. We will also highlight the movement for building, fixing and
riding bikes as one mode of transportation that can provide free,
ecological and self-reliant transportation for many folks in our
communities, both young and adult. There will be a skill-share on basic
bike maintenance and rider safety with instructors from the Bikery and Bikes
4 Life, two people-of-color led bike cooperatives in Oakland.
Earth Skills Trainings are FREE and open to the public.
Donations are encouraged, but not required. Childcare & translation
available upon request!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: EastSide Arts Alliance Staff <eastsideculturalcenter(a)>
Date: Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 11:45 AM
Subject: June News from EastSide Cultural Center
To: marina.kukso(a)
[image: EastSide Arts Alliance & Cultural Center] *Come Visit Us!*
EastSide Cultural Center
2277 International Boulevard
Oakland, California 94606 (510) 533-6629<…>
eastsideculturalcenter(a) *Become an EastSide Roots Supporter*[image:
Roots Supporter Logo]
Just like roots nourish a tree, our Roots Supporters are our foundation of
support at EastSide.
As an EastSide Roots Supporter, you pledge to give a small gift each month,
which is deducted from your credit card automatically.
Whether $10 or $50, your monthly gift provides critical support to help
EastSide grow and flourish.
Yes, I want to support
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
What EastSide Staff is Reading & Listening to:
Greg is reading...
Island World: A History of Hawaii & the U.S. -
Gary Okihiro
*and listening to... *
Banyana (Children of Africa) -
Abdullah Ibrahim
Maisha is reading...
History of the Voice -
Kamau Brathwaite
and listening to...
Here Comes the King -
Snoop Lion
Elena is Reading...
The Orphan Master's Son -
Adam Johnson
and listening to...
Alien Art Gang -
* *
*Peps is reading...*
The Rose That Grew from Concrete -
Tupac Shakur
*and listening to... *
Headphone Masterpiece -
Cody Chestntt
*Traci is reading... *
Katherine Dunham: A Biography -
Ruth Beckford
*and listening to...*
Love is the Hero -
Martin Luther McCoy
*Susanne is reading...*
Revolucion! Cuban Poster Art -
Licoln Cushing
*and listening to...*
Homage To Cuba -
Idris Ackamoor Ensemble with Chico Freeman
*Saudah is reading...*
Dacadence -
Eric Jerome Dickey
*and listening to...*
Still Grazing -
Hugh Masekela
*Jose N is reading...*
The Diary of Friday Kahlo -
Carlos Fuentes
*and listening to...*
Filosofia Caribena -
John Santos
*Githinji is reading...*
Petals of Blood -
Ngugi wa Thiong'o
*and listening to...*
Zombie -
Fela Kuti
* *
[image: Join Our Mailing
*Dear Friends of EastSide, *
[image: Thank You from EastSide and the Malcolm X Jazz Festival]
Photos by Tasin Sabir
Malcolm X Jazz Festival Original Artwork for Sale...Support EastSide
Artists and Projects
We have two original large pieces of artwork made for and during the
Malcolm X Jazz Festival that is for sale. Please contact directly for
inquiries! Thank you for supporting our artists and projects!
Malcolm X Africa - by Omiiroo
5 feet Tall. Created for the Malcolm X Jazz Festival Poster and Flyers
Contact omiiroo(a) for details and inquiries
Childrens Art Piece - by Rice and Beans and the Kids of the Malcolm X Jazz
This piece is approximately 4 ft tall, and was created in the Kids Zone at
the Festival. Proceeds go to the Rice and Beans Childcare Cooperative, a
project of EastSide Arts Alliance.
Contact projectbrave(a) for details and inquiries
*In Struggle,*
*The EastSide Arts Collective*
*EastSide Arts Alliance Presents... *
Reclaiming Transit Freedom
[image: movement generation]
Saturday, June 8th 10:00am-4:00pm
EastSide Cultural Center
2277 International Blvd, Oakland
In this day-long training we will learn about the racial and economic
inequities built into the Bay Area's public transit system as well as
current social justice campaigns working to reclaim public transit for our
communities. We will also highlight the movement for building, fixing and
riding bikes as one mode of transportation that can provide free,
ecological and self-reliant transportation for many folks in our
communities, both young and adult. There will be a skill-share on basic
bike maintenance and rider safety with instructors from the Bikery and Bikes
4 Life, two people-of-color led bike cooperatives in Oakland.
Earth Skills Trainings are FREE and open to the public.
Donations are encouraged, but not required. Childcare & translation
available upon request!
For more information, please contact Carla M. Pérez at: 510.649.1475 or
Banteay Srei's End of the Year Showcase
[image: bantey srei]
Sunday, June 9th 2:00-4:00pm
EastSide Cultural Center
2277 International Blvd, Oakland
The young women of Banteay Srei have been focusing on their individual
photo-documentary, exploring meanings and stories of culture. Banteay Srei
young women identify their cultures as -young Cambodian, Mien, Vietnamese,
and Chinese women from Oakland, California. Banteay Srei's young women
captured their culture, struggles and love through the lens of the Holga
camera. Please join us as we celebrate 6 years of storytelling, culture,
and resiliency through photography. Food provided.
And don't forget...
[image: hollaback]
Every Thursday night 8:30pm
sign ups begin at 8
donations accepted at the door
Come check out one of the only open mic spots in East Oakland!
Here's a video of a recent open
Our Wish List
· High quality mural paints
· Funds to send students to conferences & performances
· Scaffolding
· Monthly calendar printing
· Food and wine for receptions and special events
If anyone can donate a high quality 3-chip digital video camera, please do!
Many thanks.
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EastSide Cultural Center | 2277 International Blvd | Oakland | CA | 94606