*Consideration of Arthur for membership*
If you know Arthur and have any objection, now is the time to say it. Or if
you like him, say something nice.
I met Arthur and he gave me a cool WiFi enabled microcontroller that I'm
excited to try out.
*Andrew R Gross, (he/him)*
412.657.5332 - shrad.org <http://www.shrad.org>
This is a cool history twitter post by this cool dude, i think he founded npm or something? But he doesn’t always tweet about just computers and programming, he does a lot of broad history tweets
There is a cool long twitter thread on Ada Lovelace here… his insights a re pretty cool!
I’m wondering if we can spin stuff like t hat off on the SudoRoom blog. Recently I visited SudoRoom and people were showing me an early laser - I think it was remarkable in t hat it could project blue laser light? Then they told me that it wasn’t until 2008 that blue lasers were possible? Some dude won the Nobel prize for this?
This would be a cool thread, just SudoRoom rambling about the history of some invention in some interesting way. I’m sure we’re writing it in the SudoRoom voice because SudoRoom comes from a particular point of view which is that it’s all about social good but also invention and discovery for its own sake. We aren’t such a corporate hackerspace
Sent from my iPad
Get ready for the East Bay Bike party tomorrow! everyone should come! 12th
street 730pm!
Thanks to everyone who's given me suggestions, inspired me and taught me
about laser projections. And of course everyone who's encouraged me! I've
gotten so much help. My focus the past few weeks at both sudoroom and
noisebridge have been the the light projection art projects -
That being said, after exploring many avenues, I'm going to film and test
run my first light projection mapping on a bike at the tomorrow's bike
party. So for the first time in a few years I'll actually fully flesh out
an idea at SudoRoom instead of leaving 100% of everything half-finnished =D
Thanks for the ideas maarc! at the moment i'm able to mount small laser
projectors on my bike, and based on ideas from marc, I'm going to use my
phone's accelerometer for now to project stuff on the ground. Let's see how
this goes!
I bet there's even some math involved here. Definitely a good way to revive
my old trigonometry skills =D
I'll try to do a writeup in a charming way so we can post this on the blog.
For a lot of the time I spent after work at SudoRoom it was all about the
creativity exploration and fun.
Let's see what comes next! I'm finding that the smaller laser
proejctors are obviously more dynamic, just less hassle to set up than the
larger projectors. I'm allergic to attending large events, but I'm still
interested in making something "large".... in the ballroom at some point.
There are so many immersive environments ...
Maybe the larger laser projectors or light projectors can be used for
creative backgrounds when someone goes on stage and teaches a math class =D
Romy Ilano
*Consideration of Peter Behr for membership*
Does anyone have any objections or endorsements of PB?
I've seen three times now in person and a few more remotely at meetings. I
don't know them well, but from my initial experiences I would like to be
their friend.
*Andrew R Gross, (he/him)*
412.657.5332 - shrad.org <http://www.shrad.org>
You should update your addressbook so it says
sudo-discuss <sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org>
instead of
ruin mechanic via sudo-discuss <sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org>
Hi Andrew!
Thank you very much for sending out these emails reminding us who's waiting for
endorsement of their membership application. This is a crucial move in our
incomplete process, and will help us not lose potential members! I wanted to
do something like that but it was too many steps for me and I got overwhelmed.
I'm really grateful for you doing it.
I noticed that all your emails sent to the discuss list are addressed as:
ruin mechanic via sudo-discuss <sudo-discuss(a)sudoroom.org>
"ruin mechanic" is a friend of mine (helped make the Jitsi terminal custom
software, he's a GREAT teacher and very talented coder who unfortunatly rarely
comes to the space) and I guess you copied the address from a message he had
written. He quit the mailinglist recently because there was too much traffic
for him, which is unrelated to the coincidential fame of his name these days :)
thank you again
*Consideration of Eva for membership*
Eva came to the meeting and introduced themselves. If anyone here knows Eva
and has any objections or endorsements, share them.
*Andrew R Gross, (he/him)*
412.657.5332 - shrad.org <http://www.shrad.org>
Hi fellow sudoroom members!
We need to deliberate as a collective on this proposal! in two weeks I'll be
asked to report as a Sudoroom delegate and say what we've decided about this.
We can ask questions and/or communicate concerns about it before then if we
can someone please add this topic to the next Sudoroom meeting agenda?
thank you
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2022 00:37:05 -0700
Subject: Re: [omni-consensus] WCK/CLP intro
FYI all, at tonight's delegates meeting we discussed CLP's proposal to
join as a new member collective. The notes are at
Delegates, please take the next two weeks to check in with your member
collectives. It would be wonderful to have full consensus to add them
at our next meeting, Thursday April 21!
On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 10:37 PM Yardena Cohen <yardenack(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Oops, forgot to cc Billy who first sent it!
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 10:24 PM Yardena Cohen <yardenack(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all, I'm forwarding this to omni's "consensus" list because it's a
>> proposal that affects the whole community!
>> I think CLP would be great as a new member collective at omni. They
>> are paying $200 for their current 10x10 storage unit and are willing
>> to pay omni the same for relatively unsecured space in the basement,
>> which is totally reasonable - generous even! They would also bring in
>> an active community of volunteers, which would be huge for omni.
>> Meeting Billy and Rafiq this weekend was a pleasure.
>> It looks like there are now several new member collective proposals in
>> the pipeline, which is awesome! I hope that we can use this
>> opportunity to practice onboarding new groups in a way that is as
>> frictionless and accessible as we can, and also invite this potential
>> new generation of omni member collectives to co-create the process
>> alongside us.
>> Our next delegates meeting is in ~2 weeks, April 7th. Typically for
>> important proposals (like a new member collective), we would have one
>> meeting to discuss details, give delegates another 2 weeks to bring
>> the proposal for discussion among their groups, and then come back for
>> (hopefully) full consensus at the next meeting, which would be April
>> 21st.
>> I think it'd be great for folks to have conversations and ask
>> questions in the meantime so that we can all be prepared for the big
>> meetings once they happen. Thanks all :D
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: deskhandle via commons <commons(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
>> Date: Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 2:00 PM
>> Subject: [omni-commons] WCK/CLP intro
>> To: commons(a)lists.omnicommons.org <commons(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
>> Cc: Communityliberationprograms(a)protonmail.com
>> <Communityliberationprograms(a)protonmail.com>
>> Hey everyone, this is Billy with Community Liberation Programs,
>> formerly known as Worker's Community Kitchen.
>> We are a socialist organization that creates dual power programs in
>> partnership with community members.
>> Currently we have a water delivery/ unhoused encampment commissary
>> program as well as a community garden program both in Hayward.
>> We have a program in Berkeley which works directly with the community
>> at People's Park to organize crucial material support and gear up in
>> defense of the upcoming eviction.
>> We also have a reading group starting in the SF Mission as a
>> preliminary step to bring folks together for a new program forming
>> there, and another working group investigating a new program centered
>> in Oakland Chinatown.
>> We are really excited to be invited to join the new phase at the Omni
>> and are particularly looking forward to supporting fund raising
>> efforts through event planning. We were already working on creating a
>> summer film series as a fund raising event for our organization and it
>> seems aligned to use this as an opportunity to support the Omni as
>> well.
>> Additionally, we were told that we could potentially move some stuff
>> around in the area pictured below to take up a roughly 10 x 10 space
>> for our storage. Currently we have a storage unit in Berkeley so we'd
>> love to move that over here and start being in the space more
>> regularly!
>> We can send a delegate to the regular meetings and are ready to start
>> event planning!
>> I have CC'd the primary CLP email address to make sure it is put in
>> the communication loop!
>> All the best!
>> Billy
consensus mailing list
who wants to help set up a computer to drive a public display? a reliable,
low-power desktop machine that can auto-power-on is the bare minimum, and then
some remote-access software that can facilitate non-technical people with
updating the slideshow that it displays
this is an exciting Omni-wide infrastructure that we should enjoy!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2022 16:11:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jake <jake(a)spaz.org>
To: Sarah Lockhart <sarah.ee.el(a)gmail.com>
Cc: consensus <consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
Subject: Re: [omni-consensus] flat screen monitor for entrance hall
I would be willing to help with that, i love infrastructure like that. I can
help install a computer that feeds images to it, and help people learn how to
update the images whether they're local or remotely.
I can also probably find a replacement TV screen for after the first one stops
working or disappears, i know where to get more.
On Sat, 9 Apr 2022, Sarah Lockhart wrote:
> Hi there,
> Now that we are in the process of re-opening for events and other activity
> in the building, and probably adding new collectives, I wanted to re-float
> this idea I had last summer about installing a flat screen monitor on a
> wall in the entrance hall.
> This would display cycling images (possibly taken from our Instagram feed
> -- which folx like Micha, Marquise, Silver and others have been good about
> updating) of things coming up at Omni, things member collectives are doing
> in the community, announcements from other community groups, etc. The
> concept is to have it be an "entrance" to Omni, in terms of representing
> what happens at Omni, what the people and groups at Omni do, and how we are
> connected to the community, and our values, etc.
> We currently have a large flat screen monitor sitting in storage in the A/V
> room that we had pulled out of the crow's nest room last fall. This is a
> proposal that would actually not cost Omni any money, which is lol out of
> character coming from me.
> thanks for yr consideration,
> Sarah L
consensus mailing list
Hi everyone!
Last week's meeting was a big one: we have two Sudoroom proposals, four new
member applications, and an Omni Commons Proposal under consideration. (Meeting
notes are available here <https://pad.riseup.net/p/sudoroommeeting-keep>)
Each of these will get their own email so that the conversations don't get
crossed, and then all concerns expressed will be addressed at the next
meeting (on Weds. 4/13 at 8 PM!). If you have any questions about the
consideration and consensus process, share them in this email.
Here is a list of everything under consideration:
1) Community Liberation Programs has applied to join Omni Commons.
2) I'd like to establish a statement of purpose and code of conduct
3) I'd like to establish working groups for critical functions
4) Arthur has applied for Sudoroom membership
5) Eva has applied for Sudoroom membership
6) PWM has applied for Sudoroom membership
7) PB has applied for Sudoroom membership
Please share your thoughts on these in their email chains and come to next
week's meeting (Wednesday, April 13th from 8 PM - 9 PM) to revise, reject,
or adopt these proposals.
*Andrew R Gross, (he/him)*
412.657.5332 - shrad.org <http://www.shrad.org>
Hey all!
I will be hosting JavaScript Thursdays tonight! Come on down for some JS
fun. See the blurb below:
You are invited to attend JavaScript Thursdays at Sudoroom! We will gather
online/in-person from 6pm to 9pm every thursday!
JavaScript Thursdays at Sudoroom is a space where people can come and
receive individualized help with learning JavaScript in whatever way best
serves them. We can pair program on a new project, fix a bug together, talk
about different aspects of the language or its associated
libraries/frameworks, or whatever else.
Your host is Charles Hughes. I have been a full time JS developer in the
bay area for over eight years. I have expertise in many JS technologies
including React, Redux, Angular, Node, Ramda, Apollo, D3, TypeScript, and
more. I am a white, assigned male at birth, non-binary person with class
privilege. I welcome and encourage people to call me in.
Javascript Thursdays strives to be a welcoming, inclusive, anti-racist
space for people of all races, genders, orientations, and abilities. The
safety of marginalized people will be prioritized.
Remember that Omni Commons and Sudoroom policy is presently that
(if you want to eat something you should go outside)
if you get to the door (at the corner of 48th and shattuck) and you can't
in, call me or someone else who's there to let you in! We don’t always hear
the doorbell. Email me if you don't have my phone number. Actually a great
way to get our attention is to join the
video chat link at the end of this email!
To keep up to date with sudoroom, join the mailinglist!
donate to sudoroom monthly by signing up here:
If you want to make a one-time donation:
Join us virtually here:
There is a TV with a camera in Sudoroom that will turn on automatically
when you join!
Hope to see you there! ~Charles