Hi there Sudo Room,
The Hayward Techies are hosting this really awesome event called the STEAM Vault in Downtown Hayward this Thursday June 16th, 5:30 - 8:30 pm. It's in this grand old bank building. STEAM = Science, Tech, Engineering, Art & Multimedia.
We're using the space to show off makerspace projects such as LED displays, VR, robots from established tinkerers and artists while also inviting local education groups (Alameda County Office of Ed, Ohlone College of Graphic Design, CSU East Bay) to intermingle. It's meant to raise awareness for a potential build out of a community hackerspace in Hayward, and it also is an open atmosphere for discussing art and the teaching of STEM. Outside of the bank, there's going to be a lot going on at the street fair: lots of food, drinking, and live music.
You are invited to attend. (It's free!) And if you have any projects that you'd like to show, or would like to represent Sudo Room, we may still have some table space available. Let us know right away by emailing us at haywardtechies(a)gmail.com !
STEAM Vault - June 16th, 2016
5:30 - 8:30 PM
- Carl G
Greetings Sudo Web Craftians,
tldr: opportunity to make/finish a web-app for volunteer Doulas, doing
social good and making a small amount of cash at the same time.
I have been working with Spiral Doulas, an organization that mostly
provides abortion support to low-income individuals in Minneapolis, to
create a web-app that would manage their client interactions. Abortion
doula organizations have very special privacy needs for their clients, and
yet have no off the shelf technology at all to support them. The system
must match clients and doulas anonymously until both parties accept the
match, then swap contact information, and track results. In the spring,
working closely with organizers we created a UI prototype which you can
play with at http://doula.cs.umn.edu/client.html. The Spiral saw so much
potential in the prototype that they asked if we could complete it this
summer - which the old team can't. Would you like to help?
The goal is to polish the front-end, which is half-complete, and implement
the backend. We spent a lot of time prototyping the UX and running it
through user testing, so we know we have something useful on our hands. In
fact there are many volunteer doula organizations that have identical
needs, so there might be many instances of this system rolled out.
Which technologies to use? At the moment we have just written some
javascript and css (all open source). As for the backend we were planning
to use mysql and django, but don't consider the backend technology to be a
deal breaker, you could make your choice. The old team would be glad to
jump back in and help with development and support starting in the fall.
The compensation right now is not finalized. Spiral have indicated that
they have some money for summer development. This a small team with
non-profit funding of only a few thousand dollars per year, so calibrate
expectations accordingly. You'll also receive the satisfaction of writing a
program that people will actually use, and use to make a positive change in
the world.
Email me max(a)notconfusing.com to find out more.
Make a great day,
Max Klein ‽ http://notconfusing.com/
Last night Diana was safe-space-banned for physical violence against a
member. This is after using the Omni as their living room for months,
playing WoW all day and night and contributing nothing back.
Sand was previously banned for repeated sleeping and lying about it, in
case you missed that.
Here's the wiki entry with a photo of Diana (did not get one of Sand):
Up for consensus at the next Omni Delegates Meeting (June 16th).
Please weigh in by the 15th with any questions, concerns, feedback!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laura Turiano <scylla(a)riseup.net>
Date: Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 1:22 PM
Subject: [omni-consensus] Proposal for GCS/YES to become member collective
To: "consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org" <consensus(a)lists.omnicommons.org>, "
discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org" <discuss(a)lists.omnicommons.org>
Cc: ALmaz <ahana75(a)gmail.com>
Application from Global Communication Services/YES Program to become a
member collective of the Omni Commons
1. Mission statement
What do you do?
The mission of Global Communication Services (GCS) is to provide community
service for individuals, families, and community groups toward health
consulting, health benefits, cultural exchange and immigrate support here
in United States and international.
The mission of Youth Empowerment Services (YES) is to advance and support
children, youth, and family on academic breakthroughs in life development,
job placement and other activities focusing and envisioning a community
where all young people have the opportunities and access to programs
without restriction of race, cultural difference or socioeconomic status.
What happens in the world because you exist?
Our program serves the community by tutoring/mentoring and providing
educational workshops. We also teach cultural art history, and different
languages through workshops and events. Our services encompass problem
solving approaches based on education and tapping into the cultural
strengths and living experiences of African immigrants and Black African
American youth and families. We help to uncover the individuals hidden
talents and strengths which leads to healthy self esteem, individual and
group self-reliance. Our program is open to all ethnic groups who choose to
excel and claim their genius!
2. Origin and group history
How did you start?
Originally, Global Communication Services (GCS) was established in 2012 as
my (Almaz’s) consulting business to provide community service for
individuals, families, and community groups toward health consulting,
health benefits, immigrate support. Which included language interpreting
and translating services. I had people working with me doing the same
thing. As a part of GCS we taught cultural literacy for African immigrant
youth, like cultural dance, language; as well as sports and hiking and
camping trip to Yosemite National Park. After a long time personal
experience working with immigrant families and being one of the reader for
13 afterschool programs at the City of Oakland in 2013. I seen the main
problem children face especially around the low-income families and how new
immigrant dealt within the public school system. At the end of 2014 decided
to incorporate a few staff members to GCS and enhance the youth program,
YES, which will focus on youth academic and life development support.
How does your group make decisions?
Our group makes decision collectively by majority vote if necessary to
do so. So fare we don’t have any conflicts or misunderstanding, each staff
member contributes to the program cooperatively.
What have you done?
We have helped several youth with their academic work, job placement,
health and wellness training. We host community based cultural events and
workshops. We are a pioneer collective group with different cultural and
educational backgrounds. We work collectively with community groups
locally, nationally and internationally. Our staff meets at least once per
3. Participation in the Omni
Why are you interested in becoming a member? How does your group intend to
use the space? What are your needs?
Our mission and the objectives of the Omni are aligned. We both are
working diligently to improve and empower individuals and the community.
We also enjoy the location of the Omni. Hosting events at the Omni would be
of great value to our team.
Becoming a part of the ownership team is also a very exciting opportunity
for our organization.
We would like to be fiscally sponsored by the Omni.
How does your group intend to use the space?
We intend to use the space for workshops, classroom trainings, events,
rehearsals, and collective member meetings.
What are your needs?
Our need is to have space at the Omni as a member collective. We will use
the space to have locked storage, books, and a table for small class
meetings. We will also have larger events like fundraisers, health
trainings, or music and cultural programs that we would like to hold in the
larger common spaces.
4. Group finances and paying rent?
What does your group do to support itself financially? What is your best
plan for contributing your potential share of rent to the Omni?
Please include relevant financial statements, documentation of sufficient
income (e.g. balance sheet, bank statement profit & loss statement).
We have about $500 from the community fundraiser events and we are planning
to charge sliding scale admission for workshops, classroom trainings, and
other large music events. We have been invited to apply for several
government and private grants. Our anticipated largest funding source for
our youth project will be coming from grants and monthly member donations.
We propose to pay $100 a month in rent plus utilities for the first
three-months until we receive grants to support our program. After the
first three months we will pay $200 for rent plus utilities and would like
to become the stewards of the blue classroom and have priority use of that
space. We do not plan to charge youth or low-income families for our
services however, we do accept donations.
We do not currently have a bank account. As a fiscally sponsored project we
would open a sub account under the Omni’s bank account.
5. Dedicated space
If your group would like some dedicated space at the Omni, what square
footage and what features are you looking for? Which specific rooms do you
feel might be suitable?
We are proposing to steward and maintain the Blue classroom and keep a
locked storage cabinet there after our first three months of membership. We
would have priority for our youth classes and family consulting, and would
make the space available to other groups when we were not using it.
6. Other contributions to the Omni
This question should inspire some imagination. We are exploring
ideas to pay rent and purchase the building in the long-term. The basic
plan is for each group paying a share of rent. Potential plans include
groups sharing profit from their activities, producing Omni events, and
booking other events. What is the best-case scenario for using the Omni
space to further support your group?
One of the ways that we may be able to generate funds is by hosting
monthly events. At first this income may be slow yet if we continue we
will look to attract sponsors and also grow our attendance of our events.
We also plan to produce mutually beneficial community programs for the
Omni that would entail youth related film screenings, concerts & workshops…
We can help the Omni by participating on the working groups. Almaz has
been volunteering with the Commons working group for about 2 months.
We hope that this project will greatly expand the scope of the
Omni’s community and increase its visibility. There is a chance that
funders and donors introduced to the Omni through our Program would
financially support the project of the Omni. We plan to bring more African
and African American community members and others who would increase the
diversity of the Omni’s community in many ways, including inviting
programming for and by community groups who represent our neighborhood and
Wanda Sabir of KPFA and Sophie of KPOO are also media supporters of
YES. We can mention the Omni on our radio broadcast and other media
7. Additional information?
Is there any other information that you think would be useful for us to
know about your group?
Our collective will have diverse group members, artists, business
owners, educators, musicians, authors, which all those who organize and
those who participate are all considered collective members. Will also have
volunteers temporary member participates from deferent community groups,
which include college/university students and community educators. All
participates in our program would not necessarily be considered members
unless they show constant involvement at YES program.
Introduce your key collective members here
Almaz Yihdego Founder and program coordinator/Tigrinya/Amharic teacher.
Noura Hassaini Child Development English/French/ and Arabic teacher
Lawrence Brisco Business development, entrepreneurship trainer through
creative gardening and landscape design.
Daniel Williams Swahili and mathematics teacher
Akanke Adesokan Holistic health and culturally relevant
Responsive holistic empowering counselor and performing artist
Eden Mana health and wellness, health eating habits and nutrition counselor
Fiyory Melake chemistry and biology teacher
Mical Free art and graphic-design teacher
Baba Kala Music and cultural history teacher
Far I Shields musician, artist and author for global transformation
Melvin Cowan program fund and resource advisor
Yoel Haile student academic resource and job placement coordinator
Thank you,
Almaz Yihdego
consensus mailing list
Weekly Omni Delegates' Meeting - 2 June 2016
[https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Event:2016/05/19_Delegates_Meeting Last
meeting's notes]
== Who's Here? ==
* Laura, Building Bloc
* Mary Ann, Chiapas
* Rachel, GWS
* Ken, CCL
* Robb, sudo
* Matt, sudo
* Jenny, sudo
* Kazoo, ABDC
* Quentin
* Marcus, various working groups
* Raines, preparing a big event July 9:Progress and Poverty ("Recession
Generation") - East Bay Cohousing http://www.RecessionGeneration.com/
* Judith, FNB
* Betsy, presentation on the commons (and East Bay Cohousing/Cohousing
* Steve, BAPS delegate
* Mary, CCL
* Joe - Food not Bombs
* Liz, Liberated Lens remote
* Jabari - Liberated Lens
* Angel - LL
=== Meeting Roles ===
* Facilitator/s: Laura
* Explanation of hand signals: "deaf applause", "raised hand", "point of
process", "direct response"(wildcard), etc.
* Stacktaker: Judith
* Timekeeper: Kazoo
* Notetaker/s: Jenny, Raines, Matt
** URL of this pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/omninom
* Vibe Reader:
* Next meeting's facilitator(s):
=== Delegates ===
* BAPS: Steve
* BH: inactive
* CCL: Ken
* CSC: Mary Ann
* FNB: Joe
* GWS: Rachel
* HNJ: inactive
* LL: Liz remote, haaaiii
* Sudo: Jenny
* TIL: inactive
* Quorum: Yes (7/7 active)
=== Introductions ===
Introduce yourself: Name; Preferred Pronoun; Affiliation
* See above
== Announcements ==
* Matt: Here are plums from my backyard
* Raines: Love Our Neighborhood day in northwest Oakland in Emeryville,
inviting Omni Commons folks to participate with East Bay Cohousing
presence: http://oaklavia.org/love-our-neighborhood-day-2016-press-release
* Betsy: June 12th Temescal Street Fair, noon to 6, BonfireMakers play on
gentrification in the ballroom that day
* Juneteenth in Berkeley, 6/19 http://www.berkeleyjuneteenth.org/
* Matt - went to oakland planning commission meeting about Nautilus
development at 51st and Telegraph; commented that only 8.4% (17 / 204) of
the planned units will be offered at below market rate, the commission
ignored my comment to increase the number of these units, project approved
* robb - today demolition started of the book store on 47th & telegraph. i
got video
** Matt - they did rat abatement
* Judith - Informal memorial circle for Matt Dodt in Disco Room on Monday
at 7pm
* Ken - David Keenan and Niki are having a wedding reception this saturday.
it's a private event.
** Jenny: Help out with cleaning up the building tomorrow and Sat, work
== Bans ==
* Joe - Marc found Sand sleeping again after many warnings and told him not
to come back.
** Also there was a confrontation last week involving Babs and Ranette.
Ranette is not permitted in the building.
* Judith - Ranette threatened Judith after that as well. Followed Judition
in to the building, made phyiscal contact with her. Threatened to slap her.
Juditon consideriing restraining order.
* Steve - Lots of incidents like this, propose a think tank for long-term
strategies, space to discuss and work through these issues
* Robb - incident with Jackson. Mailman said he waas breakiing into our
mailbox. When informed he could not receive mail w/o "c/o a collective" he
became verbally threatening.
== Working Group Report-Backs ==
=== Building & permits ===
Meetings: Mondays at 8pm
* This group needs help; https://omnicommons.org/lists/listinfo/building
* Joe: Working on the wall and the electrical. Insulation is almost
finished, will take pictures of the insulation for the inspector
* Robb: Some A/V upgrades in the ballroom
=== Commons ===
Meetings: Second and Fourth Thursdays at 7pm
* Had a great Capoeira event last week
** And an awesome African dance & music event the Saturday prior, and a
lively Balkan dance & music event the night before that!
* Events this past month brought in about $2500
* Some new volunteers have joined, but we're also getting more event
requests. Definitely could always use more help!
=== Communications ===
* Jenny: Please send in updates for the June newsletter - would like to get
it out by the 10th! send to comms at omnicommons dot org
=== Finance ===
Meetings: Every other Thursday at 6pm
* Paid the rent today!
* Had to borrow another $5K from a community member to make rent for this
month :(
=== Buy the Building ===
Meetings: Mondays at 6:00pm
* Jenny: Our 1023 (nonprofit) application is almost ready to go! This
mostly dovetails with Finance currently - next steps are taxes, then loan
applications to buy the building. Lots to do - we could use more heads in
the game!
=== Proposal: Room switcheroo (Liberated Lens and Phat Beets) ===
Discussion from last meeting]
* Angel: We've been ready to move, can't really work up there cuz of the
heat. All ready to start cleaning up and rearranging the space
* Max: Sorry our collective doesn't participate more in the Omni, barely
staying afloat. Want street access as we have elders who don't like going
up and down the stairs, and we have youth who are scared of the basement.
Approached by Liz re: the room switch, weren't going to propose it but were
invited to. Carry a lot of stuff up and down the stairs. People often won't
come to work here because they don't like the office space, though I don't
mind it, thrive in these conditions.
* Matt: [can't transcribe ...]
* Rachel: Don't see a conflict so long as all groups can pay the rent
* Jabari: Worried that the price was too high (what Phat Beets is paying
for that room)
* Angel: I think we can do it, everyone else is working to step it up
* Confusion about what LibLens proposed to pay for that room $150
* Liz: This is a simple and logistically sound proposal. It requires no
special build-out to implement, doesn't raise permitting issues, and
greatly benefits two existing and very active collectives in the Omni. If
people won't accept the proposal because LL isn't offerring enough, then
please at least consider the room upgrade for Phat Beets. LL is actively
looking for new sources of income
* Joe: to Max: Can you keep your stuff contained in the room
** Max: Yes, we're getting rid of a lot of stuff
* Ken: I think someone suggested they start paying utilities
* Steve: Strongly in support of LibLens moving downstairs, so they can keep
Straw Poll:
* Jenny: Concerned about money, would like to see more of a committment
from folks to help raise funds as Omni is barely (actually not even) making
rent each month
* AngeL: We can definitely hustle a bit more, to bring
* Liz: Can we be given a reasonable amount of time to work up to $300/mo?
** Jenny: that would be dope
** Liz: We've been researching a lot of grants, and we're also beginning to
plan the FTP fest again, that brings in a good bit of cash, but takes 2
months to organize
* Ken: This proposal changes the dynamics of the basement in significant
* Jenny: My only concern is that we have the ability to rent out the room
by the back door (buried seeds) for $750-$1000 plus utilities, plus the
$750 from Phat Beets with them in the basement.
** Maybe there's some way to ensure that there is some dedication in the
proposal for raising the funds in the gap.
* Ken: LL is willing to make a video for raising money for kitchen in
basement, including a microbrewery. LL is willing to work in on the
* Robb: Suggest we move forward with the proposal as is, then review the
LibLens $$ contribution in a few weeks.
* Laura: Amendment to proposal to review the $$ contribution three meetings
from now, July (third thursday)
* Proposal:
** Phat Beets $750 / mo (former buried seeds)
** Liberated Lens $150/mo basement (former phat beets)
* In Favor: Joe (FNB), Steve (BAPS), Mary Ann (CSC), Rachel (GWS), Ken
(CCL), Liz (LibLens)
* Abstain: Jenny (sudo)
Proposal passes :) <<<333
== Proposal: ABDC ==
>From Kazoo email to consensus May 19:
The basement won't work for us until there is adequate ventilation. We are
fine with using the space that was Buried Seeds if there is no way to make
the main hall work, though our preference is still to be in the main hall
to keep our operations more open and public. We unfortunately cannot pay
800$/month at this point. We would need to have 16 members to reach that
rent rate, and it may take us a couple of months to get there. Currently we
have 5 potential members ready to throw-down.
We propose to move in June 1st, and pay for the security deposit ($800),
and the first 3months rent (600$) 200$/mo for the first 3 months while we
build our collective and get enough people to support the regular 800$/mo
rent. We will begin paying full rent in September. So our proposed move in
cost will be $1400 on June 1st.
Please mention that our current space is 3 times the space of the Buried
Seeds room and we pay only 400$/mo including trash and utilities. We have
until January 2018 to be in the SF studio, so there is no rush for us to
move out. That said, we are excited to be at Omni, and would love to move
in by June 1st.
We would love to be fiscally sponsored by Omni. This would help us obtain
Bay Area Community Resource grants, and other local funding. What are the
details they need from us to make this happen?
Please let us know what options are on the table. It sounds like the best
situation for everyone's concerns is for us to go to the "Utility Room".
* Kazoo: We are super radical, we are really interested in being part of
the Omni because it is a radical structure. Currently we have 9 members in
our SF studio. The position here is that some of our members in Oakland,
and some folks who want to print with us need wheelchair-accessible space,
so the proposal came to the front hall or the Buried Seeds room. As soon as
they said sure, a bunch of other collectives said "Hey, we want that
space." It seems like at the moment there's no place for us to go. We could
be mobile -- things don't have to be set. Made a proposal for how we could
pack up our stuff really tightly in the front room.
* Matt: Clarification: It's not necessarily impossible to be in the
entrance hall, though there are zoning issues nothing is set in stone -
it's just going to take some work. No one's talking to the Health Dept yet,
for instance, and further discussions can be had w/ Planning & Zoning
* Jabari: Member of Liberated Lens - him/he pronouns, we're proposing to
move downstairs (1) we don't have a lot of room (2) we want more video
editing stations (3) we have a lot of sensitive equipment, trying to get
away from this heat, it can fry our equipment, (4) would be better to put
all of our stuff in one location. and (5) Phat Beets needs an upgrade
* Considered that Kazoo can move into the ticket booth.
* Robb: Great idea for two reasons - accessible and if you're modular, can
pack your stuff away and folks
* Kazoo: That room looks good. Desire dedicated space, wouldn't be
available for other folks to meet in there because we have a darkroom and
need storage space. Unless we could build a darkroom outside of the room
** Robb: Any impeding on ballroom space could reduce our capacity, and
there's nowhere else to store our chairs
* We're not too picky about the particulars, just want to be able to start
silkscreening in here.
* Judith: I believe there are probably grants available for us to be able
to make more wheelchair-accessible spaces. Anyone know about that? (No)
* Joe: We were planning on adding a new closet over by the SW corner of the
ballroom floor. We canned that idea before, but we could do something like
that now. I think the chair storage problem can be solved.
* Our space is currently underutilized, but we have a couple of prospective
members in the east bay who want to create a business out of printing. It's
empty a lot of the time. However, this would be a different opportunity
here -- if you build it they will come.
* The equipment is about the size of a large table and a small table that
cannot be broken down, though they can be moved around. So if there was an
event, say an accessibility training, they could be moved out of that room
for the event
* Robb: Wanted to raise the possibility of dual use, having some activities
in the basement for those who aren't in a wheelchair
** Kazoo: That would still exclude the person in the wheelchair, we have
two people in wheelchairs interested in joining the coop
* Ken: You can be a paying member and have access, you can be a volunteer,
or you can be a part-time user ($15 for 3 hours). There are several
different levels of membership. Members who have 24-hour access, we can't
really share that, right?
** Kazoo: Correct, we'd have to communicate about using that room.
* Steve: Think your project is terrific. [I am terrible at transcribing
Steve, sorry] Even with all of your stuff in there there's still about as
much space as the Blue Classroom, which does get used. Other secondary uses
of the room still possible, especially if equipment can be temporarily
moved to the ballroom
* Laura: What do you think about times when there will be loud music and
events in the ballroom?
** Robb: Sometimes events need a green room for musicians and such... we
were thinking of using that room, but now Lib Lens is discussing cleaning
up space in the basement for that, and then musicians could have a
backstage entrance
* Matt: Next issue is that there's no accessible sink. Every proposal has
its hitches, that emerge each time we talk about this. When will this
god-awful nightmare end?
** Lots of back and forth about the sink issues, possibility to build out
plumbing, using the ADA bathroom and installing a large sink there for
washing out screens, etc
* Would like to have youth programs at some point in the future, when the
space is ready for it. Several coop members are youth educators
* Straw poll re: ticket booth room: Most in favor, some not sure, none
* Ken: Could you one more time write a formal proposal for using the ticket
booth room
* Kazoo: could have two or three people in wheelchairs if we had our stuff
in the room. If we can build the darkroom outside of the room
* Laura: thanks Kazoo for her patience through this process. this is the
real work of learning to live together, meet each others needs.
* Mary Ann: Once we buy the building this will all change, we can get
funding to make the building more accessible
==Application from Global Communication Services/YES Program to become a
member collective of the Omni Commons==
Proposed by Almaz Yihdego, 6/2/16
1. Mission statement
What do you do?
* The mission of Global Communication Services (GCS) is to provide
community service for individuals, families, and community groups toward
health consulting, health benefits, cultural exchange and immigrate support
here in United States and international.
* The mission of Youth Empowerment Services (YES) is to advance and support
children, youth, and family on academic breakthroughs in life development,
job placement and other activities focusing and envisioning a community
where all young people have the opportunities and access to programs
without restriction of race, cultural difference or socioeconomic status.
What happens in the world because you exist?
* Our program serves the community by tutoring/mentoring and providing
educational workshops. We also teach cultural art history, and different
languages through workshops and events. Our services encompass problem
solving approaches based on education and tapping into the cultural
strengths and living experiences of African immigrants and Black African
American youth and families. We help to uncover the individuals hidden
talents and strengths which leads to healthy self esteem, individual and
group self-reliance. Our program is open to all ethnic groups who choose to
excel and claim their genius!
2. Origin and group history
How did you start?
* Originally, Global Communication Services (GCS) was established in 2012
as my (Almaz’s) consulting business to provide community service for
individuals, families, and community groups toward health consulting,
health benefits, immigrate support. Which inculeds language interpreting
and translating services. I had people working with me doing the same
thing. As a part of GCS we taught cultural literacy for African immigrant
youth, like cultural dance, language; as well as sports and hiking and
camping trip to Yosemite National Park. After a long time personal
experience working with immigrant families and being one of the reader for
13 afterschool programs at the City of Oakland in 2013. I seen the main
problem children face especially around the low-income families and how new
immigrant dealt within the public school system. At the end of 2014 decided
to incorporate a few staff members to GCS and enhance the youth program,
YES, which will focus on youth academic and life development support.
How does your group make decisions?
* Our group makes decision collectively by majority vote if necessary to do
so. So far we don’t have any conflicts or misunderstanding, each staff
member contributes to the program cooperatively.
What have you done?
* We have helped several youth with their academic work, job placement,
health and wellness training. We host community based cultural events and
workshops. We are a pioneer collective group with different cultural and
educational backgrounds. We work collectively with community groups
locally, nationally and internationally. Our staff meets at least once per
3. Participation in the Omni - Why are you interested in becoming a member?
How does your group intend to use the space? What are your needs?
Our mission and the objectives of the Omni are aligned. We both are
working diligently to improve and empower individuals and the community.
We also enjoy the location of the Omni. Hosting events at the Omni would be
of great value to our team. Becoming a part of the ownership team is also a
very exciting opportunity for our organization. We would like to be
fiscally sponsored by the Omni.
How does your group intend to use the space?
* We intend to use the space for workshops, classroom trainings, events,
rehearsals, and collective member meetings.
What are your needs?
* Our need is to have space at the Omni as a member collective. We will use
the space to have locked storage, books, and a table for small class
meetings. We will also have larger events like fundraisers, health
trainings, or music and cultural programs that we would like to hold in the
larger common spaces.
4. Group finances and paying rent?
What does your group do to support itself financially? What is your best
plan for contributing your potential share of rent to the Omni? Please
include relevant financial statements, documentation of sufficient income
(e.g. balance sheet, bank statement profit & loss statement).
We have about $500 from the community fundraiser events and we are planning
to charge sliding scale admission for workshops, classroom trainings, and
other large music events. We have been invited to apply for several
government and private grants. Our anticipated largest funding source for
our youth project will be coming from grants and monthly member donations.
We propose to pay $100 a month in rent plus utilities for the first
three-months until we receive grants to support our program. After the
first three months we will pay $200 for rent plus utilities and would like
to become the stewards of the blue classroom and have priority use of that
space. We do not plan to charge youth or low-income families for our
services however, we do accept donations.
We do not currently have a bank account. As a fiscally sponsored project we
would open a sub account under the Omni’s bank account.
5. Dedicated space - If your group would like some dedicated space at the
Omni, what square footage and what features are you looking for? Which
specific rooms do you feel might be suitable?
We are proposing to steward and maintain the Blue classroom and keep a
locked storage cabinet there after our first three months of membership. We
would have priority for our youth classes and family consulting, and would
make the space available to other groups when we were not using it.
6. Other contributions to the Omni - This question should inspire some
imagination. We are exploring ideas to pay rent and purchase the building
in the long-term. The basic plan is for each group paying a share of rent.
Potential plans include groups sharing profit from their activities,
producing Omni events, and booking other events. What is the best-case
scenario for using the Omni space to further support your group?
* One of the ways that we may be able to generate funds is by hosting
monthly events. At first this income may be slow yet if we continue we
will look to attract sponsors and also grow our attendance of our events.
* We also plan to produce mutually beneficial community programs for the
Omni that would entail youth related film screenings, concerts & workshops…
* We can help the Omni by participating on the working groups. Almaz has
been volunteering with the Commons working group for about 2 months.
* We hope that this project will greatly expand the scope of the Omni’s
community and increase its visibility. There is a chance that funders and
donors introduced to the Omni through our Program would financially support
the project of the Omni. We plan to bring more African and African American
community members and others who would increase the diversity of the Omni’s
community in many ways, including inviting programming for and by community
groups who represent our neighborhood and community.
* Wanda Sabir of KPFA and Sophie of KPOO are also media supporters of YES.
We can mention the Omni on our radio broadcast and other media
7. Additional information?
Our collective will have diverse group members, artists, business owners,
educators, musicians, authors, which all those who organize and those who
participate are all considered collective members. Will also have
volunteers temporary member participates from deferent community groups,
which include college/university students and community educators. All
participates in our program would not necessarily be considered members
unless they show constant involvement at YES program.
Introduce your key collective members :
* Almaz Yihdego - Founder and program coordinator/Tigrinya/Amharic teacher.
* Noura Hassaini - Child Development English/French/ and Arabic teacher
* Lawrence Brisco - Business development, entrepreneurship trainer through
creative gardening and landscape design.
* Daniel Williams - Swahili and mathematics teacher
* Akanke Adesokan - Holistic health and culturally relevant responsive
holistic empowering counselor and performing artist
* Eden Mana - health and wellness, health eating habits and nutrition
* Fiyory Melake - chemistry and biology teacher
* Mical - Free art and graphic-design teacher
* Baba Kala - Music and cultural history teacher
* Far I Shields - musician, artist and author for global transformation
* Melvin Cowan - program fund and resource advisor
* Yoel Haile - student academic resource and job placement coordinator
== Discussion: Judith issue relevant to FNB & Omni ==
* Judith: Concerned about the security of the building - incident with
someone sleeping in the shower and becoming violent. Space does not feel
safe to me, very anxiety-provoking. Think the shower has to stay locked,
want to talk with FNB about it, part of the issue for me is the sleeping
ban - people wouldn't be sneaking off to little corners of the building if
it were acceptable to fall asleep in a chair here. Need to discuss it with
FNB, mostly women on the FNB list were in favor of locking the shower. Do
women feel safe here? Need to talk about it with the FNB collective, we
couldn't come to consensus on anything last night at our meeting
* Laura: Security comes up over and over again, we've tried lots of
things... shower has come up before but not what happened to you. Talk to
the users of the shower and come up with a proposal would be a good next
* Matt: Think it's worth spending 15 minutes on this now [folks agree]
* Ken: Just want to second your observations that women likely feel more
threatened ... feels threatening to anyone to kick people out at 2 or 3 in
the morning. Could charge for use of the shower and generate more income
for Omni (except of course those who contribute to Omni). Zero tolerance
policy on anyone making threats.
* Matt: Put up a camera at the front door so you can see who's on the other
side of the door without opening it (it's not recording). Get really fed up
with cleaning up after people who stay here who aren't members and are
irresponsible on top of it. For some reason we can't come to an agreement /
implement our policy that people have to be a collective member to enter
the building.
* Judith: Would like to have a donation can, if someone wants a shower
who's not a keyholder, the person lending the key ensures it's used
responsibly. Proposal to have 5-6 keys.. and one on a master keyring. Whole
access system has serious flaws, need to rethink what forms of rest from
our guests and volunteers are acceptable, encourage a healthier culture
around naps.
* Max: One thing about locking the bathroom, some people don't want others
to know that they're houseless... can be stigmatizing. Secondly, re:
violence, some people with mental health needs use their language really
loosely. Context is key, if someone's triggered and responds with violence,
often they're responding to a different kind of violence. If someone says
"I'm going to kill you," need to look at the context, what agitated them to
say that in the first place.
* Robb/Matt: Agitated about kicking people out, enforcing the non-member
** Member will say someone is their guest, but then they never leave,
that's one of the core issues
* Joe: I think we should have the showers open an hour or two a week, I
brought this up before and volunteered to steward it. Would be a great
service to provide.
* Matt: Two distinct issues with the shower. 1) currently a resource
provided for members and their guests... if member isn't present when a
guest is using the shower that's an issue
== Discussion: How do we communicate with our neighbors? ==
* Julio: Scuttlebutt mailing list: How is it used? Okay to delay
discussion to next meeting if run out of time and others don't want to
== Discussion: How to get the Communications Working Group Working ==
== Example Discussion Item ==
= End of Meeting =
* please archive these meeting notes by copying the entire pad contents
onto the omni wiki
* then please erase the contents of this pad
* then please cut & paste a blank template from here:
* previous notes are archived here: https://omnicommons.org/wiki/Meetings
I'm selling my Vectrix. It's not as fast as a Tesla but has an AC
drivetrain and it's battery can be upgraded more easily than a
My Zero, on the other hand, can go as fast as most Teslas. But it's
not for sale.
On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 1:07 PM, Jake <jake(a)spaz.org> wrote:
> i am selling my fastest computer.
> get it? because it's basically a giant computer with a huge battery... that
> can go 155 MPH (software limited)
> http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/cto/5620059008.html
> special offer to hackers interested in this car: if you have root access to
> any linux server, i'll set you up with root on the car, so you can literally
> do anything you want from in there. Imagine the possibilities!
> (the car has a cellular modem so it's online all the time from everywhere)
> ok, apologies for posting a "car for sale" on hackerlists, but it's really a
> hacker car so get over it.
> http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/innovation/tesla-model-s-desktop-computer-wheel…
> https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/3tbzop/what_type_of_computers…
> https://transportevolved.com/2014/04/08/owners-hack-tesla-model-s-electroni…
> _______________________________________________
> Noisebridge-discuss mailing list
> Noisebridge-discuss(a)lists.noisebridge.net
> https://www.noisebridge.net/mailman/listinfo/noisebridge-discuss
Best Regards.
This is unedited.
i found a digidesign 882 i/o audio interface on the sidewalk this weekend
w/o a power supply.
the specs for psu:
Input: 100-240 Vac
EING 50/60 Hz
1.0A Max
Output: +5Vdc/3.0A
36W Max
AC Adapter UP0403A-03P
can i just use an inverting op amp on a 5v 12v power supply & be done?
or is 3v too big a difference (15v may just be for balancing the analog
on the other hand, if anyone knows where to get a psu matching the above
specs, that would be stellar too!
this week, June 7th, I won't be able to make it to Hardware Hacking
Tuesday, because i'm going to Toorcamp.
If anyone else is available, please show up at Sudoroom and welcome
newcomers as best you can! try to help them with their projects and
introduce them to others (including people who are not present) who might
share their interests or have answers for them.
try to have a good time even though I won't be there.
IMPORTANT: Tuesday don't forget to vote for Bernie Sanders! This message
not endorsed by Sudoroom or The Omni.
If you are a "No Party Preference" voter, you can still vote in the
democratic primary, but you will have to specifically ask for a ballot
with those choices on it. If you start filling out the ballot without
those choices, you can still exchange it for the right one, they just
void the one you wrote on and give you a new one. Don't take no for an
answer, don't "mail it in" and don't be pacified with a "provisional
this saturady, there is an an occupation/vigil at people's park in honor of
our recently departed comrade, Midnight Matt, one of the Tree People and
long time member of Food Not Bombs.
if you have any large marine/car batteries or ways of generating power -
that we may use for the event - plz let me know