Korl and Liz are very interested in preventing blind
solidarity (which seemed likely to occur unless someone spoke up), especially without
having both sides of the story, and as much information as possible. We are also keen on
working to help set a fair precident for situations like this; that both sides of a story/
incedent are sought out by an objective party, before Any decisions are made, to prevent
social bias and blind solidarity.
thanks y'all for being willing to take this on. we definitely have a
precedent of looking into all claims, which has resulted out of
necessity from alot of meeting bandwidth being absorbed by conflicts
early on, and alot of people showing up to meetings for the first time
vising the space being scared off. for everyone's reference, here is the
section on conflict resolution from our articles - check it out and
propose any revisions y'all see fit. i've done mediation for 2
conflicts, one resulting in a 6-month ban that seems to have become
permanent by the banned individual not having attempted to return, and
the other resulting in lapsing of the temporary ban while both sides
were heard and with consent of the person bringing the issue. amendments
to the articles of association follow a pattern of proposing changes 2
weeks in advance, yadda yadda process process...good stuff.
The resolution of disputes and disagreements within SUDO ROOM is
encouraged through informal process and the spirit of a collaborative
environment. There is a process, however, by which issues that are not
resolved informally and that arise within the scope of these articles of
* The party who seeks resolution finds someone to act as CONFLICT
STEWARD in the matter, and works with this CONFLICT STEWARD to find a
* The MEDIATOR is an impartial and uninvolved third party who consents
to assist, and with whom all conflicting parties consent to work toward
a solution.
* The CONFLICT STEWARD organizes meetings for conflict resolution and
maintains records of all meetings and relevant communications among the
conflicting parties.
* The CONFLICT STEWARD, MEDIATOR, and the conflicting parties arrange
to meet to work out a resolution to which all conflicting parties
* If at least one conflicting party does not consent to meet, or if at
least one conflicting party is unavailable to meet in a reasonable time,
all relevant circumstances considered, or if the CONFLICT STEWARD and
MEDIATOR agree after at least one meeting that further meetings would
not be likely to lead to resolution, the issue is brought before the
group in the following way:
* The issue is added to the agenda of the next official meeting
scheduled at least one week in the future, and documentation is gathered
by the CONFLICT STEWARD and made available to the group at least one
week beforehand (on wiki), and notice is broadcast to the group (on
mailing list), but information that would compromise anyone's privacy or
dignity is not made public. In the description of the issue, the form of
remedy sought by the plaintiff(s) is included. Both the CONFLICT STEWARD
and MEDIATOR must give their approval of the factual content of the
documentation before it is posted. Both the CONFLICT STEWARD and
MEDIATOR must expressly affirm that the form of remedy sought by the
plaintiff(s) is consistent with SUDO ROOM'S values [8]. The request for
remedy must include an implementation plan approved by the CONFLICT
STEWARD and the MEDIATOR if it is not obvious how to implement it.
* During each meeting's agenda item on Conflict Resolution, all
unresolved issues on the wiki are brought up for discussion followed by
a vote.
* First, the CONFLICT STEWARD presents all relevant documentation
about the issue.
* Then, a category of severity is established by CONSENSUS according to
SUDO ROOM's values [8] and the facts of the case. The category
determines the voting threshold for sustaining a sanction against any
party to the conflict. The categories are (in order of decreasing
* Conflict calling for membership suspension or termination.
* Conflict where only material compensation is sought.
* All other conflicts.
* Then, the opportunity to represent perspective is granted to each
conflicting party and to the MEDIATOR, and general discussion may be
held about the issue if any member wishes. The CONFLICT STEWARD
co-facilitates with the FACILITATOR in order to answer questions
specific to the conflict and provides information about the history of
the conflict by referring to the documentation.
* Then, a brief period of deliberation of definite time is held,
during which members are free to consider the issue or discuss it
directly with others.
* Then, members may propose alternative remedies to the conflict,
along with any appropriate implementation plans.
* Finally, a vote is held on the plaintiff(s)' proposed remedy, and
then alternative remedies are voted upon in the order they were
proposed, but only if at least one member indicates that the remedy
under consideration is still relevant. After all remedies have been
considered in this way, the matter is considered resolved. The CONFLICT
STEWARD then ensures all relevant parties understand the remedy or
remedies that passed and any corresponding implementation plans.
* Any conflicting party unsatisfied with the decision may place an
appeal on the agenda in the same way that conflicts are placed on the
agenda, except that a majority of the group must vote to accept the
appeal during a meeting, and the process begins anew. The appeal must
propose an alternative remedy and refer to values [8] that were not
served by the original decision.
* If at the end of any step in the process more than an hour has
passed during the current meeting in considering the conflict, any
member may request that a majority vote be held on whether to table the
conflict until the next meeting.
In the pursuit of fairness, due process in the resolution of conflicts
must include:
* Presumption of innocence.
* Right to an appeal and a fair process.
* Respect for the privacy and dignity of all members.
* Proportional and effective remedies.
* Restorative [9] remedies are strongly preferred over retributive
[10] remedies.
In the event that a conflict stems from one or more members being
threatened by another member of sudo room or a member of the wider
community, this person may have access revoked (or otherwise denied) to
sudo room assets (including physical spaces) until the conflict has been
resolved. Consensus in this case may be obtained at any sudo room
meeting and must be ratified online over a period of 24 hours in the
event quorum is not fulfilled at any time. If the person in question
fails to participate constructively in the conflict resolution process
as determined by the membership, the access revoked (or otherwise
denied) shall become permanent.
On 2014-10-30 10:55, Jenny Ryan wrote:
* New Board nominations begin in 20 days
* Marc Juul is our new treasurer
* We are cleaning and organizing sudo RIGHT NOW - come and help!
* Film night tonight!
* What we want and don't want:
https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Donations [2]
New Members
* For extended pondering: Claire - wants to run zine workshops! drawing, crafts!
* For extended pondering: Trisha - also zines, excited about the sewing machines :)
* Alex has been pondered, is now a member!
* ~ $3700 in the bank, November rent and October shared expenses paid ($2340.86)
* Now making $570/week on Gratipay! New goal is $1K/week
Second Internet Line
* Jenny checking with
Sonic.net about a second line
Backspace Proposal
Consensus on the backspace proposal:
* As long as this is a 3 month trial period we agree to the proposal, with the following
* backspace does not take the downstairs room and pays $750 per month instead.
* backspace has no special privilege over any other member collective in accessing or
regulating access to common space.
* In addition: sudo room feels that backspace, being a for-profit renting private space,
should be a tenant and not a member collective but we can discuss this over the next three
Conflict Resolution
* Update on conflict with ban of person that Pigeon asked us to ban. Referred to as J.
* Korl and Liz are finishing up an interview with one more person and they are leaning
toward proposing a lift of the provisional ban of J we passed at a meeting earlier this
* Korl and Liz are very interested in preventing blind solidarity (which seemed likely to
occur unless someone spoke up), especially without having both sides of the story, and as
much information as possible. We are also keen on working to help set a fair precident for
situations like this; that both sides of a story/ incedent are sought out by an objective
party, before Any decisions are made, to prevent social bias and blind solidarity.
* Important aspects: None of the people involved in the conflict are members of the Omni,
and the conflict happened three years ago. This issue was brought up by a person who is
not part of the Omni and has been known to act untrustworthily and dishonestly, within the
greater community.
* Juul proposes a 1 month ban of person who was using a knife to attempt to open the omni
door and when confronted was super rude, calling one of our members a bitch. Person was
drunk. Juul and others kicked this person out yesterday and told him that him he was
banned until it could be brought up at todays meeting where he could show up. He looked
disheveled and was holding a can of beer but seemed otherwise reasonable and attempted to
defend his attempt at opening the door as trying to demonstrate a security problem and
said he wished to apologize to the person he was rude to.
* Remote-Jenny votes yes on ban.
* One abstention, rest approve. Passes.
* Need to take a picture.
* Proposal: Temporary Ban of Chris B (unspecified duration) for being in "bad
standing" with regard to sudo room's values, specifically in disregarding the
needs of the sudo room and omni communities with his use of the space above the stage (aka
"crow's nest" aka "man cave"), as well as often attempting to
sleep in the space, despite warnings, confrontations, and a clear expectation of it not
being permitted.
* During the BACH Unconference, Mitch Altman found Chris B sleeping under a sign in the
basement that read "No Sleeping".
* Amendment and consensus: Any further sleeping by ChrisB at Omni will result in an
immediate temporary ban.
Notes recorded for posterity at:
https://sudoroom.org/wiki/Meeting_Notes_2014-10-29 [3]
http://jennyryan.net [4]
http://thepyre.org [5]
http://thevirtualcampfire.org [6]
http://technomadic.tumblr.com [7]
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
sudo-discuss mailing list
https://lists.sudoroom.org/listinfo/sudo-discuss [1]