And a reminder to pay your dues!
These notes are archived here:
*May 29, 2013*
=New Action Items=
*Follow up with Andrew on keypad access system (documentation, outreach to
other tenants) (Marina)
**Cubby with the keypad system is marked in sudo
**UPDATE: Andrew finished the keypad access system!
*Matt remind Tommy to write rent check for George
*Matt will call LMI to get the lowdown
*[Postponed] Discussion of new spaces and active searching
*EVERYBODY: Let's gear up for First Friday [June 7 Demo Night!] and
outreach to folks on the streets - music on Broadway, gimmicks on
Telegraph, etc;
*Jordan, Bill, Matt, Sam, Len, Eddan, Marina, Jenny, Tom, Romy
''Let's get to know each other!''
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]
* Introduction to purpose and format of this meeting
Brief personal intros (< 20 sec per person)
* [Go-around topic]
Icebreaker (10 min)
* [Pair/small group discussion on a topic. Ex: What are some ways that you
resolve conflicts?]
What would you do in a zombie apocalypse?
=Announcements (Consent Agenda)=
''Use this section to briefly announce and consent to items that need no
more details or discussion''
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]
(< 8 minutes)
* This Sat 6/1 at 2PM: Today I Learned: The Simple Computer!
** See upcoming TIL's and sign up for one at
* Sunday June 2 @ 7pm - Cleaning of Natural Decay
* Use (ask Matt for admin access)
** Tweet any space details @sudoroom
** Email info(a)
* Interested in more inter-hackerspaces collab? Join Open Hack Night every
Monday at 7pm @LOL (1234 23rd Avenue, San Antonio (east Oakland)). LOL is
a POC, Queer and Women-organized hackerspace. It is radically
inclusive--EVERYONE is a desired member! Their organizers want us to do
more stuff at each others' spaces. :] :]
* Next BACH event: June 15th @ Noisebridge - time?
** BACH info:
* Sudo Bike - ask Matt about borrowing it for a set period of time, or for
donations to "Sudo Bike"
* New internet: Goodbye Sonic, hello LMI!
* June 22/23: Workshop Weekend! Help organize or teach
DIY/makery/hackery/sciencey/arty workshops. - JD and Gil
** Great way to reach out to kids and families
* RADIO!!!!
** sign up for a slot at…
** contact marina for training, or test out the documentation:
** next steps: production
* Next Writers meeting this Sunday at 4p! Screenwriters' meetup at 5p!
*ReWrite Oakland this weekend (June 1)
*Tom's bachelor party July 7th! We're invited! contact Tom @
fitzsnaggle(a) - Live music, beer, dominos!
*Hayward Hackerspace! - HayHackers! - talk to Matt or Jenny
''Use this section to review old tasks and propose new tasks/topics for
discussion. Keep topics brief - if topics are large, they can spillover
into later discussion, after-meeting small group discussion, listserv
discussion, or next meeting discussion''
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]
(< 30 mins)
==Old Business==
**It was awesome!
**Mobile public computer terminal! (Infobot)
**Membership management system
*** Some codez
*** Billz codez
**Door Access
*** Andrew set up the keypad system and reached out to the Public School
(if it doesn't work he will fix it tonight :-) try code 31337)
**Radio room
**Meeting format
** Next steps?
***What kind of information to publicly display?
***Buzzer access to other tenants in the building
* Bitcoin payment mechanism implementation (Romy)
* Matt will follow up with Tommy re: getting a bank account
Additional items for Sunday hackathon: list of expectations to discuss with
landlords, membership management service
* Funding ideas
** Current list here:
** People were reminded to add their names next to projects they were
interested in, unclear how many did so.
** Next steps?
* Membership & Access Discussion: who is a member? what are the benefits of
membership? how is membership related to access?
** Articles of Association on member benefits:
*** Made staggered wepay system, seeking feedback/improvements:
** Summary of possible membership benefits structures:
** Straw poll on membership and access:…
* New space discussion
** Priorities / values
** Historical / Previous requirements for any potential space are listed
*** Please note that those are from last year and is in need of
updates--let's do that now!
*** Exterior security - safety of the surrounding area
*** Lease vs month-to-month rent (latter preferred)
*** Kitchen / communal kitchen
*** Street-facing
*** No regressions from the current space
* Strategy
** Use (ask Romy or Matt for admin
** Tweet any space details @sudoroom
** Email info(a)
*Renew Craigslist posting looking for friends?
** were there any responses to the first posting?
* Logos!
''items here are not for discussion, only for reference for later meetings
so that we don't forget about them :)''
*[Postponed] Talk to Danny O'Brien, intro from JC to Jordan, invite him to
come to a future sudo meeting to share insight!
**Straight to the source--but out of the country :( Will be back later this
month and Jordan will follow up then.
*[Postponed until necessary] Eddan - Reference letter from George
*[Postponed until necessary] Jenny sync with Troy on library - Not yet but
they will
*Set up date for label-printing organizing of stuff event - Jenny!1 -troy
**still need to set a date
*[Postponed until someone throws Romy a massive love bomb] Romy to lead
diagram for Articles of Association amendment
*Romy to work with Troy to turn the articles into a flow diagram.
Diagrams and drawings of sudo room members being passed around.
*[Postponed until ?] Add articles to github (gitorious!!!!!!!? - - Yardena is going to put these articles
=Fiscal Solvency=
''In this section we review our current financial situation and budget,
approve monthly budgets, and discuss any other finance-related issues.''
Exchequer: Tommy
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]
(20 mins)
* LAST MEETING OF THE MONTH: Pay your dues :)
* Review and consensus process:
** Fiscal Solvency Spreadsheet -…
** Rent: $1500; Utilities: $220; Services: $50
**Target membership contribution: $88 per member (based on approx. 30
=Amendments to the Articles of Association=
''In this section we discuss and review any proposed amendments to the
articles of association:''
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]
=Conflict Resolution=
''In this section we address any conflicts that have gone through the
conflict resolution process as described here:…
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]
''Add any discussion or other agenda item spillover to this section''
Co-Facilitator: [List Co-Facilitator]
*Internet Discussion
**LMI - same gateway, copper etc just paying LMI instead of Sonic
*Landlord situation
**What to do about request to have elevator locked at night?
***Well, how do we get in?
**Thank them for all their help and how awesome they are
**We would love to be better tenants!
**Update them on the state of the access system
**Trash/recycling - we need a key for access to the trash
***George doesn't want to give the key to people because he doesn't trust
us to properly sort the trash.
***We need to be able to access the trash or
**Suggest requests be made in writing, a little more formalized, because
there are often folks in the space he addresses who are new to the
**Suggest a monthly in-person check-in instead!
**Immediately write down what George requests and forward it along to him
and sudo-discuss for confirmation.
* Continue discussion around membership benefits
** Probationary period for new members, upon which 24/7 access is granted
** Let's ship something soon, and its imperfection will enrage those
willing to hack on it
* Publicity Pipeline - how do we have better outreach strategies both for
sudo room and for sudo room events?
* Instructables
**Add 10 instructables, receive free stuff (eg 3D printer)
*The future of the ex-chequer
* New exchequer (tasks):
** Get on bank account
** Follow up on deposits made
** Presents budget during meetings
** Coordinates with scribe to make budget available to all members
** Determine if per-member dues can be reduced
** Forecasting longer-term budget
*Exchequer tasks that could easily be done do-acraticly:
** Coordinate new ways of paying
** Investigate alternative sources of income
** Encourage donations
** Infographics? Coordinate with Romy :D
*501(c)3 status and fiscal sponsors:
**Could for example Noisebridge open up a bank account for us?
=Post-Meeting Small Group Meetups and Discussion=
Co-Facilitators: YOU! & ?
*Mapping potential spaces: citizen science spaces, pop-up hackerspaces,
Scribe: Convert notes to wiki page and email the list with a link to the
notes page and a succinct list of highlights (including action items).
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
This is an article I came across lately. Check it out. Here is an excerpt:
"For me, then, the "fake geek girls" meme doesn't so much call into
question the bona fides of the women in question as it calls into question
"geek culture"—real or otherwise. Eddin praises geeks for being wiling to
"challenge cultural norms"—but are you really challenging the norms of a
capitalist society when you define yourself by your relationship to the
crap you buy?
I'm not saying that people shouldn't love the art they love. But I am
suggesting that the mean-spiritedness of geek culture—a mean-spiritedness
that is often, but by no means always, directed at women—is not an
accident. A culture that values knowledge and access above all things is
going to be a culture dedicated to hierarchy and to power—to defining who
is in and who is out. Such defining involves, and is meant to involve, a
good deal of antagonism, score-settling, back-biting, and cruelty. There's
not much point in defining yourself as the knower if you cannot define
others as those who do not know."…
Andrew Lowe
Cell: 831-332-2507
hi everyone,
trying out the proposed meeting format that we discussed during the
hackathon this weekend at
please add items to it!
- marina
Hey Everyone,
I am doing a hacker movie on Friday for 48hour film festival. The
sub-genre of hacker film has yet to be decided, per the contest rules, but
we will be doing a hacker film no matter what... like all our other films.
We could end up doing something in one of these sub-genres:
• Buddy Film
• Comedy
• Crime/Gangster
• Dark Comedy
• Drama
• Fantasy
• Horror
• Mistaken Identity
• Musical or Western
• Romance
• Sci Fi
• Superhero
• Thriller/Suspense
• Vacation or Holiday Film
You can meet us @ the hive(2141 Broadway upstairs in the common space) on
Friday night at 7pm. The event will go until 11:59pm that night, and then
we will resume shooting the next day at 8am until 11:59pm that night.
This is a great opportunity to learn production, post-production, writing,
directing and acting.
The finished film will be shown at the Clay theater in the city next
Thursday, June 6th at 7:00pm. The Clay Theater is located at 2261
Fillmore, SF.
Let me know if you're interested in being part of our team.
Who's willing to help me cook for the meeting? I'm here and so is the
crockpot. I'm not so good at making smart cooking decisions, but
happy to help shop and chop!
Hi folks.
I'm trying to revive an old macintosh se and i need a 50-pin scsi drive.
Size shouldn't matter too much. Anyone have one lying around?