Hi Folks,
I'm back from a brief hiatus and returning to sudo room with chips and wires tomorrow
night for some good ole fashioned 8-bit tinkering. There have been a few projects going
around involving solar power - it would be good to get a handle on this sun tracking thing
once and for all, and a group is already in depth with some custom hardware but I think it
would be fun to hack something together with car charger panels and servos. I will be
working with Morten and Julio on a little project we call the garden sentry, which is
basically a different take on the now more or less old hat closed-loop plant watering /
aquaponics setup, with an emphasis on - you guessed it - being cheap. Beer machine
testing will resume two weeks later since we're still waiting on some components to
increase the heating power. Bonus round if time allows: testing out some of the solenoid
valves that Steve donated. We probably won't be building a cryogenic fuel thrust
vectoring lunar lander rocket engine with them as had been originally planned, but I have
high hopes we can get within 1.5 orders of awesomeness magnitude.
I will have some extra chips on hand if you're just getting started - atmega328p,
uln2003, 555 timers, etc.
Hope to see y'all there!
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