Wow I'm looking forward to tonight's micro controller session! I'm going to make it an eat fresh fruits and veggies night for me! Ill hack and being extra for other folks
Romy Ilano
Founder of Snowyla
Thank you so much for your support guys :)
it just got over the 2000 mark, still hoping for it to go a bit viral
(rent of the gallery is 1200). so it only helps me breathe for a
month... until I find more people who are regular supporters.
you still have the chance for about a day to become a Co-Founder of
the Nyan Cat University,
the first all inclusive University for anyone who wants to celebrate
peace, joy, global connection, collaboration and creativity. I think
Nyan Cat University is a big step forward for humanity ;) Nyan Cat
University is potentially everywhere, it will be an awesome website
with tutorials and the workshops can be held anywhere.
If you could post and endorse the campeign just for the sake of
helping a starving broke hacker on your facebook that would be really
Saturday we are having a Community Art Show from 7-10pm entiteled "
Networks in Transition", I hope many of you come out to celebrate.
Saturday we open at 1pm, please feel free to come and HACK THE
GALLERY, maybe someone could help with the website/ creating a wiki.
thank you all for your moral suport,
Has anyone read the Radical Software book in Sudo Room?
I really like it. It was an independent movement dedicated to giving access
to television outside of the mainstream media channels. A lot of their work
involved creating manuals demystifying television equipment and sharing
resources with various collectives.
[image: Inline image 1]
Hi here's a sudo room drawing! More to come
How do I upload this to the wiki?
Romy Ilano
Founder of Snowyla
Hello Peoplez,
I am trying to build an open tv network to host our Trolls show, and I need
the help of content engineers and admins. Want to set up some streaming...
with promotion.
Let me know,
Hey Max,
That's a great idea! I'm all for it. I have a sodastream from home that I
can bring in for any Club Mate sessions.
Should we set a time on the calendar for this? Club Mate was one of my
favorite club drinks. It's too bad they don't have it here. They also sold
it in extra large bottles so you didn't have to keep going back to the bar
for more.
sudo room now has a milliscope (based on Noisebridge's enlarge-o-scope).
It enlarges small, but not microscopic things onto a monitor!
See photos and learn how to use it here:
Thanks to Jake (from Noisebridge) for donating the camera and helping build
the milliscope.
Thanks to Marina and Matt for buying the main component (old analog photo
Marc Juul
Do we have a printer?
If so who would be willing to demo it for me and my (91!) grandfather?
Ideally this week?
Sent from my iPhone
Cyrus Farivar
+1 510 394 5485 (US)