I may have left a motor controller on the brown table tuesday night, if it
is black and has green connectors on it. If you see it please set it
aside for me / don't e-waste it. It is broken but I can fix it.
- - - -
Weblog: http://adammunich.com
With great power comes great responsibility.
Hi Folks,
It's about time for me to hit that old familiar dusty road back to Texas
on Friday. I know I haven't been around much in the past few years but
sudo room will always be a special pocket in space and time for me.
When we really needed it in our lives we created it and many have moved
on for various reasons, and many more have found it and provided the
needed forward momentum and evolution. I happened to walk by 2141
Broadway and took this pic of the old sudo room building which I
understand is soon off to rejoin the sands of time. I'll miss you all
and I know many of you I've already seen for the last time without
knowing it over the past year or so. I'll be back around occasionally
and Austin is always a great place to come visit. Just keep pushing
until then, alright? I'll try to do the same.
Is there anyone here who knows how to solder/replace keyswitches for
mechanical keyboards, and might be able to show me how to do it? One of the
switches in my Kinesis Advantage stopped working, and Kinesis sent me a
replacement switch which I need to install myself.
Last night I took the door to the Harry Potter closet off its hinges.
I started prying nails off the plywood on the other side as well. If
you had anything stored in there under the false illusion of security,
you might want to move it someplace else.
Should I have asked for consensus before doing this? I was high on
adrenaline last night and I'm feeling some remorse now. If people want
me to put it back I will.
But I do really want to open up that area by taking all the walls off
and clearing out the (mostly) junk. I think it's primarily a trap for
rats, dust, cobwebs, etc. I also want to replace the staircase with a
smaller one rotated 90° to free up space for a floor drain, sink
fixtures & countertop, and to make the upcoming flooring project less
complicated in that area.
Things that need secure storage could go in the server area, in
personal lockers, or Omni storage where appropriate. Eventually I'd
like us to build a 3-story pallet rack structure with a new common
storage area. :)
PS big thanks to Null, Ian and the friendly teenager whose name I
forgot, for clearing out the area under the staircase.
Hi, just thought I'd let people know that I won't be able to make it to the
space tonight. I'm still a little foggy on how membership works these days,
but I got the impression that people might discuss my membership
application at the space if I was there. Anyway, just wanted to say I'm
happy to join the community and let me know if there's anything I need to
Hi,'I left an oxygen concentrator behind Tuesday night and would like to
know the whereabouts so it may be returned.
Thank You,
Clark Sullivan
Reply for their contact info
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Date: Thu, May 2, 2019 at 12:42 PM
Subject: [sudo-info] sudo room laser cutter
To: info(a)sudoroom.org <info(a)sudoroom.org>
Hello! I asked some friends for recommendations on where to go to use
a laser cutter, and I was recommended Sudo Room. I'm curious about
what kind of laser cutter you have, and what I'd need to do in order
to use it.
The project I'm working on is an art project, a painting that I'm
translating into a piece with wooden inlays.
Hey Everyone!
The fire inspection was originally planned for Thursday 4/25. It has been rescheduled for Tuesday 4/23 (two days earlier). Monday will be the last day before the inspection.
If anyone needs help moving anything, I have my truck and I plan on being at Omni all day Today.
From: sudo-discuss <sudo-discuss-bounces(a)lists.sudoroom.org> on behalf of Laura Turiano <scylla(a)riseup.net>
Date: Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 4:46 PM
To: "discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org" <discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org>, Sudo room <sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org>, Counter Culture Labs Members <cclmembers(a)googlegroups.com>, anita de asis <maowunyo(a)gmail.com>, Asia || Phat Beets Produce <asia(a)phatbeetsproduce.org>, Liberated Lens <Liberated_Lens(a)lists.riseup.net>
Subject: [sudo-discuss] IMPORTANT: Annual fire inspection 4/25/19
Omni Commons' Annual Fire Inspection for this year is scheduled for Thursday, April 25th at 3pm. The Assistant Fire Chief will be training a new inspector - this gives even more reason to make sure we are up to Fire Code Standards before they arrive. Please take some time between now and then to clean and prepare before then. We should also schedule a work party on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday that week to get everything cleared and ready.
To prepare:
* All rooms must be unlocked or unlockable. Do we have a key to the CCL closets on the master keyring?
* Ballroom must be cleared of tables and chairs, mezzanine of stray books
* Extension cords disconnected and pathways clear
* All hallways cleared of stuff and at least 3' clearance in front of any electrical panels
* Any piles of stuff should be removed and cluttered areas organized, especially if flammable
* All storage areas cleaned up a bit and flammable materials put away (mesh in sudo; phat beets, Village, CCL in basement)
* Any easily flammable furniture that has appeared in the basement (couches in particular) needs to be removed. Couches are something the fire department told us to move out of the basement during our very first inspection
* It would be great to finally finish the door into the bocce court
I will be able to be at the building that day to go on the walkthrough but anyone else can join.
Thank you!
_______________________________________________ sudo-discuss mailing list sudo-discuss(a)lists.sudoroom.org https://sudoroom.org/lists/listinfo/sudo-discuss
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yardena Cohen <yardenack(a)gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 10:40 AM
Subject: PROPOSAL: condemn harassment
To: <consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
A few Omni members, including Julio and Lynn, have been targeted over
the past few months by anonymous online harassers who are subscribing
them to nazi and marxist mailing lists. It appears to be in response
to their emails to the consensus list, indicating that the harasser is
reading our consensus list. There is even some suspicion that this
person is an Omni member.
It's probably the same person or group who trolled our meeting notes
in February: https://omnicommons.org/pipermail/consensus/2019-February/001557.html
If anybody knows anything about this, please come forward with
information. In the meantime, I think it'd be best if the Omni
community could at least come to a consensus about condemning this
harassment. Even if it seems symbolic at best, it would be a step
towards healing and would send a clear signal to the harassers that
they will not succeed in dividing us.
Can we consent on this by Thursday? Thanks.