Hey all! I just spoke with George. He seems favorable to renting out one of
the side rooms, but unfavorable to the big common space. I'm going to be
meeting with him today around 3pm. w00t!
2013/10/11 Hol Gaskill <hol(a)gaskill.com>
if a parental waiver for kids within a certain age
range is OK with
George, I think we might have a way in for middleschool-highschool students
who are really the key audience for hands on tech. i'd be glad to talk to
George and try to work out a framework for future events if we get the
green light on this one. It could be something like, kids under X age must
be accompanied by their legal guardian, and kids between ages of X and Y
must have a minimum of 2 chaperones plus 1 for every 10 kids.
vicky - have you checked on this? it would be great if we can move
Oct 10, 2013 04:42:54 PM, vknoxsironi(a)gmail.com wrote:
UPDATE: Insurance no, signed parent waivers yes.
2013/10/10 Vicky Knox vknoxsironi(a)gmail.com>
Sunday looks free. I wonder if the school's
insurance for field trips
would apply? Let me ask her. Regardless, what do people
PS: We should sync this calendar with the one on
Does someone know how to do this who could teach me how?
>2013/10/10 Marina Kukso
hey vicky,
http://2141broadway.wordpress.com/ to see if there are events.
>i am not sure what our status is wrt
having youth in the space...if they
are teenagers it might not be a big problem... i don't know. what do others
>On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Vicky
Knox vknoxsironi(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Do you all have any recommendations on how to
expedite this? What is the
current status of the large room and using it for
For background, this teacher origianally contacted
info@sudoroom but
never got a response, and called the SR number today, slightly
frantic. I
think it would be really awesome if we were able to help her out. This
event seems quite an incredible opportunity for young people.
>---------- Forwarded message
>Vivian Pustell vivian.pustell(a)ousd.k12.ca.us>
Date: Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 4:16 PM
>Subject: Space use?
>To: info(a)sudoroom.org
>Hi Sudo Room!
a teacher at Oakland Tech High, not far from you. I've organized a team
of students who are all taking part in the CyberPatriot info sec
competition. They're training really hard--and learning a lot--so that
they can enter the competition. We've run into a stumbling block,
though--the competition windows for reach round are always on a weekend,
and the school district has informed me that I can't use the school on
the weekend without paying.
We are a small group--me, our mentor, and about
students--and we need space to compete once a month (with one month
where we compete twice) for about six hours on a Sunday afternoon.
there any way we can negotiate use of some space at a reasonable rate?
They're really excited about this, but I'm afraid we might not have a
place to meet and compete if I can't find a space we can afford.
Thanks so much for any consideration you can give
to us, or any
suggestions for other locations we might try!
>-Vivienne Pustell
>Teacher, OTHS
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