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From: "Gaurav Karan" <>
Date: Jun 26, 2014 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: [sudo-discuss] FOODZ on their way to 2141!!!
To: "Vicky Knox" <vknoxsironi(a)>
Cc: "Sudo Room discuss" <sudo-discuss(a)>
Hey Vicky. If you believe in any of my ideas at all please come to
Hackistan tell and bring max and noami asap. Tell her ivy and her mother
are here and we need the previous footage. Find anthony repetitive as well.
I'm trusting you. Please trust in me.
Love, G
If anyone needs a little convincing-
Don't forget that a hack a day keeps obsolescence and complacency away.
Let's revolt poste-haste because we can and we must. Do it like wikipedia,
make it flati
Quit your job and do the Work that needs to be done.
How do you participate? On july 5th Make sure that everything that is
necessary is taken care of; then, do whatever the fuck you want. Whether
it's surrounding a Walmart to force wage increases or instead of harassing
cops, choosing the smart route and convince them to join us or expertly
construct a pillow fort. LIVE like you know what PLUR Life does for
soceity. Be peaceful-/ no violence, no theft, no crimes against another or
Unfortunately these tasty secret things are not vegan. :[ I woulda brought
veganstuffs except I'm in the middle of my own move and between grocery
shopping trips!
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