i am replying your message to the sudoroom-discuss list
On Wed, 10 Jan 2018, daevron wrote:
> Hey Jake!
> We were in touch last year about hardware hack night and I came out to a
> couple of gatherings at Sudo room.
> I was at the Omni today and swung by the space to ask about the laser
> cutter and had a few follow-up questions for you:
> Is there someone who offers facilitation in its use or is there some
> tutorial/guide I should read about it? Is there a sign-up sheet to use it
> or an ideal time this weekend/next week? Can it cut grip tape and how
> precise are the cuts?
> I have art organized into vector files.
> Thanks :)
> -d
'ello sudoers,
Omni's annual board meeting is next Thursday (the 18th). Any sudoers
interested in being a delegate and/or officer-in-training?
Robb and I have been interchangeably sudo's delegate for quite some time.
It essentially involves attending delegates meetings (1st & 3rd Thursdays
from 7-9pm) and relaying proposals to and from sudo room via the mailing
list and monthly meeting for consensus decision-making.
Nominating "officers-in-training" was Laura's suggestion. Current officers
are Lynn (president), Brian (treasurer) and myself (secretary). You'd work
with us to learn how to keep Omni running in the day-to-day. I can say from
personal experience that I've learned more over the course of the past
three years than I have in any of my academic degrees and jobs - and the
rewards of successfully hacking bureaucracy are especially sweet ^_^
Brian and I will be sending out a defined list of responsibilities this
Additionally, I have invited the Sin Fronteras cafe folks to tomorrow's
meeting-flavored party, but haven't heard back yet. Hoping one or more of
them can make it to answer any remaining questions and we can get to know
each other.
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
"Anything done for the first time unleashes a demon."
--Dave Sim, "Cerebus the Aardvark"
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Johny Radio <johnyradio(a)gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 10:45 PM
Subject: [dorkbotsf-blabber] A Thousand FREE Lithium Batteries For YOU
To: Dorkbot-Blabber <dorkbotsf-blabber(a)googlegroups.com>
Hi all
An energy company donated a hundred thousand barely-used lithium
nanophosphate cells to my nonprofit org.
We need places to store them!
These are industrial-grade A123 High Power Lithium Nanophosphate
ANR26650M1A cells. They are authentic, strong and safe.
They are 26650—same height as 18650’s, but fatter.
Battery specs below.
In exchange for storing a few boxes of batteries, we’ll gift you approx
one- to two-thousand cells, free.
You could build some power walls, power a bunch of bicycles and portable
LED projects, etc.
We need to move the cells within a week.
Each box is approx 4’ x 2’ x 2’.
If we deliver to you, plz store 9 boxes minimum (we’ll have to rent a
If you pickup, then fewer boxes is fine.
Gift to you will be approx 1/10th of the cells you store.
I founded a nonprofit org, to teach electronics to at-risk teens in SF. We
teach kids in the hood to solder, drill, assemble, and more.
Read about us in MakeZine and Burning Man Journal:
Like us on www.facebook.com/bayviewboom
Follow us on www.twitter.com/bayviewboom
501(c)3 Nonprofit umbrella: www.empowermentworks.org
Datasheet: http://e-motion.lt/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/
Safety spec: https://fmo.unl.edu/sds/lithiumionbattery.pdf
2.3Ah, 3.3V nominal each
Performance: 30C continuous discharge, 60C pulse
Recommended Charge: 3A to 3.6V CCCV, 45 min
Fast Charge: 10A to 3.6V CCCV, 15 min
Power: Over 3000W/kg and 5800W/L
Form factor: The cells are assembled in battery packs. Each pack contains
100 cells. These packs were used in an installation with strict
constraints, so they had to pull these packs from service at 75%-80%
capacity. In reality, most of the cells in each pack are in great
condition. You’ll want to break down the packs and pull the individual
Plz contact me ASAP by replying here, or at john(a)bayviewboom.org, or at
415-689-4335 <(415)%20689-4335>.
Johny Radio
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: johny radio <johnyradio(a)gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 6:33 PM
Subject: [dorkbotsf-blabber] Free batteries, no strings
To: Dorkbot-Blabber <dorkbotsf-blabber(a)googlegroups.com>
In San Leandro.
Re below
On Jan 7, 2018 6:32 PM, "johny radio" <johnyradio(a)gmail.com> wrote:
anyone who wants to come get whatever loose packs you can fit in your car,
for free no strings, hit me up asap at 415-689-4335 <(415)%20689-4335>.
Text is best. You'll need to pickup tonite or in the morning.
As you know, these are high grade rechargeables, NOT fakes. Last chance
96 cells/pack, 20 lbs
Johny Radio
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"dorkbotSF-blabber" group.
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Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/group/dorkbotsf-blabber.
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IT was fantastic! meeting the SUDO room last Tuesday. I hope this is not
too much detail
*** Please tell me how... the best way for me to get in there Monday to be
able to look over the sizes of the parts etc mostly bolts I will need to
complete the base hopefully Monday. Any suggestions on hardware mounting
cameras? We might need to mount/un-mount/align cameras for each session.
The original mounting brackets were replaced(at some point) with blocks of
wood with holes to accommodate various sizes and positions of cameras.
(Does the below or some version of it need a wiki page?)
1-2-18, The Sudo room collective et al with Dany from Noisebridge and
Jacques assembled SUDO's book scanner "base." See at diybookscanner.org
"Book Scanner Rigs" a basic diagram and list of hardware (w/out lights &
cams) - with lights & cams, could be called a "rig." I think the
distinction is important introducing people to the concept:
The base is essential for an operator to mount cameras (connected to a
computer), as she flips the pages of a book, running the "capture" software
because, the hundreds of images captured comprising the pages of a book
should be aligned (as much as possible) similarly in 3 dimensions - so that
"post-processing" software can determine what and where everything is to
automatically align, process, OCR etc and then create a digital book.
"After capture, you will have a folder full of images. Turning those images
into an eBook is called 'post-processing'. What steps this actually entails
depends on your needs. Some people want to compress things down as much as
possible and extract the text of the book using OCR. Others just want to
crop each image to the page and bind them into a PDF."
These two links provide images and discussion of this particular scanner.
Someone dubbed the model: Reese 1.0
(This diybookscanner.org/archivist is the "Reese 2.0" model named and sold
as "The Archivist". Very similar to the 1.0 probably.)
If you watch "BETA DIY Book Scanner Kit Demo and Walkthrough" (the Reese
:54 seconds in "A third thing..." he explains why the design looks the way
that it does - to allow for flipping the top half of the scanner to use a
different scanning technique for small mass market type paperbacks which
are bound tight - with tiny inner margins - which make them hard to scan on
most kinds of scanners. Dany and I put a couple of screws in to make sure
no one started flipping th the top because the glass platens are not
clipped down very tight.
bolt w/knob for attaching/adjusting 1 camera base
bungee chords
some other bits I will figure out Monday
power strip bolted down with 6-7 recepticles
To get pages brightly and evenly lit requires a particular kind of light
and other lighting etc to be blacked out. There should be a simple solution
for the lamp needed. I will post the question to the forum this week. I
can't get into reading through and examining all this:
My initial thought on blackout is curtains and curtain rods are unwiely and
I want to try making a simple heavy duty cardboard box spray painted flat
black on the inside
Resolution needed is one issue. Control is another. Storage/security and
availability are another.
Jake said "I can donate two identical Canon digital cameras to this
"The current camera recommendation is Canon PowerShot ELPH 160. These are
20MP cameras which work with Pi Scan
<http://github.com/Tenrec-Builders/pi-scan> and are still being
My thought at the moment is since different people have different goals
requiring different software, I want to have mine loaded on my own macbook
but am also interested in setting up a public computer for this.
cc'ing sudo & ccl membership lists on this thread. we hella need more folx
to help out with the building working group! we meet 1st & 3rd mondays, plz
join the building list if you're down to pitch in :)
On Jan 6, 2018 8:59 PM, "Ken Litchfield" <litchfield.ken(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Robb,
> I like the idea of having as big a door as possible as we often need to
> move rather large equipment thru there and even if it fits it's still a
> rather awkward location. Yes we could always remove the door for special
> transports so if it is installed in a way that makes it easy to relatively
> quickly take it off that would be a nice option to exercise. And no I'm not
> technically the proper person to advise about how that might be, just
> making the suggestion.
> It would be nice to go ahead and move the"EXIT" sign up anyway and maybe
> turn it diagonal in the corner just above the black electrical cables so it
> is visible from more of the room since currently from CCL the "EXIT" sign
> is just a green glow.
> And I'm not clear on what the vending machine story is. Would it be
> possible to actually make the vending machines into something practical to
> use like vending things and then move them to maybe the lobby where all
> collectives could partake. I think they have been there for about three
> years and talk of various projects has happened but actual vending or some
> sort of practical operating hasn't happened in three years. Occasionally
> they've been moved outward to clean behind and under them as they are a rat
> nest haven. If at least the one closest to the doorway were moved someplace
> else it wouldn't feel so cramped right at the exit pathway. If there were a
> large group or groups in CCL and SUDO at the same time and a fire or
> explosion or somesuch were to happen and folks were to panic in trying to
> run out, the vending machine next to the exit would be an unnecessary
> blockage.
> Thanks Ken
> On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 1:53 PM, robb <sf99er(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> Old door is 79 7/16" x 42"
>> New door is 83 3/8" x 36"
>> From doorjam to bottom of exit sign is 3 1/2"
>> From doorjam to bottom of electrical junction box on hall side is 5"
>> The easiest thing to do might be rehanging the old door.
>> The best might be moving the exit sign & junction box up a few inches &
>> getting a door at least as wide as the old one & taller so it's easier to
>> move big equip in/out.
>> _______________________________________________
>> building mailing list
>> building(a)lists.omnicommons.org
>> https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/building
> _______________________________________________
> building mailing list
> building(a)lists.omnicommons.org
> https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/building
Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thank you for stewarding the commons.
Love and solidarity,
Omni Commons
------------------------ Pledge Summary --------------------------
Invoice # : 1272
Invoice Date: 01/01/2018
Due Date: 01/25/2018
Terms: Net 25
Amount Due: $2,000.00
The complete version has been provided as an attachment to this email.
Hey sudoers!
LOLspace, otherwise known as Liberating Ourselves Locally
<https://oaklandmakerspace.wordpress.com/>, a POC-led makerspace in East
Oakland that started around the same time as sudo and is now a project of
the hella rad Peacock Rebellion <http://www.peacockrebellion.org>, recently
purchased their building in Fruitvale
<https://www.youcaring.com/thetenantsandthecommunity-773671> in tandem with
EastSide Arts Alliance, Sustaining Ourselves Locally (SOL, a QTPOC-led food
justice collective & garden), Cycles of Change bike shop worker coop,
and Shaolin
Life, a community temple and martial arts studio - as well as several
residential spaces on the second floor. This is a huge win and I'm so
They're having a celebration on the afternoon of January 28th, and I
thought it'd be rad if we could bring a gift on behalf of sudoroom :)
Some ideas I was considering:
* a sign or card drawn by the robot arm - and if card, signed by sudoers ^_^
* donating one of our sewing machines (they seem to be much more crafty
than sudo)
* donating a bunch of those phablets we got? or were they eee pcs?
* some sweet outdoor lighting rig to make the sidewalk space more inviting
and safe?
* a rooftop mesh node install! they're about a block from the houseless
encampment that the City gave to The Village to build their first village
of 2018 on. [this will happen, if they're down, regardless of a sudoroom
Anyone interested in collaborating on this?
Other ideas, inspiration, do-ocratic gift-making welcome and encouraged :)
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
-Hannah Arendt
"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
"Anything done for the first time unleashes a demon."
--Dave Sim, "Cerebus the Aardvark"