FYI, there are tons of flies, I’ve killed about 50, there were a bunch in the hall bathroom and under the blue table at the back west wall, and they are still coming. Does anyone have any extra fly swatters that they could bring? or more of those electric ones?
Hi, I haven't been to the space yet but I thought Software Hack Night would
be a good opportunity to visit. So I was wondering if anyone was planning
on going this week? But more importantly, what day is the event?
It says 4/25, but I noticed it's actually scheduled for midnight. Is it
actually planned for Wed night / Thurs morning? Is it kinda for people who
hang around after the Wednesday party?
Hello Folks,
Does anyone know where (locally) could I buy four Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
with aluminum or transparente plastic case, heat sink, fan, and DC Power
I would like to buy them tomorrow or Thursday the latest, if possible.
Signal: 415.336.9143
I did not have an address for Sudo-mesh so I hope someone on this list
can get this message to them,
I work with Food Not Bombs and have a long relationship with people at a big
curbside community on Wood St. They have asked if thee is some way
that they could get internet service at their community. I am also part of a
support group for that community that could pay material or other costs.
Hope this is an operable ask.
joe liesner
Could we please restart the discussion to remove at least one, or both
vending machines that have been taking up an inordinate amount of space for
the past ~4 years?
Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thank you for stewarding the commons.
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons
------------------------ Pledge Summary --------------------------
Invoice # : 1756
Invoice Date: 05/01/2019
Due Date: 05/25/2019
Terms: Net 25
Amount Due: $10,000.00
The complete version has been provided as an attachment to this email.
Hey Omni,
Today, one of Omni’s neighbor’s put in a complaint through (city complaint system) for the trailer on 48th street in front of the side door. The public report can be read at:
seeclickfix allows registered users to communicate together. The complaint can probably be safely ignored for both issues, but this would probably be a good opportunity to work with one of Omni’s neighbors and keep issues with neighbors direct without involving the city. Which collective own’s the trailer? Maybe the graffiti on the trailer can be fixed?
Does anyone know where to obtain a raspberry pi camera at short-ish notice?
Are there any in sudoroom? Are there any stores that carry them in stock?