An email from Nov 2016, but forwarding it to the discuss list in case
someone would like to reply.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Guillermo Machado <gmachado(a)>
Date: Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 8:08 PM
Subject: [sudo-info] visit
To: info(a)
Hi there
I would like to have a phone chat with someone there if possible, regarding
a possible visit of a few students who are doing a project on smart cities.
These students are really curious, scholarship students from many different
countries.. 10 students in total, who would like to learn a little about
what you do at the Sudo room. We would be able to compensate a guide for
their time if this was possible.
Thanks for considering!
Info mailing list
Signal: 415.336.9143 <>
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- - - - - - - - - - - -
Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Does anyone have a truck I can borrow for an hour or two this afternoon?
Need to remove a bit more concrete debris and dirt from the Phat Beets
room, left over from our plumbing work for CCL.
Can repay you with two bags of unused concrete mix, if inetersted...
Interesting opportunity to write about experiences at sudo and ccl.
There's an ironic bit somewhere in all of this about needing a masters of
PhD in order to be a first author for some publication types but I haven't
looked at the details in depth.
--- emailing from a cell
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Gary McDowell" <garymcdow(a)>
Date: Jan 6, 2017 12:45 AM
Subject: Fwd: [OpenCon] CFP: Citizen Science and Citizen Labs - 31/01/2017
To: "manylabs-workspace" <manylabs-workspace(a)>
Hello all,
> I wanted to forward this open call for papers in English, Spanish or
> Portuguese on citizen science/citizen labs in case anyone might be
> interested:
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Iara Vidal <iaravidalps(a)>
> Date: Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 7:18 PM
> Subject: [OpenCon] CFP: Citizen Science and Citizen Labs - 31/01/2017
> To: OpenCon Discussion List <opencon-discussion-list(a)>
> Hey everybody,
> Brazilian OA journal "Liinc em Revista" is accepting submissions in
> Portuguese, Spanish and English for a dossier on "Citizen Science and
> Citizen Labs",
> organized by Guest Editors Henrique Parra (Unifesp, São Paulo), Mariano
> Fressoli (Cenit, Buenos Aires) and Antonio Lafuente (CSIC, Madri).
> Deadline is January 31st, just scroll this message to see the full call for
> papers in portuguese, spanish and english.
> Happy 2017!
> Iara Vidal
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> [pt] CHAMADA da Liinc em Revista: "Ciência Cidadã e Laboratórios Cidadãos"
> [es] LLAMADA DE ARTÍCULOS Liinc em Revista: “Ciencia ciudadana y
> laboratorios ciudadanos”
> [en] CALL FOR PAPERS Liinc em Revista: "Citizen Science and Citizen Labs"
> A Liinc em Revista está aberta à submissão de artigos, para avaliação às
> cegas por pares, para publicação no número 1, volume 13, de maio de
> 2017. Aceitam-se artigos originais em português, espanhol e inglês.
> Esse número conterá o dossiê “Ciência Cidadã e Laboratórios Cidadãos”,
> organizado pelos professores Henrique Parra (Unifesp, São Paulo),
> Mariano Fressoli (Cenit, Buenos Aires) e Antonio Lafuente (CSIC, Madri),
> cuja ementa é a que segue.
> Os estudos sociais em ciência e tecnologia têm observado, nos últimos
> anos, a emergência de uma multiplicidade de práticas e espaços
> alternativos de produção de conhecimento, recompondo as fronteiras e as
> identidades entre cientistas experts e público engajado, entre o
> laboratório científico e o laboratório cidadão. Inspiradas nas vertentes
> mais críticas da pesquisa "selvagem" e colaborativa, da ciência aberta
> ou cidadã, e num diálogo tenso com as dinâmicas do governo biopolítico e
> da mercantilização do conhecimento, surgem atores cognitivos e políticos
> cujas práticas interessa-nos investigar.
> As contribuições ao dossiê poderão incluir temas como:
> *Ciência aberta, ciência cidadã e ciência comum
> *Ciência e produção do comum
> *Comunidades de práticas, comunidades epistêmicas e contra-expertise
> *Laboratórios cidadãos e experimentação política
> *Fablabs, hackerspaces, movimento maker
> *Ciência aberta e movimentos de inovação “na base” (grassroots
> innovation movements)
> *Produção de conhecimento científico contra-hegemônico e apropriação
> tecnológica
> *Protocolos, infraestruturas, tecnologias e modos de organização
> para a produção aberta e colaborativa de conhecimentos.
> O dossiê incluirá também uma seção com relatos de experiências
> inovadoras nos temas propostos.
> Nos artigos, o primeiro autor deverá ter preferencialmente titulação
> acadêmica de Doutor e não poderá ter titulação inferior à de Mestre. Nos
> relatos de experiências inovadoras não há titulação mínima. Demais
> regras para submissão encontram-se em
> submissions#authorGuidelines
> Além do dossiê, a Revista está aberta à submissão de artigos e resenhas
> sobre outros temas em seu escopo de reflexão, conforme suas normas.
> Prazo de submissão: DE 15 DE SETEMBRO DE 2016 ATÉ 31 DE JANEIRO DE 2017,
> pelo endereço
> ------------------
> [es] LLAMADA DE ARTÍCULOS Liinc em Revista: “Ciencia ciudadana y
> laboratorios ciudadanos”
> Dicho número contará con un dossier sobre “Ciencia ciudadana y
> laboratorios ciudadanos”, organizado por los profesores Henrique Parra
> (Unifesp), Mariano Fressoli (Cenit, Buenos Aires) y Antonio Lafuente
> (CSIC, Madrid).
> En los últimos años, los estudios sociales de la ciencia y la tecnología
> permiten observar la emergencia de una multiplicidad de prácticas y
> espacios alternativos de producción de conocimiento. Estos espacios
> redefinen las fronteras e identidades entre científicos expertos y
> público comprometido, y entre el laboratorio científico y el laboratorio
> ciudadano. Inspiradas en las vertientes más críticas de la investigación
> “salvaje” y colaborativa, de la ciencia abierta y/o ciudadana, y en un
> dialogo tenso con las dinámicas de gobierno biopolítico y de la
> mercantilización del conocimiento, surgen actores cognitivos y políticos
> cuyas prácticas interesa investigar.
> Las contribuciones podrán incluir los siguientes temas:
> *Ciencia abierta, ciencia ciudadana y ciencia común
> *Ciencia y producción de los comunes
> *Comunidades de prácticas, comunidades epistémicas y experticias
> alternativas
> *Laboratorios ciudadanos y experimentación política
> *Fablabs, hackerspaces y movimientos maker
> *Ciencia abierta y movimientos de innovación de base (grassroots
> innovation movements)
> *Producción de conocimiento científico contra-hegemónico y
> apropiación tecnológica
> *Protocolos, infraestructuras, tecnologías y modos de organización
> para la producción abierta y colaborativa de conocimientos
> El dossier incluirá también una sección de crónicas de experiencias
> innovadoras sobre los temas propuestos.
> Para la presentación de artículos, se requiere que el primer autor posea
> al menos título de doctor (preferencialmente) o maestría. Mientras que
> para la presentación de experiencias innovadoras no se requiere
> titulación mínima. Para información sobre el resto de las reglas de
> presentación de trabajos, por favor véase el siguiente link:
> submissions#authorGuidelines
> Además del dossier, la Liinc em Revista está abierta a la presentación
> de artículos y reseñas sobre otros temas en su espacio de reflexión, de
> acuerdo a sus normas editoriales.
> Plazo de presentación de los trabajos: 15 de septiembre de 2016 al 31 de
> enero de 2017, siguiendo las instrucciones en el siguiente link:
> ------------------------
> [en] CALL FOR PAPERS Liinc em Revista: "Citizen Science and Citizen Labs"
> Liinc em Revista is inviting submission of articles, subject to
> double-blind evaluation, for publication in Vol. 13, n. 1 (May 2017). We
> accept unpublished articles in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
> This issue will present a dossier on "Citizen Science and Citizen Labs",
> organized by Guest Editors Henrique Parra (Unifesp, São Paulo), Mariano
> Fressoli (Cenit, Buenos Aires) and Antonio Lafuente (CSIC, Madri),
> within the theme proposed below.
> Social studies of science and technology have observed in the last few
> years the emergence of multiple practices and alternative spaces of
> knowledge production, redesigning identities and frontiers between
> scientists and a concerned public, between the scientific laboratory and
> the citizen laboratory.
> Inspired by the more critical tendencies of collaborative science and
> research “in the wild”, of open or citizen science, and by a tense
> dialogue with the dynamics of biopolitical government and of
> commodification of knowledge, there are new cognitive and political
> actors whose practices we wish to investigate.
> *Contributions to this dossier may include topics such as:
> *Open science, citizen science and "common" science
> *Science and the production of the common
> *Communities of practice, epistemic communities, and counter-expertise
> *Citizen labs and political experimentation
> *Fablabs, hackerspaces, and the maker movement
> *Open science and grassroots innovation movements
> *Production of counter-hegemonic scientific knowledge and
> technological appropriation
> *Protocols, infrastructures, technologies and modes of organization
> for open and collaborative production of knowledge.
> The dossier will also include a section for texts recounting innovative
> experiences within these topics.
> First authors of the articles should have doctoral or master degrees.
> This rule does not apply to accounts of experiences. Other guidelines
> for authors can be found at:
> submissions#authorGuidelines
> Apart from the dossier, we also accept articles and reviews on other
> topics within the range of interest of Liinc em Revista.
> ----------------------------------
> --
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Dear Sudo Room,
Here's your invoice! We appreciate your prompt payment.
Thanks for stewarding the commons!
Omni Oakland
------------------------ Invoice Summary --------------------------
Invoice # : 1550
Invoice Date: 01/15/2017
Due Date: 01/25/2017
Terms: Net 10
Amount Due: $2,446.00
The complete version has been provided as an attachment to this email.
Hi all,
So sorry to spam all the lists..
After a month, I'm bumping this proposal up again for this Thursday's omni
delegates' meeting / GA, because it has become suddenly pressing in the
wake of the Ghostship fire.
I was really hoping member collectives might be able have had some
discussion about this and hopefully attned this thursday's meeting to
achieve quorum (and maybe even, pass the proposal? :)
The proposal is in essence the following:
1. Repurpose Omni's 'extra' 501c3 corporation we no longer need, which
originally was going to be wound down, to be used as a non-profit Land
Trust and resource specifically for DIY / community spaces (also for DIY
living spaces) currently in need of much support as they are presently
facing a wave of punitive code enforcement and eviction.
2. For this to happen, some logistical hoops have to be jumped through:
- Complete the disengagement of omni's finances of last year, from our old
501c3. Yes, I'm told this could take a while, but I'm optimistic :)
- Mild modifications to the old c3's statement of purpose, charitable
activities, bylaws (this being mostly low-level stuff.) Jesse, our lawyer,
has verified this should be possible.
3. After such a proposal was approved and the necessary logistical steps
taken, this land trust could then optionally become omni's land trust, at
the collective's choosing -- i.e., a Trust ensuring that the building stays
used for community use into the foreseeable future and follows its own
bylaws, founding document, statement of solidarity etc long after we are
all gone.
Personally I think this is very important to the long-term survival of
omni, but that particular aspect, of being Omni's land trust specifically,
is *not* part of the scope of this proposal at this time, as it would have
to be a later and more substantial proposal unto itself, encompassing many
logistical aspects.
So this proposal is just a proposed use for our old 501c3, for when we have
fully disengaged our finances from it and no longer need it.
4. In the immediate wake of Ghostship (note: which occurred after I made
the original proposal), members of the wider oakland community assembled to
help DIY spaces stave off eviction, code-related closures, and to commit
core fire life-safety improvements: The 'DIY Safety Group'. This group,
which I (among many) helped to assemble, currently raises donations for
such work, and this money is presently being stewarded by Omni as a
fiscally sponsored project to the tune of ~7% in fees (not atypical for a
sponsoring 501c3.)
The sooner Omni is able able to unmoor our 'extra' 501c3 corporation to use
as a land trust dedicated to helping and preserving DIY spaces like Omni,
the sooner that group can take on the accounting overhead, eliminate this
7% fee and rather use 100% of funds raised to help other critical community
spaces are currently being actively threatened.
Anyhow I am hoping the dire needs of the community at large in this time is
enough to get quorum Thursday and hopefully, consensus on the productive
use of this extra c3 per this proposal :)
If anyone has any questions or objections, please fire away :)
On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 8:19 AM, Kazoo Studios <lovekazoo(a)> wrote:
> Hey David!
> I like the way you're thinking, and the direction things are moving.
> Creating the land trust out of the former c3 seems prudent in terms of
> effort, money, and time. Also, making the building a community land trust
> feels like a ray of sunshine in the darkness of the next 4 years. We could
> be very useful in helping other spaces resist the rampant privatization
> that will likely follow in the near future.
> I'm out of the country for the next week so won't be able to comment more,
> but appreciate the creative thinking and resourcefulness of this plan.
> Thanks for all that you do,
> Kazoo
> Kazoo Studios
> <>
> On Dec 1, 2016, at 4:37 PM, David Keenan <dkeenan44(a)> wrote:
> Hi all,
> With the 'Omni1' > 'Omni2' switcheroo required by the building purchase
> arrangement currently in escrow, Omni's current 501c3 and EIN will no
> longer be used.
> *(More explicitly: In order to intake tax-free the large donation that
> makes the building purchase possible, Sudo Room's 501c3 corporation will be
> intaking that donation and renaming itself Omni Commons -- and
> subsequently, Sudo Room will become will become a fiscally-sponsored
> project of Omni. This in turn leaves us with Omni Oakland Commons' 501c3
> corporation basically no longer in use.)*
> Rather than let this incredibly-hard-earned 501c3 corporation lapse into
> disuse, my proposal is to repurpose our c3 corp into a Land Trust focusing
> on being a resource and trust for non-residential collective / radical
> spaces and commons's like Omni. Per our lawyer Jesse, doing so would also
> largely already be in line with the c3's existing stated charitable
> activities, and I believe, would require only minor changes to the existing
> corporate structure, bylaws etc.
> From the inception of Omni, a major goal was to partner with an existing
> Land Trust in order to provide a check/balance on Omni into the future,
> i.e. to ensure that Omni generally follows its bylaws and mission statement
> (founding document), and essentially *ensure that the building remain off
> the market and used as a community resource forever into the future*
> (prevent the building from being sold later on, for example) -- even after
> all of us volunteers have passed on to greener pastures.
> My initial thought is that this new Trust could potentially function in
> that role for Omni, as well as for any other non-residential collective
> work spaces that desired it, in one of the traditional land trust
> arrangements (land/improvements split, 99yr lease etc.)
> However, in terms of this proposal, the potential terms or complications
> of any Land Trust functioning as such for Omni *not* in the scope of this
> proposal.
> This proposal is simply to advocate repurposing this c3 to this end -- a
> Land Trust for collective / commoned / radical spaces focused on community
> organizing and related resources like Omni and in line with Omni's values.
> Another reason for the trust is that existing land trusts and foundations
> we met with (those with which we had a shared politics), focused primarily
> on co-housing -- not on 'commercial' spaces for working or organizing, let
> alone anything as novel as Omni's multi-tenant, inter-collective structure.
> It became clear that there is not a good local trust that had solid
> experience with radical spaces for community & collective work, who had
> principles and politics in line with our own. (This contrasts to the
> housing front, where there are a number of active land trusts and
> foundations that are already doing a great job with lots of experience to
> boot.)
> In any case, this trust would also function to centralize and disseminate
> as a resource what I feel is a bounty of experience, information, best
> practices, and connections built up under the course of Omni to aid in the
> development and support of other radical spaces centered on similar
> community organizing.
> What do people think?
> Best,
> David
> _______________________________________________
> consensus mailing list
> consensus(a)
Happy New Years Eve!
Are you sick of Windows 10 showing you ads on the start menu?
Get Linux!
(Or just come dance.)
Omni Ballroom
Bring a USB drive if you have one and want to do an install, though we
should have some available.
Hey privacy folks -
I recently got an Amazon Dash (Echo) and I'm messing around with Alexa.
While there are a lot of great things about it, and I'm having fun as a
developer creating, I'm interested to see what your perspective is for
mainstream people.
I saw this article on wired:
You can tease me if you want: I use Siri and I'm interested in Alexa, and
I'm sure many of you would never want to use these things.
But I'm interested in the advantages and disadvantages of stuff like Alexa
and Google Home. I'd love to hold a little workshop on it sometime, maybe
after a meeting in January.
Any opinions?
Romy Ilano
Hey matt,
I have a guest in town from Greece. We are doing the usual bike rental
thing from a cool bike shop.
But are there alternatives to for-profit bike rental in Oakland? Does your
collective rent bikes?
Can people rent bikes on a platform for something that's not part of a big
corporation or a start-up?
Romy Ilano
Has anyone played with Mikrotik Powerbox?
We just installed two, and they are AWESOME! We use them only as POE
switches, but it would be awesome to get OpenWrt working on them...
I'll look into that over the next few weeks...