Hi all,
marina, thanks for helping.
I thought I had to do the book thing as kickstarter only does
"finishable projects".
also I wrote it in a way for the general public can understand and
identify with the hacker concept. (as i believe everybody is/was a
hacker deep down inside before the system made us to consumers and
robots to comply to the rules of this creazy system)
did not really work out so far, but I am working on it, wanna write a
blog post explaining what this thing is really about.
So what is it really about?
we created a space embracing diversity, open and accessible, everybody
can join and participate at art shows, use the space, have Meetups,
work on projects, etc.
on a regular basis we have great art shows, community events,
potlucks, meetups, classes, always very divers and awesome.
(April 13th, Community Art Show on "networks" / "transitions", you
still join and show art work)
in this world where everything is about the money, we are trying to
keep this space open, free and donation based, from the community for
the community...
as soon as the doors open its a public space where people from the
streets walk in and we can educate them about our movement.
The inauguration party last week symbolizes our community acclaiming
the "storage room of the oaks theatre", and I strongly believe that if
our community stands united we can not only reclaim the whole vacant
oaks theatre building (to make it a BACH-Hacker-University or whatever
we want),
but build hacker-schools, hospitals, and further down the road save the world.
(I really need that hacker hospital, got a cavity not taken care of)
I put everything i have into the space as i believe in the big
potential it has, all my savings, energy and even my health.
we live in a time where all our awesme community spaces face financial
and we have to fight for them to stay open.
in berkeley we all together gave birth to a new kind of space, a
hackerspace gone public,
reaching main street and showing to the public that another kind of
education is possible.
I think it is quite revolutionary what we did, and I dont take any
credits of it, I only copied inspiring people around me.
I know many of us are struggeling in this financial system, (i myself
decided not to play "the money game" and live a life in storage rooms
with bad air, without shower and kitchen, putting all i have in this
space which I believe is worth fighting for)
So if you can, please support the campeign by any amount you can, you
can become co-founder of hack the gallery or the Nyan cat University
(which empowers everybody to be a teacher/professor).
Other ways to support is to spread the word, give feedback, i am
thinking about edititing the text in the kickstarter so it speaks to
people within our community and not the general public.
Also you can help out to give a hackerspace feeling to the space, come
hang out, fill it with life, bring artwork to leave there forever on
the collaborative wall or to sell at art show, work on projects,
schedule classes, help to set up a wiki, help with the website...
of course I could just give up, tell my mom to send me money for a
flight ticket to germany where there is universal health care and i
can recover, get my teeth fixed...
but its more exciting to stay here with you guys, fight this battle.
Buckminster Fuller said
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
I think thats what we are doing here, its not really a fight, we are
birthing a new society,
post racism, post sexism, post separation (and money is a big seperator),...
So this "fight" in reality is the birthing of something new, which is
very painful.
But it is worth it, we have a bright future ahead on this planet,
if all people in the world can be makers and hackers, work on
collaborative projects to make the life in the community better, we
would have no war.
have a great day y'all,
2013/4/2, Marina Kukso <marina.kukso(a)gmail.com>om>:
hi everyone,
a few of us recently attended the launch and opening for sudoer patrick
schmidt's brand new & awesome collaborative art/hackerspace in berkeley! (
he is now running a kickstarter to support the space:
please support this new space if you can - it is a fantastic space and
patrick was directly inspired to open it by his experiences at sudo room!
- marina